InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Unintentional Harm ( Chapter 33 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 33: Unintentional Harm

“Higurashi Kagome please pay attention to the target. I know you’ve had a hard two weeks but please watch where you shoot the arrows.” her archery instructor ordered her.

“Yes sir.” Kagome sadly said remembering this morning.

***Flash Back***

“Is Miss Higurashi there? This is Sergeant Dijni from the 52 Precinct,” a male voice asked.

“This is her.” Kagome said her hopes skyrocketing.

“I’m sorry but the search has been canceled. We found no leads. I’m very sorry about your loss.” Dijni said.

“It’s not a loss unless he is proven dead!” Kagome cried into the phone.

“I have to take the guard off you since there is no harmful activities that would result in your harm. I was also notified you are under the protection of Takahashi Sesshomaru and the Gin Tanto Corporation. It seems like Mr. Takahashi owns that and his medical hospital.” Dijni said much to Kagome’s surprise.

“Oh. Okay is that all?” Kagome asked seriously wishing to end the conversation.

“Yes. Good luck and good bye.” he hung up and Kagome tossed the cell phone across the room.



She aimed the bow and shot her favorite arrow hoping that it would not miss. Instead of hitting the moving target it went straight into the woods behind it. Kagome mentally cursed as she looked at her teacher. “Can I collect my arrows now?” she asked holding up her empty quiver.

“You might as well since you missed all the targets.” her teacher said annoyed.

She nodded and ran into the forest before the next class begun. Out of 20 arrows she found 19. Her lucky and favorite was still somewhere in the dense woods. Glaring at the heavens she turned to go back when a faint noise caught her attention. She spun around to face whatever creature had emerged from the forest. A light brown dog, it’s fur matted with burs and mud limped it’s way to her. Gasping Kagome realized it was her arrow that had pierced the animal’s leg. “Stay boy. I’m going to get help,” she told the dog. She turned and ran to where her teacher was packing the targets up. “I accidentally shot a dog with my last arrow. It’s a large breed so I can lift him by myself. Please help me,” she begged him.

“Hurry show me the dog,” he said dropping the target as he followed her to the dog. Shocked Kagome wondered if the poor creature actually understood her. It was in the exact same spot when she had left. “Oh you got it good.”

“He’s going to help you boy.” Kagome told the dog as she stroked its head. The dog closed his eyes and whined. Her teacher lifted the animal up and cradled him in his arms.

“Okay, we’ll take him to Kaede. She’s the closest place that knows healing,” her teacher said naming her Miko instructor. Kagome nodded as she followed him to the golf cart he always drove. Luckily today they used large targets that they couldn’t lift so he had attached the trailer to carry them. He gently laid the large dog on the trailer bed and motioned for Kagome to sit next to it. “He might freak out in a moving vehicle so I want you to pet him and talk to him if he flips out.” Kagome nodded and got in the trailer next to the dog.

Rubbing the thick ruff of fur around his neck Kagome felt something like a scar. Curious she parted the fur and saw a thick scar that encircled the dog’s neck. “You’ve had a hard life hadn’t you boy?” Kagome softly said as she stroked the dog’s fur. The dog whined and nosed her with his cold nose. “I’m sorry I shot you. If I had been paying attention to archery other than what the police officer said this morning I would have never shot you. You see two weeks ago somebody took someone away from me, someone I dearly love. I may never see him again. Sango, that’s my best friend she tells me it’s okay to feel this way, just never let my hopes down. I don’t know why I’m talking to a stray dog, I guess I am losing my mind as Miroku tells me between groping me.” she told the dog and was surprised when it started growling. “Hush it’s okay he doesn’t mean anything by it. I guess he’s just a pervert at heart.” Kagome didn’t know why she was discussing things with the dog but it seemed to calm him. The blood that covered his leg was being soaked into his brown fur and turning it to a rusty color. Soon the cart stopped in front of a small building on the outskirts of the main school. Kagome instantly recognized Kaede’s office. She had gone here to be put in an advanced class of archery.

“Mistress Kaede! Mistress Kaede!” Kagome shouted as she banged on the door. Her teacher stood behind her holding the dog that watched everything with solemn eyes. The door opened and Kaede took one look at the dog and allowed them to come in.

“I take it during practice you were not focusing and an arrow flew off course and hit this dog?” Kaede asked as she led them to the back room of the office. “Don’t be surprised child. Before I taught here I was a vet. I took it upon myself to heal injured animals that the students accidentally or intentionally harmed. Set him on the table.” Kagome followed them into the back room where it was like a miniature veterinary hospital. The metal table in the center of the room was clean and sterile. Her teacher laid the dog on the table and stood back. “Thank you Tujki.” Kaede said as she hovered over the dog like a mother hen. “Okay.” she said to herself as she grabbed a pair of what looked like scissors. She took the things and cut the thin shaft of the arrow.

“Is that why you won’t let the students use the modern ones?” Kagome asked her teacher. He nodded.

“Just in case an animal is hit, or student,” he told her. Kagome turned and watched Kaede remove the arrow from the wound and pour some sort of liquid in it. What ever it was the dog never yelped or cried out in pain. He just trembled. Kagome looked at the dog with worry; after all she was the one who caused it.

“Kagome dear please stroke his head I have to stitch up this hole. It’ll hurt him because all my pain killers ran out yesterday.” Kaede asked as she held up a surgical needle and medical thread. Kagome nodded and walked up to the injured animal and stroked it’s fur. As Kaede stuck the needle close to the wound the dog didn’t flinch, bark or attack, he just laid there under Kagome’s hand. She took her other hand and rubbed the base of the ears, ‘something’ she thought with remorse, ‘InuYasha liked.’ the dog’s bunched up muscles relaxed as Kagome rubbed the ears.

“There. This dog is a strange one isn’t he?” Kaede said as she tied the thread and cut it.

“Yes I guess so.” Kagome replied.

“I’m going to call management and tell them that for your next training you have to care for a sick animal. This dog will be able to live with you until he heals. Then if you wish you can give him to the Dog Adoption Organization.” Kaede told her. “Take this dog home and give him water. When I have a chance I’ll bring by some wet food and pain killers.”

“Okay.” Kagome said as she stroked the dog’s head.

“You should name him if your going to keep him.” her teacher said noticing the look she was giving the dog.

“Hmm, I know Yuri. I always liked that name since I played Shadow Hearts. Yuri boy that’s your name you like it?” Yuri looked up at her and snorted. His thick bushy tail thumped on the table as he wagged it.