InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Where did you get those? ( Chapter 37 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 37: Where did you get those?

“InuYasha, do you know how close you came to revealing yourself?” Miroku asked over the phone as InuYasha drove his car to Koga’s house.

“Yeah. You know if I didn’t intervene she would have died. Plus she knows me as Yuri Hashi. So I’m safe for know. Any way have you talked to Sango’s brother yet?” InuYasha asked as he pulled down a familiar street.

“Yeah, he said anything to make his ‘sister’ happy. You do know we all consider her our sister right?” Miroku asked as a sound of shuffling papers is heard.

“I know I was there as a dog. What are you doing?” InuYasha asked as he parked his car in front of the wolf’s house.

“Reading your lyrics and making the music sheets for them.” Miroku said.

“Okay, I’d better go I’m here. And by the looks of it so is she.” InuYasha said as he got out of the car.

“See ya later.” Miroku said and InuYasha said the same before hanging it up and stowing the cell phone in his suit pocket. He needed to look the part of an agent to convince Koga.

He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later a red haired woman answered the door. “How may I help you?” Ayame asked him.

“Yes is Koga here?” InuYasha asked her. “I’m Yuri Hashi a talent scout for a new band and I’m looking for a guitarist.”

“Yes he is follow me. I’m sorry but today’s our sons birthday and well there’s a lot of screaming kids.” she said as she lead him to the backyard. InuYasha’s concealed ears flattened themselves to his head as the banshee like screams of little kids assaulted him. InuYasha followed Ayame through the crowd of kids and to the very back of the large backyard to where Koga was sitting and talking to Kagome. InuYasha held down the growl remembering the fact that Koga was mated with Ayame and not Kagome. Fixing his clothes InuYasha strode up to him and offered him a hand ignoring the questioning look he received from Kagome. Ayame noticed two kids fighting and rushed off to stop them.

“Hello I’m Yuri Hashi. I was reassigned to the Takahashi case. If you wouldn’t mind may I have a private word with you?” InuYasha asked him. Koga took his hand cautiously and his eyes narrowed when he felt the claws on his hand.

“Sure. Kagome I’ll be back.” he said as he walked with InuYasha to a corner of the yard. “Okay you’re a hanyou. I can smell it and you know what you smell like….shit you can’t be him!” Koga growled suddenly.

“Calm down shit for brains. Me, Miroku and Kohaku are reforming the demons. I don’t want Kagome to know because I want to surprise her. Yes I know she’s going to be pissed. I mean she just lost her dog.” InuYasha said as he crossed his arms. He was aware of the eyes of his future mate as he shifted his weight.

“How’d you know Yuri went missing?” Koga asked them something seemed to click in his mind. “Shit you were the dog?” InuYasha nodded and smirked.

“Yeah. Are you in? if you are the performance is in a week.” InuYasha said. “And don’t play dumb I know you’re still in tune.”

“Sure if it’s for Kagome.” Koga said as he looked back at her and the orange haired little boy who just climbed into her lap. “And Shippo.”

“Agreed.” InuYasha said as he turned to leave. He walked into the house aware of the light footfalls behind him.

“Wait. You never told me where to meet you for dinner tonight.” Kagome said as she followed him into the house.

“Huh?” InuYasha asked, “Oh yeah um because we’ve been keeping close tabs on you I know where you live I’ll just pick you up. Just make sure the others are ready enough to follow me in my car.” InuYasha said as he walked out of the house leaving Kagome standing in the kitchen alone.

‘Damn! Nearly did it again.’ InuYasha thought as he walked to his car and got in. he pulled away from the house unaware of the murderous glare a pair of eyes had laid on the woman who had just left the house to follow InuYasha.


After singing happy birthday to Kashi, watching him open presents with the joy of a four year old Kagome finally managed to leave the party with Shippo asleep in the back seat. Sighing she wondered why that man seemed so familiar and why he wanted to talk to Koga alone about InuYasha. She pulled her jeep into the driveway of her house and woke Shippo up. The kit looked around groggily before yawning and getting out of the car with her. She unlocked her house and watched as Shippo ran into it and straight for his room. Chuckling to herself Kagome shut the door behind her and made her way to the kitchen and the phone it held.

She dialed Sango’s number and waited for her to pick up. “Sango? She asked the phone as somebody picked up.

“Kagome? Hi what’s up.” Sango said brightly.

“nothing much. Yesterday I met this man on the street who said he was an undercover detective looking for leads about InuYasha. He invited us all to dinner. You want to come?” Kagome asked her.

“Sorry Kagome, but Miroku and I are eating at my parents house tonight.” Sango said.

“Oh it’s okay.” Kagome said. “Well I have to get ready since it will be just Shippo and me.”

“Bye Kagome.” Sango said as she hung up. Kagome placed the phone back on the hook and wondered why everyone was busy tonight. First Koga and now Sango and Miroku. Sighing Kagome went to her room and pulled a pair of low rise boot cut jeans and a shirt with silver lettering on a red background. The shirt read the Demons and it was his. Keeping back tears Kagome pulled the clothes on before going to get Shippo ready. She brushed her hair and teeth and applied a light makeup like she normally did. Fixing her boots Kagome walked to Shippo’s room and smiled when he was wearing his best casual clothes and he was completely ready just like her.

“You look nice Shippo.” she said as she smiled.

“you look pretty momma.” Shippo said as he followed her out of his room and into the living room. Kagome noticed the door was slightly ajar and closed it.

“I could have sworn I shut it.” she said as she sat down on the couch to wait for Yuri.

*** InuYasha***

InuYasha felt something was wrong when he walked up to Kagome’s door. He couldn’t place it but when she answered the door and was unharmed he smiled. “You ready?” he asked her.

“Yes but the others couldn’t make it so it’s just me and Shippo.” Kagome said as she uncrossed her arms to reveal that the red shirt she was wearing was his from his band days before he went missing.

“Hmm. Okay well come on lets go.” he was glad she dressed casual because he had done so.

“Yuri? Where is the place we are going?” Kagome asked as she led Shippo out of the house and locked the door behind her. She dropped her keys in her small purse and looked at him with sad brown eyes. InuYasha’s yokai wanted to comfort her but he knew it would ruin the surprise and see would be pissed not at Yuri but at himself, his true self.

“This place I used to eat at all the time. You’ll like it I hope.” he said as he opened the car door for Shippo who gladly got in. Kagome followed and sat in the front. InuYasha went around the car before shutting Kagome’s door.

After a ten minute drive in silence except for the various comments Shippo threw at InuYasha about his car, they reached the place, a small restaurant called, A Feudal Age Eatery. Underneath the name it said, “where you eat what you want, the way you want and we don’t care.” the building looked like something out of a history book. The old layout of the building, as the got out of the car and wandered to the front door was apparent in not only the plaque that the company she worked for had placed there but in the ancient architecture. She turned to say so to Yuri when she noticed something red sticking out of his shirt. Without asking she pulled the object out and held it in her hands. Shaking she looked up at him and asked in a voice full of hurt, pain and sadness, “Where did you get this?” she asked as she let the beads fall back to his chest.

He looked at her with wide eyes and he was about to answer when a bolt of lightning threw them apart. Shippo began screaming something about don’t kill my new parent before she finally recognized the man who stood between her and Yuri. Shippo ran to hide behind her as Hiten grinned wickedly. “Thought you can hid forever? now that that hanyou is out of the picture I can do what ever I wish to you.” behind him Yuri slowly got up and his image flickered as he stood.