InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Revived today and dead tomorrow ( Chapter 36 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 36: Revived today and dead tomorrow

“One week.”

“What do you mean by one week?” Miroku asked from his couch. Since picking up his long lost best friend Miroku and his wife Sango had been up all night talking to their hanyou friend. Miroku’s eyes followed the pacing silver haired man as he replied.

“One week instead of a month. I can’t stand to be away from her any longer.” InuYasha said as he stopped in front of Miroku.

“You know she’s going to be pissed when she discovers that we all were involved with your scheming.” Sango said as she stumbled into the living room while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“I know. During the concert I will explain. It’s just I haven’t been able to talk to her or you two for 5 years. I’ve been able to smell her, see her and hear her cry out for me every night for the past five years. Do you really know how much it hurts to know you’re the person causing the one you love all the pain and suffering that causes them to cry out in their sleep? To know if I opened my mouth at all on the night of the new moon that I would be a dog forever?” InuYasha said sadly while sitting in a chair. He held his head in his hands.

“How are you going to talk to Koga? Sango’s brother? You can’t just walk around like you are now. You’d hit the headlines for sure. I mean you’ve been missing for five years. You were the most wanted guy. Record labels wanted you, bands wanted you, hell even all the chicks wanted you.” Miroku said with a grin at the end. Sango slapped the back of his head as she sat on the couch next to him.

“Koga’s son has a birthday party tomorrow. Your brother you can call him saying a band wants his talents. Miroku do you still have my necklace? The one with the fang on it? The one encased with silver?” InuYasha asked.

“Yeah let me go get it.” he stood and left the room heading towards the back bedrooms.

“I’m sorry InuYasha. I didn’t know what you went through.” Sango said looking at her hands.

“Did you know that she dies a little bit every day that I wasn’t there? It’s because she bonded to me somehow. You know like the mating mark. It must have been the day she ‘healed’ me. I overheard the story when she told it to Koga. She told him about my actions. Sango why didn’t you tell her what she did? Why did you leave her in the dark?” InuYasha asked standing.

“I knew but didn’t understand. I figured it wouldn’t be permanent until you mated with her. I didn’t know she used her Miko powers to bind herself to you. Miroku must have known.” Sango said as she sighed.

“Here it is!” Miroku said as he walked into the living room carrying a small and battered box in one hand. He handed it to InuYasha before sitting down next to his wife.

“Demons Revived.” InuYasha said as he opened the box.

“What?” Miroku and Sango asked at the same time.

“The band’s new name. Lead singer, Yuri Hashi.” InuYasha said as he pulled the silver chain over his head. Miroku and Sango both gasped as a short black haired man stood in front of them. “Got places to go, people to see and errands to run.” InuYasha said as he headed out the door, hoping that Sesshomaru pulled trough with his promise. Sure enough as he closed the door behind him his red mustang was parked outside in is full glory, just as he left it. “Thank you.” he said as he pulled the car door open for the first time in five years.


As she hung the 50th poster of Yuri Kagome was pushed in the back by a short man. “Sorry miss” he said as she fell into the street, the man ran on. People started screaming as a car rounded the corner and nearly hit if a pair of strong arms didn’t move her out of the way.

“Thank you.” Kagome managed to say over her racing heart. The stranger gave an oddly familiar smirk as he set her down. His violet eyes looked her up and down as he shrugged. He ran a hand through his short black hair and said in an oddly familiar voice, a voice only heard in her dreams any more. “Are you okay?”

“Inu…Yasha?” she asked in disbelief.

“Who?” he asked. For a moment his eyes flickered with recognition, but it slowly faded as Shippo rushed to his mom.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he held a stack of the posters.

“Yes.” Kagome said as she lifted the boy up. “I’m Kagome and this is my son, Shippo.”

“Yuri.” he said. “Well I’ll see you later, I have members to recruit. Do you by any chance know who these people are?” he asked as he pulled a list of people out of his pocket.

She read it over and her eyes widened. “These are everybody that was in InuYasha’s band. They’re all my friends.” she said as she handed the paper back.

“Then I can trust you right? I’m an undercover agent put on the Takahashi case. We found a lead. Are you free tomorrow night? You can bring him if you want. But I have a friend you might want to meet. Call these people and tell them that Yuri Hashi invited them.”

“Okay.” Kagome said her dull eyes instantly brightening. Yuri turned and left.

Shippo suddenly slipped out of her hold and ran after the stranger. Saying something they both turned towards her and Yuri continued to walk away. Shippo ran back and pointed to the car he got into. “That is a cool car, momma.”

“No it couldn’t be. He’s gone.” Kagome said as the Mustang pulled away from the curb.



“Dammit!” he growled as he banged his head on the steering wheel several times. He had almost blew it when she said his name. And that fox knew who he was immediately.

“Okay, calm down. She didn’t figure it out.” InuYasha said as he parked in front of a flower shop. He climbed out and walked into the store.

“How can I help you?” the store clerk asked.

“I want 2 dozen red and white roses delivered to this address. And I want Sorry to be printed inside with this.” he handed a strand of silver hair to him and the address.

“I can do that.” he said as he pulled a small card out and wrote sorry and put the hair in it. “I can deliver it today is that fine?”

“Yes.” InuYasha said as he pulled out the wallet that his brother put in his car.

**9:00 pm, Kagome**

“Goodnight Shippo.” Kagome said as she switched his light off.

“Night momma.” he said as he turned on his side.

Kagome walked into the kitchen and stared at the roses she had found on her doorstep. Inside the card was a single word, sorry and a strand of silver hair. She only knew two people with hat hair color. InuYasha and Sesshomaru.

She picked up her phone and dialed a familiar number. “May I speak to Miss Sato?”