InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway Love ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Kagome was going ot the well when she stopped and thought what she would see there''what if inuyasha is there with kikyo, or what if he already left with her to hell,I...i can't.....''kagome thought.she turned around and ran to her house.

''kagome dear,do you want something ot eat?''kagome's mom turned around and saw kagome's tears when she passed by the kitchen running.she walked up the stairs and opened the door to kagome's room.

''whats wrong kagome, why are you crying?''kagome's mom said and sat by kagome's bed.

''mom, i don't know what to do,its inuyasha, i wanna go back to him but i keep having these thoughts about him being with kikyo and leaving me so id rather not go''kagome said uncovering her head from under her pillow.

''kagome, you have to go, i mean don't you love inuyasha?,if you don't go he will forget you foreal and go with kikyo now as your mother im telling you to go and get the person you love.''kagome's mom said with a big smile on his face.

''ok, but what if inuyasha.....what if inuyasha already left to hell with kikyo, i mean what if kikyo convinced him to forget about naraku and the jewel and leave it to the hands of others and go to hell with her''kagome said.

''you won't know unless you go, now go and get inuyasha back''kagome's mom said with the thought of her havng to miss those cute puppy ears of inuyasha's.

''ok, i'll do it, im gonna go bring my inuyasha back to me.''kagome said and got up from bed and got dressed.
kagome was ready and left toward the feudal era.


''hey miroku,im gonna go walk around the forest ok''inuyasha said and walked on the opposite way of the well.

''i wonder why inuyasha hasn;t gone to get kagome, or at least made a fuzz of why she hasn't come back?''miroku said.

''you're right and hes even walking away from the well, that is so odd''sango said and walked to a nearby stream.

''i'm such an idiot for listening to sesshomaru's advice, he doen't know anything about love kagura is just like a miracle for that guy, how can he be so dour in attitude but so smart in love?''inuyasha thought and sat on a nearby tree to the village.he doubted kagome would forgive him so he decided not to go and apologize till he got everything strait in his head.

kagome was coming out of the well when she senced kikyo nearby.she suddenly got the thought in her head that she'd be with inuyasha, kagome wanted to go back but she had to finally confess to inuyasha how much she feels for him and hopefully he will respond.
''ok....i can do this be strong kagome don't chicken out now that you're so close''kagome thought and started walking slowly towards the sacred tree.

kagome got to the opening in the forest and saw kikyo facing the tree, kagome stepped back a few steps and kikyo turned around to face her.
''are you here for inuyasha,or for your silly little friends?''kikyo said

''why would i want to tell you, its none of your business"kagome said trying to scare kikyo.

''silly girl, you do not frighten me, i am way stronger than you will ever be, face it kagome you are just a weaker copy of me, a copy that hold emotions for demons like inuyasha. do you think i'd actually leave him as a hanyou when we would finally be toghether?


''exactly...i do not want a demon as a mate it will only bring misfortunes to my life, thats why i planned on making inuyasha human with the shikon jewel so i could get rid of the jewel and inuyasha's demonic side.''kikyo said.

''you talk like you're still alive, well even if you did that you wouldn't be able to actually be with him, you're dead remember?''kagome said

.''you are right, i am dead , but that doesn't mean i can't take inuyasha away from you.''kagome lokked shoked and said.''you can't just choose inuyasha's fate just because you two were lovers once, he problably doesn't even love you anymore, you don't own inuyasha kikyo and you never will!''kagome blurted out and soon thought of what she just yelled at kikyo.

'' must not know who you are talking to little girl, i can do whatever i wish with inuyasha, and if he ever chooses not to love me anymore i will make his life misrable till the day i die.''

inuyasha smelled kagome's scent and jumped up from the tree.he was gone in a blink of an eye.''it's kagome i know it is, i'd know her scent abywhere, that sweet scent of kagome...ka....kagome don't worry i'm coming for you, my kagome''inuyasha thought and accelarated his speed to get to kagome faster.

''you can't, that is so unfair to inuyasha he would never do that to you, how can you be so cruel.''kagome said starting to get angry.

''i can do whatever i wish with inuyasha, even if he doesn't like it. now go back to your own time, you are a nusince here!''kikyo got out her bow and pulled out an arrow and aimed it at kagome.

kagome stepped back a bit.
''what do you think you're doing, i've never done nothing to you, why should i go back!''kikyo shot the arrow and scratched the surface of kagome's cheek.

''that was a warning the next one is not going to miss if you don't leave this time at once.''kikyo said and pulled out another arrow. inuyasha was near when he smelled kagome's blood it was faint but he could still smell it.

''kagome whats wrong, are you hurt?''inuyasha was worried some demon had hurted kagome, he didin't want nothing ot happen to his only love.
kagome turned around and started running to the well to avoid getting shot by kikyo.

