InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway Love ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Kagome arrived at the village and hurried to kaede's hut. "kagome, you're back, what took you so long?" sango stood up and hugged kagome. "sorry i just couldn't come. i had to much work to do at my time." kagome lied, but sango already knew about her encounter with inuyasha and kikyo. "kagome please, i know about what happened with inuyasha." kagome gasped but then gave up. " do. sango i can't see inuyasha anymore. he's tearing my heart apart. can't he make up his mind already?" "but kagome, he has. inuyasha went to your time to tell you about his feelings for you. he explained it to miroku about what happened at the sacred tree that day." "and what did he say?" "kagome you have to stop running away and go after inuyasha. he will tell you himself, i cannot tell you." kagome's eyes widened. "sango please don't do this to me" "sorry kagome" sango smiled and walked out of the hut. "kami, how am i going to go after inuyasha when i just send him crawling back here from my time?" kagome thought of how in hell she was going to find inuyasha and ask him how he feels about her.

kagome walked outside and all of a sudden saw a little hairball jump right at her,
"kagome i can't believe you're back. i thought you were never coming back" "im sorry shippo, i didin't bring any goddies for you, but i came to see inuyasha. have you seen him around?" shippo jumped off and looked around. "i think i saw him down by the well a few minutes ago." "thanks shippo, i'll bring some goodies for you when i go back to my time." "ok, thanks kagome, you're the best." kagome smiled and walked to the well. "ok, how am i gonna tell inuyasha this" kagome looked around for inuyasha, but instead she saw kikyo and quickly hid behind a tree. "what is kikyo doing here. if she finds me, she might try to kill me again." kagome peeked around the tree and saw that kikyo was looking around maybe for inuyasha. "hmm, i wonder if kikyo knows about what inuyasha is trying to tell me?" kagome waited for kikyo to leave and ran to the well. "what? inuyasha isn't here. now where am i supposed to go?" kagome walked back to the village and quickly searched for the only person inuyasha would tell all his secrets.

"hey miroku!"
"oh kagome, you're back. have you talked to inuyasha yet?"
" thats what i want to talk to you about. what did inuyasha want to tell me when he went to my time miroku, i need to know."
"kagome i can't tell you. inuyasha needs to tell you, kagome, you and inuyasha need to talk about how you guys are gonna plan your future, are you going to stay together from now on, or are you going back to your time and forget everything and everyone once we kill naraku and collect the rest of the jewel?"
"i don't know miroku. i want to stay with inuyasha forever, but i want him to be happy and what if dieing with kikyo is his happiness?"
"just go talk to him."
"but i don't know where he is."
"i think i saw him going that way"miroku pointed towards the forest behind the village.
"hmm, i wonder what hes doing overthere?"
"i don't know, but i haven't seen him since yesterday. he spent the night by the sacred tree. you really need to talk to him kagome."
"yeah" kagome thanked miroku and ran towards the forest.

hmmm, where could inuyasha be. i wonder whats wrong with him." kagome saw a flash of red and white pass by and ran towards it. "inuyasha!!" kagome suddenly bumped into someones muscular chest. kagome looked up and saw two golden eyes starring right at her.
"inu...inuyasha" "kagome, will you come with me?" inuyasha held kagome closely to him.

"uh, ok" inuyasha smiled and picked up kagome bridal style and jumped off. "inuyasha, where are you taking me?" "you'll see when we get there." kagome wondered why inuyasha was acting that way. she also wondered why he was taking her somewhere special just to talk. they landed on a flower field, next to it was a cave and a light was coming from the inside. "inuyasha, what are we doing here?" inuyasha didin't answer and took kagome inside the cave. "inuyasha, why did you bring me here? why are we in a cave?" "kagome don't worry about it. you won't complain once you find out." inuyasha looked straight into kagome's eyes. kagome saw his eyes and felt like she was being hypnotized. inuyasha's lips landed on kagome's and soon she drifted into a dream. "inu...yasha, why?" kagome whispered before her mind was completely taken over. "don't worry about it. just kiss me." kagome was tricked. naraku disguised himself as inuyasha and kissed kagome. then he embedded his hands into kagome's back starting to absorb her for her power to see the jewels. luckily inuyasha was around and smelled kagome's scent mixed in with naraku's and immediately rushed over.

inuyasha ran inside and saw naraku kissing the hypnotized kagome.
"im gonna kill you, you filthy bastard!" inuyasha was about to use tensusiga but stopped when he knew kagome could get hurt. "let go of her so i can tear you to pieces" naraku send a cloud of miasma towards inuyasha and inuyasha dodged it, but had to get to higher ground or soon he could go blind or get intoxicated from the poison gas. "i don't think so inuyasha. i will take kagome with me and minupulate her just like kohaku into doing everything i say. until next time inuyasha" naraku was gone in a toxic cloud of miasma and had taken kagome with him. "damn it. NARAKU COME BACK .GIVE BACK KAGOMEEE!!!!!!!"

inuyasha ran as fast as he could to try and reach kagome and naraku, but failed when naraku disapeared without a trace of him left behind."KAGOMEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" Inuyasha landed on the floor and dropped to his knees. "ka....gome" inuyasha whispered to himself before turning back to the village.

"inuyasha did you talk to kagome?"inuyasha didin't answer and kept walking. "uh, inuyasha did you or did you not?" inuyasha turned around in a blink of an eye and had miroku's kimono in his fist pulling the monk off his feet. "shut up" inuyasha threw miroku to the floor and kept walking.
"what the? whats wrong with him?" miroku straightened his kimono and went to speak with sango.

