InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rin's Little Adventures ❯ Episode Six: Rin Gets Lost (Part One) ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

(I've decided this is going to be the last one of the episodes of Rin's Little Adventures and it will be split into two parts. My next project for this is going to be The Blunder Years. It will take place when Rin is in those terrible teenage years where nothing can go right. Since this is the last episode, I'm going to make it longer than all of the others.)


Episode Six: Rin Gets Lost (Part One)


A small barge floated carefully around the warm liquid of the River Bath as it sailed, carrying women and children aboard. Bubbles started to surround the ship. The women and children screamed as a monster emerged from the clear depth of the River, knocking it upside down.

"Roar!" Rin shouted, flipping her toy barge over in the bath water. "No! No! Help us! Save us!" she mimicked, making her voice very high pitched. "Don't eat us!" she said in a mock deep voice. "Rin will eat you because Rin is a youkai! ROAR!" she then splashed about, causing water to go everywhere. She looked around and knew she was going to be scolded for doing splashing and causing everything to be wet again. Without assistance from one of Sesshomaru-sama's servants, Rin hopped out of the hot spring and grabbed the humungous towel that was waiting for her.

Normally, she was supposed to ring the bell that Sesshomaru-sama had put in for her if she needed a servant to come and take her out of the hot spring, but she knew that if the servant saw what a watery mess she had made, they would tell Sesshomaru-sama. He would be cross. Rin didn't like it when her father figure was cross. It made her very upset.

Wrapped in her huge towel, with dripping wet hair, Rin stepped outside of the bathhouse and looked around. The castle was a fairly small distance away but she didn't want to go back just yet. Suddenly, a beautiful monarch butterfly caught her eye. Her dark eyes widened and she grinned, following it as it flew around. "Wait! Rin wants to catch you!" she called after the flitting creature as she ran into the woods to catch it. Well, as they like to say, curiosity killed the cat. In this case, curiosity lost the Rin.


After a while of chasing, Rin grew so tired that she lost sight of the butterfly and had to stop. Darkness surrounded her and she gasped, unable to move. It was too dark… She didn't like it… Tears started to stream down her cheeks as she slowly pried her foot forward, clutching her towel around herself. She took another slow, but frightened step and continued on, very very slowly.

"Sesshomaru-sama…" she called, hoping that in some way, shape or form, he would be able to hear her. He was after all a youkai and youkai were special. Poor Rin didn't know that she was out of the Inuyoukai's hearing range. She was miles away. "Rin is scared! Come find Rin!" she shouted again, sniffling and moaning as she stumbled along. She traveled a bit further but was so frightened that she sat at the base of a tree and hid beneath her large towel for solitude and protection.


Silvery-white puppy ears flicked to the west suddenly when a small cry was emitted from the depths of the forest. "Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, eying his tensed form. "What is it?"

"I can hear a kid crying," He replied, standing up.

"You can?" Sango questioned. "Should we go out and search?"

"Yeah. From the ways she sounds, she scared beyond all reason," the hanyou said and waited for Kagome and Shippo to hop onto his back. Miroku and Sango got aboard Kirara in her battle form.

"Sango and myself will go this way," Miroku stated as the fire neko they were using as transportation flew in the direction he instructed. Inuyasha broke off in a run through the forest, his ears hearing the sniffles and sobs coming closer as his nose picked up her scent. His eyes widened.

"It's the kid Sesshomaru took in," Inuyasha exclaimed. Shippo gasped.

"You mean Rin?" he asked. "Rin-chan is my friend! She could be in danger!"

"No, she's fine right now," Inuyasha informed him. "We just have to get to her," he finished gruffly as he went a bit faster until the small girl came into his vision. Kagome gasped and her hands pressed against his back telling him to stop. He complied and she jumped off his back, running to comfort the little girl.

"Rin-chan? Are you all right?" she asked softly, bringing out a large sweater from her bag to cover the whimpering, shivering child. Dark, blotchy eyes shot up as she almost retracted from the company who was paying so much attention to her until she got a good look at Inuyasha.

"You look like… Sesshomaru-sama…" she sniffled, her gaze going to the elder girl who was sitting by the adult hanyou's side. "P-pretty lady?"

Kagome smiled at the name the small girl had given her. They had only seen each other once before but it had been a brief glimpse. Sesshomaru had flown away too quickly calling for his dragon `pet' thing before she could introduce herself. "My name is Kagome, Rin-chan."

"Kagome-sama? Where is Rin? Rin got lost… and she is scared…" Rin whispered, a new flood of tears spilling over her freckled cheeks. Inuyasha stiffened, feeling uncomfortable watching a child cry like this.

"Oh, it's ok, sweetie," Kagome said soothingly, scooping the small girl up into her arms. As the teenage girl from the future cuddled and swooned to the young child, Inuyasha could bear no more of the tears and helplessness.

"Quit crying!" He said harshly, making both of the girls whirl to gape at him. Kagome's eyes were wide with surprise and irritation with his behavior.

"Inuyasha!" She exclaimed, her brows lowering dangerously over her eyes. She wanted to `sit' him good for yelling at a poor, defenseless girl like Rin. The small girl's lip started to quiver as she let out a few mumbling questions of why and that he was scaring her with the way he was talking.

"We'll take you back to Sesshomaru, ok? So no more of that," The hanyou sniffed arrogantly, standing up and striding away, his arms crossed in his sleeves. Kagome's expression softened as she realized, he was only trying to be helpful and wanted to keep his appearance of the tough guy.

"Wait here, Rin-chan," the elder girl whispered in Rin's ear, patting her on the shoulder as she stood and trekked after the hanyou. The conversation was muffled but the small girl could hear all of it.

"I don't like seeing little kids cry ok? Especially… little girls…" Inuyasha scoffed, seeing Kagome's expression soften as she let out a small giggle. "What're you laughin' at?"

"I just think that's cute, ok? Geesh! Don't get all testy!" Kagome fired in her defense, watching as the hanyou before her had a hissy fit from being called `cute.' "Ok, so we're going to take Rin back to Sesshomaru, correct? Then shouldn't we gather Miroku and Sango?" The high school girl asked, glancing over to see Shippo and Rin engaging in light conversation. The frightened glow that had been surrounding Rin's face had dissipated as she talked animatedly to the kitsune child.

"We don't need to wait for them. They're coming," Inuyasha stated, looking up to the tops of the trees in the forest, seeing the fire from Kirara's paws. The group reassembled, Kagome scooped Rin up into her arms, making sure that Shippo was nearby so she could have a playmate, and they went in search of the Western Lands to return Rin to the proud Taiyoukai.