InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Fox Hanyou? ( Chapter 42 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Okay sorry for the mistake but Fox Tales is an original story not an InuYasha fanfic……I repeat I am sorry….


Chapter 42: Fox Hanyou?

Kagome groaned as she woke up and spotted a pair of fluffy white dog ears, ‘Yuri came back.’ her sleepy mind said as she rubbed the furry triangles. A deep growl sounded and it took Kagome a moment to figure out that Yuri was purring. Yawning she cuddled into the silver hair and jumped out of bed with a startled squeak. “InuYasha!”

“Huh?” he said as he clasped his ears to his head at the sudden noise. “What?” he asked looking around.

“What are you doing here! I thought you were Yuri!” Kagome paced the room and brought a hand to rub her neck as she figured out why he body hurt so much. InuYasha winced as she rubbed the slightly tender area and looked at him with murder in her eyes. “Did you bite me!” she growled already picking up some of his traits.

“Umm, yeah?” he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“You, you dog!” Kagome screeched as she stormed into the bathroom.

“And your point is?” he called from her room. Her eyes widened as she pulled her hair from her neck and revealed the 2 reversed crescent moons in an orange like color. She calmed herself as she saw her eye’s, once a chocolate brown color, were blue gray.

“What happened to me!” she growled as she pulled a hank of once black hair in front of her face to show the silvery blue color it now was.

“Either my yokai blood is extremely strong or somewhere in your past you have some sort of demon blood.” InuYasha said as he leaned against the door. “Though you still are beautiful. And you smell good.” he sniffed then his eyes widened, “You have fox blood in you!”

“Huh?” she said as she turned to face the red faced hanyou.

“You’re a freakin fox hanyou!” he started laughing. “No wonder Shippo attached to you so fast. You smell a lot like him.”

“Okay mister Laugh at my expense if I’m a hanyou where are my ears? And tail?” she asked with her hands on her hips.

“Your blood was sealed. Or is still sealed, after I marked you it broke somewhat…..hmmm…..Myoga I know you’re somewhere around here….stupid flea….” InuYasha said muttering as he crawled about Kagome’s room his nose on the ground. She laughed at his antics and turned back to the mirror. She felt a sharp pain in her cheek and she slapped at the offending bug.

“Nice to meet you….” the bug squeaked as he floated to the ground. “Umm InuYasha is this that flea?” Kagome asked as she poked it with her finger nails, nails which had grown longer and sharper.

“Yeah.” InuYasha said as he picked the flea up and held him in front of his golden gaze. “What did you taste, flea?”

“Her blood is indeed still sealed though it is leaking out a bit after you marked her last night.” Myoga said as his flattened shape filled out.

“You did what to me!” Kagome growled at InuYasha.

“Claimed you as mine?” InuYasha said backing up towards the wall from the angry miko that had a dangerous sizzling aura around her.

She leapt at him and sunk her elongated teeth into his shoulder and stuck her claws into his back. “Mine.” she said simply as she hopped off and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. InuYasha held his hand to the healed bite and stared in shock at the bathroom door.

“Oi wench! Get out here!” InuYasha growled.

**Fluffy conversation**

“Wait Miroku repeat what you just said.” Sesshomaru said into his office phone.

“InuYasha passed out on the floor, started to convulse, got up and demanded me to take and I quote, ‘You will take this InuYasha to her home now.’ he turned full again but this time his eyes stayed gold and his facial marks looked smoother.” Miroku said while stroking Sango’s sleeping head.

“He turned full demon? What happened to Kagome?” Sesshomaru asked.

“She was tweaking out too. Except I guess she got more pain then he did. How he could tell she was in pain I don’t know…..” Miroku drifted as he thought.

“By being around his intended so long he formed a bond. It would be stronger if she had demon blood, but this Sesshomaru has never sensed it.” Sesshomaru said.

“Ya know you two sound alike.” Miroku chuckled.

“Are you comparing this Sesshomaru to his lowly half brother?” Sesshomaru growled into the phone.

“No. wait…sorry…..Connection ….breaking….up.” Miroku said as he pulled a mint candy wrapper from the dashboard of Sango’s truck.

“This Sesshomaru is not a baka.” Sesshomaru growled.

“Damn!” Miroku cursed and hung up.

“Roku?” Sango called out in her sleep when he stopped stroking her hair. He smiled and complied with her plea, he stroked her hair as he looked at the front door of Kagome’s house, fully expecting InuYasha to come running out with Kagome chasing him with a pan. He smiled at his vision.