InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Fang ( Chapter 48 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 48: Fang

InuYasha paced the solid oak floor of his home. He glanced up at the rustic clock on his wall and growled. “Five more minutes?” in the kitchen he could hear Miroku humming and occasionally saying some nonsense words. InuYasha shook his head of silvery white hair and listened for the sound of tires on the gravel outside.

“Monk! You have the drum?” InuYasha yelled at him.

Miroku stuck his head out of the kitchen and grinned, “Yes.” he ducked back in and giggled madly.

“What the hell are you doing?” InuYasha asked when curiosity got the better of him.

“Nothin!” the monk shouted as he giggled once more. A pot banged from within the kitchen.

“Really?” InuYasha said, as he looked into the kitchen, wary of the swing door. Miroku was standing in front of a cookbook, an apron tied around his waist and a ladle in one had dripping some weird gray concoction. “What is that?” he asked horrified.

“A special type of relaxant oil that my family has used for years. How else do you think I can look so gorgeous.” Miroku said as he turned to the stove and stirred the vile soup. A stream of gas rose from the pot and hissed. InuYasha wrinkled his nose.

“Stinks don’t it?” InuYasha asked as he came closer and looked into the pot of boiling gray liquid.

“For now. At least you weren’t in here earlier. It can be a little odd. Almost like you smoke some drugs…at least it isn’t illegal. I mean it isn’t healthy or anything but the remains of this soup is really good for strained muscles,” he said with his customary grin as he held a full scoop of the viscous material and let it slide of into the pot with a wet squelch.

“Okay, why are you making this?” InuYasha asked as he backed off back towards the door.

“Because, you seem so tense.” Miroku said as he grinned.

“Tense?” InuYasha asked confounded.

“Yes, you’re so worried about Kagome that you don’t realize that you’re tensing up all your muscles. It’s not good, even for you.” Miroku said, his smile gone and his face serious. “InuYasha if you love her like you do, propose to her.”

“Miroku, it’s not as easy as that. I was gone for 5 years, forgot who I was, then turned demon on you all.” InuYasha said as he inspected a claw.

“You know you turned?” Miroku asked.

“Yes. I saw everything much clearer than I’m used to. I’m sorry about the way I treated you and Sango. If I didn’t do those things, you wouldn’t have let me near her.” InuYasha said as he admitted the truth.

“Sango is going to blow her top.” Miroku said quietly.

“Eh?” InuYasha asked as he heard the sound of tires on gravel. “Who’s that?” he turned to look out of the large bay window facing the drive. A pale silver car had pulled up and a tall slim man stepped out. On the other side a short slim woman stepped out, her long black hair slightly up. InuYasha ran out of the kitchen and house to stand on the porch.

“InuYasha!” the woman screamed as she ran up to him and embraced him.

“Rin?” InuYasha asked unsure.

“Yes!” she said as she looked up into his face. “I can’t believe you’re alive! When Sessy told me I was so happy!”

Rin rambled on about how happy Kagome must have been until Sesshomaru walked up holding a long box in his hands. “Rin.” he said and she moved aside. “InuYasha, little brother, here this is yours. I had it restored after it was broken.”

“What?” he asked as he opened the box to reveal his red guitar inside, the one that had “Fang” spelled out in metal letters. “Wait I thought that this burnt down in the fire?” InuYasha said as he held the smooth guitar in his hands.

“It didn’t, I found it by the ocean, covered in seaweed and other odd things.” Sesshomaru said in his usual unemotional voice.

“Miroku do remember the guitar I always had by my side after the accident?” InuYasha asked as he twisted the instrument in his hands. Miroku nodded, “I thought that one day I would play it in a major concert. The same day I was at the beach by my old house and was playing when it started to rain. Frantically I ran accidentally dropping the instrument in a crevice. I couldn’t reach it and the tide was rising so I had to leave my most prized possession, the guitar my father gave to me.”

“Yes, and later that week I had been walking along the very beach and spotted something red lying in the sand. Thinking it was a dead animal or something I walked over to it and found it. It was completely demolished, only the metal letters remained intact. I paused to pick them up and went home, intending to give this gift to my brother when he held his first major concert. Gradually I forgot about it and I found the day before he went missing.” Sesshomaru said, his gold eyes filled with warmth, uncommon in his normally expressionless face.

The sound of tires on gravel caused InuYasha and Sesshomaru to look up. A black car pulled up and a harried looking Kouga ran in their direction.

“Kagome wants me to tell you she’ll be late. Shippo swallowed something and was poisoned!” Kouga said as he ran into them.