InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Crash of the Party ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Seven: Crash of the Party

“What should I wear to the party tonight?” Kagome asked the girl that was reclining on her bed. “Sango?” she held up a black shirt with “I decide if you’re a moronic idiot or a idiotic moron” across the front in silver letters. Then she switched to a blue shirt with “Got a problem? Deal with it.” in yellow letters.

“If your wearing that black skirt and leg boots I suggest the black one. Or if you wear jeans then the blue.” Sango said browsing on the computer. “Hey who’s SilverInu17?” Sango asked.

“Online friend. Why?” Kagome asked as she pulled her other shirt off and pulled the blue one on. “There.”

“Oh just wondering. I was looking at his profile and I hacked into his favorite files. He seems to visit a Website called Demon Cave a lot.” Sango said pouring over this information.

“Oh he’s a member of the group called Demons.” Kagome said pinning her hair up in a clip.

“There’s three band members: InuYasha Takahashi, Miroku Hidaka and Koga Ikeda. They don’t have pictures up yet though.” Sango said as she closed the notebook computer.

“I wonder which one he is.” Kagome said more to herself than Sango. She tugged at her shirt.

“You look fine, let’s go before the band starts.” Sango said picking up her hot pink jacket.


InuYasha paced the small alley behind the stage, worry striking his heart. “What if I can’t perform? What if I miss a chord?” he said to himself. His silvery locks began turning black as the sun set. He sighed, “Miroku we don’t have to start for another half hour right?”

“Yeah why?” Miroku asked messing with his drums. Koga leaned against the stage idly tightening or loosening the strings of the guitar he held. InuYasha’s own was propped up against the stage still in its case.

“I want to explore. Tired of staying back here.” InuYasha said as he pulled his red shirt off and left the black tank top he had under it on. He tossed the shirt to the floor.

“Fine, be back soon.” Miroku said as he gave the drum a gentle tap with his finger, a frown crossed his face as he messed with it some more.

InuYasha walked to the back exit of the stage and left the building’s enclosed space. Even though he had lost his keen sense of smell, the forest’s pine smell still existed. InuYasha walked towards the middle of the courtyard in which the festivities were taking place. He turned to glance at the open stage before diving headlong into the mass of milling people. All around him people walked or ran booth to booth as they sampled food, played games or signed up for rallies and races. InuYasha went up to a stall and played a round of darts hitting all the stars in an exact circle surrounding a central dart.

“Hey you throw pretty good, but I can bet I can shoot a bow better than you can.” a voice said behind him. When he turned to protest the words caught in his throat. Ahead of him was the girl from the jeep!

“I wouldn’t doubt that but you couldn’t best me with a sword.” InuYasha said as he turned to claim his prize.

“What would you like sir?” the man in the booth asked pointing to the various stuffed animals hanging there.

“That one.” InuYasha said pointing to a large stuffed dog with silver fur and amber eyes. The man took it down and gave it to him. “Here you can have it,” he said handing the dog to the girl. The girl looked at him before taking it.

“Thank you. But I’d better go, my friend might hurt somebody.” she said before slipping off into the crowd. Around the edge of the courtyard somebody was lighting the torches creating an archaic feel. The ringing of InuYasha’s cell phone ruined it all.

“What?” InuYasha snapped.

“Where are you? Hurry up and get over here.” Miroku said before he hung up. Pushing his way past the crowds InuYasha ended up at the stage. He slipped through the back door to the enclosed prep room.

“Curtain goes up in five minutes.” Miroku said as he threw the red shirt at InuYasha. He pulled it on, grabbed his guitar from its case and ran up the stage to his place at the front. Miroku stood behind his drums and Koga with his guitar. The curtain began going up. “Ready?” Miroku asked as he hit a note on his drums. Both InuYasha and Koga nodded.

“Well I wanted you,

I wanted no one else,

I thought it through,

I got you to myself,

You got off

Every time got on to me,

I got caught up

In favorable slavery.  

InuYasha paused and watched the torches flame seem to get bigger he continued as the flames consumed the building.

Was it wrong? Was it wrong?

He sang along with Miroku and Koga. He saw the girl from earlier slip to the corner of the stage. The building continued to burn. He saw shadows running. He smelt death and decay as the shadow of two men fighting drew across the flickering flames.

I guess it wasn’t really right

I guess it wasn’t meant to be

It didn’t matter what they said

‘Cause we were good in bed

I guess I stuck around so I could

Watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

No, it didn’t matter what I tried

It’s just a little too hard to leave

When you’re going down on me

I guess I stuck around so I could

Watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons  

InuYasha watched as the people screamed and shouted his name. The fire grew as he continued to sing,

Well you know my friends

Well they know your enemies

I’d pretend

Not to hear what they said to me

‘Cause I got off

Every time you got on to me

Was it wrong?

To go along with insanity?  

InuYasha’s vision swam as he heard a women’s scream his voice broke as he continued,

Was it wrong? Was it wrong?

Glad Koga and Miroku covered it up, he continued swaying from dizziness.

I guess it wasn’t really right

I guess it wasn’t meant to be

It didn’t matter what they said

‘Cause we were good in bed

I guess I stuck around so I could

Watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons

No, it didn’t matter what I tried

It’s just a little too hard to leave

When you’re going down on me

I guess I stuck around so I could

Watch us fight

For all the wrong reasons    

InuYasha get out of here!” his father’s voice yelled from the hall as he carried his mother’s still form. “He’s here and he won’t stop at killing me!” InuYasha shielded his eyes a burst of flame blocked his path.

Miroku kept the drums going as InuYasha’s guitar slipped in his hands, the crowd gasped. Koga glanced at InuYasha who was unaware of the events around him. A girl with a blue shirt had climbed on stage. She turned toward the glassy eyed singer.

“Father, let me help you!” InuYasha screamed as he pushed past the fallen timber of the sea house. He ran towards his father’s figure. “I have to help you save her!” he said, grabbing a red-hot sword. He screamed in agony as he dropped it, leaving a burn mark deep within his flesh.

A fresh wave of smoke and heat clouded both his sense of smell and sight. The crackling of the fire was all he could hear. Then his father’s voice,

Miroku dropped the drumsticks as he ran toward the swaying hanyou. The girl had started running. Koga motioned for the curtain to fall. he set the guitar he held on the ground. And ran towards the hanyou.

InuYasha save yourself! There is nothing you can do for her son! You must run!” his father’s gruff voice came to him as he staggered blindly through the smoke looking for his mother. InuYasha began to lose his balance on the stage, his guitar hit the ground and saw the floor rushing up to hit him and heard screams as he hit the ground unconscious. Miroku had caught his friend’s guitar while the girl slid to a stop on her knees, InuYasha’s head landing into her lap. The curtain fell with a soft thud, enclosing them in an envelope of darkness.