''yes, leave and leave me and inuyasha alone no one needs you here, you just disturb inuyasha, you slow him down on is mission and on his promise to me. he will go to hell with me in the end, so why even try to convince him to love you.''kikyo said and walked up to the well to make sure kagome was gone.

inuyasha finally got to the tree and followed the scen tot the well. he found kikyo standing by the well.
''kikyo what did you do to kagome!?''inuyasha was angry when he saw kikyo by the well. he tought kikyo had hurted kagome and pushed her down the well.

''i didin't do anything, she just ran away bacause she knows she can never copete with me inuyasha. she knows i will always be one step ahead of her.''kikyo said. she stepped closer to inuyasha and tried to hug him.inuyasha pushed her away and got angrier.

''don't act dumb, you know i can smell her blood i don't care if it's only a simple scratch, i don't want you to lay a single hand on kagome you know i care for her, i also told you we were over. don't fill her head with all those filthy lies of yours kikyo.LEAVE, NOW!''inuyasha yelled at kikyo and pushed her to the side and looked down the well.

''inuyasha, how could you yell at me like that and even push me, to think that you'd actually do this to have turned into a pathetic half-breed just like any other inuyasha.''kikyo said and got carried away by her soul collectors.

inuyasha looked up at kikyo and immedietly jumped into the well.
''i have to go see kagome....even if she denies my apology i just want to see if she is ok.''inuyasha thought.he got through the time portal and landed on the present time.


''was kikyo actually gonna shoot me?''kagome asked herself as she saw the scar kikyo had done to her cheek.she placed a band-aid on it and walked downstairs for supper.

''hey kagome what's wrong with your cheek''souta asked starring at kagome's cheek.

''uhhh.....i...was passing by a tall bush and one of the branches scratched me on the cheek, but i'm ok.''kagome sat down and started eating her food.kagome was finished eating and picked up her plate.''don't worry about washing i'll do it dear.''ms. higurashi said and got up to wash the dishes.

''ok, thanks mom i'll be in the bathroom taking a bath.''kagome ran up the stairs and into her room.

''i can't let kagome see me or she'll sit me like always''inuyasha jumped on the roof of the house just above kagome's room and crawled closer to kagome's window.kagome heard a thump on the roof but ignored it and went into the bathroom.

''i womder what inuyasha is thinking right now...problably about kikyo of course.''kagome's eyes sadened at the thought of kikyo and inuyasha kissing.she could still feel inuyasha close to her.

''i wonder if she heard me...oh well, i'm going in''inuyasha checked if no one was in the room and carefully opened the window to kagome's room.her scent was all over the place inuyasha couldn't even track where kagome's scent was coming from when he heard water and he knew where she was at.He carefully cracked the door open and saw kagome in the bathtub.

''kami...she is so beautiful, all her curves, she is the most beautiful person i've ever seen.''inuyasha was daydreaming of what he would do when he and kagome finally settled their problems with each other when he heard ms. higurashi's voice from outside kagome's room.

''kagome i'm coming in dear, it'll be for just a second!''ms. higurashi yelled through the door.inuyasha panicked and accidentally squished his finger with the door.


"AHHHH WHOS THERE.....YOU'D BETTER GET OUT!!!''kagome heard inuyasha yell and yelled herself. inuyasha leaped out of the room and rushed to the well house before he could be seen.

''kagome?....whats wrong dear, was someone in here?

kagome still freaked out said,''no.....i'm alright, but i could swear i heard someone curse out loud from behind the bathroom door.''

''maybe it was your imagination, now calm down you almost gave me a heart attack''ms. higurashi left and kagome got dressed and layed on her bed.''was that sure sounded like him....oh kani i'm loosing my mind, i'm already halucinating things. i need a physicologist''kagome got up and looked out the window.she was thinking if what she heard was real or her imagination, she just wished if it was real inuyash awould have stayed a bit longer with her.


inuyasha got out of the well and started blowing at his fingers as he walked to a nearby stream.
''damn it.....i never thought i'd actually be so stupid as to put my damn fingers between that damn door...crap it feels like its burning me up inside.inuyasha ran his fingers through the water and wrapped them up with a cloth kagome had given him long before the fight.inuyasha wished he'd be there with kagome now that she really needed him.''i'm just happy kikyo didin't really hurt her...but still i wish i could heal her wounds like she healed my physical and mental wounds.''inuyasha got up and walke dot the wel and sat by it to wait for the righ tmoment to go back to his kagome.

A/N:hope yall are likeing my story i come up with it as a go so sorry if it sucks. im tring to make my story as long as i can but i dont want to end it as fast either.