"im telling you sango, inuyasha seemed really depressed when he came back. also really angry." sango kaede and sango sat around the fire cooking the stew kaede was making. "maybe kagome turned him down and he's really sad about it."
"but if kagome was involoved wouldn't she come to the village to at least say goodbye. she hasn't even come back from when she went in search of inuyasha this afternoon." "something happened between them, but we shouldn't butt in things like this."
"he'll eventually come and talk to me about it when he can't keep it to himself anymore."
"i hope you're right" suddenly inuyasha walked in and everyone looked surprised. "sango, may i.....use....kirara...please" inuyasha looked at sango with the eyes of a abandoned puppy or something, it was weird. "uh...ok. but where are you going tonight is the night you loose your demonic powers?" "i know, i'll be careful. kirara come please." kirara jumped on inuyasha's shoulder and they excited the hut. "see, i told you, he's dieing inside." "i just hope he doesn't get into any trouble in his human form." "he will be fine, he just needs to think." kaede said.

it was getting dark and inuyasha lost his powers so he rode on kirara's back.
"i have to get to kagome, even in this form. even if it kills me, i just want kagome to be safe." inuyasha soon could not see and had to set up camp. "i guess we have to stop here kirara. away from any place just to keep a low profile. i don't want to be hunted down just because of my form." kirara rolled up around inuyasha to cover him from the cold and to keep him confortable. "thanks kirara, i know you'll protect me from demons." soon both kirara and inuyasha were asleep.

the sun was coming out and inuyasha was getting his powers back and catching some fish for him and kirara to eat.
"ready ot eat kirara?" kirara meowed and sat near the camp fire waiting to be fed. "here you go, two for me and two for you. now eat up we need to go find kagome and save her from naraku." inuyasha and kirara chowed down and soon where on their way to find kagome. inuyasha sniffed around to see if he could smell kagome but it was no use, her scent was completely covered. "damn, no sign of kagome."luckily kami was on inuyasha's side because there were some saymiosho flying around and inuyasha followed them to naraku.

"kirara, please help me fight, i can't do it without a little help from my feline friend." kirara purred and they flew down to the castle. when they landed inuyasha walked ahead and saw kagome walking around in a black and white priestess kimono. it was definately kagome, inuyasha smelled her scent and followed her. "kagome.....kagome" she turned around and had the same look in her eyes as kohaku's, only kagome's had sadness in them. "kagome are you ok?" kagome walked slowly to inuyasha and threw herself in inuyasha's arms. "inuyasha, i love you" inuyasha gasped and held kagome tight in his arms. "come on kagome, lets get naraku and then get out of here." naraku's voice sounded in kagome's head. "kill inuyasha" kagome obeyed."sorry inuyasha i can't" kagome's nails grew into knife sharp claws and stabbed inuyasha in his stomach. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ka...gome why?" kagome jumped back and stood there. "don't worry inuyasha you will die like kikyo very soon." kagome disappeared into the darkness of the halls. "why kagome." inuyasha was bleeding fom his wound but kept going in the direction kagome disappeared in. "kirara, please stay here i don't want you to get hurt. let me do this myself. i'll bring kagome back."

inuyasha walked in the darkness of the hallways, suddenly there was a flash of light and a blade of demonic energy almost blasted inuyasha away. "who's there?!"
"it's me my dearest. are you afraid of me? inuyasha i want to hold you in my arms, let me treat your wound." "kagome, please snap out of it. you don't want to do this." inuyasha ran to kagome and he grabbed her and pinned her to the floor. "kagome, please come back" inuyasha leaned in and kissed kagome gently. kagome's eyes widened but soon went back to their sad selves. she pushed inuyasha off her with a blast of energy and he flew through the walls. "why do you try, you know it's never going to work. you will die just like kikyo." a pink light came from kagome's hands and transformed into a bow and an arrow. "die inuyasha" naraku's voice overlaped kagome's as she shot the arrow at inuyasha. he dodged it and jumped over her to attempt and pin her again.he pinned her once more and took away the bow and threw it across the field. "kagome, snap out of it. i will not let you go even if it kills me." "do you really wish to die so badly? and if you do what will i do? what is the use of coming after me inuyasha if you're just gonna die at my hands?"
"if i died i would've known that at least i got to see you before my death. and if you don't die with me i'll kill you and then kill myself so we can be together in death, away from everything, even in death kagome, my love will always burn for you." a tear dropped from inuyasha's eye and landed on kagome's cheek. "thats good to hear my dearest." kagome smirked and touched the tear on her cheek. "i would cry too if you were me." kagome struggled to get away but failed. inuyasha had a tight grip on her. naraku decided to disappear and take kagome with him. miasma started to form everywhere but inuyasha would not let go. kagome mysteriously disolved in inuyasha's hands and drifted away in the miasma along with naraku.inuyasha looked up as she left and ran after the cloud once again. kirara picked inuyasha up and flew after the cloud. "kagome!, come back. don't leave me please!" they chased the cloud until it disappeared into a mountain. "damn they got away with her again. kagome, why?" inuyasha landed on his knees and another tear escaped his eyes. his wound was still bleeding but would heal by morning. "i have never cried for anyone like i cried for kagome. the last time i cried was when my mother died." inuyasha punched the floor several times in anger at what naraku had done to kagome. he took over her mind into attacking inuyasha and serving him as a puppet.

inuyasha and kirara arrived at the village the next morning.
"inuyasha, you and kirara are back. tell me, where did you go?"
"miroku, get ready, we are going after naraku. he took kagome and turned her against me by minupulating her mind and is using her as a servsnt just liek kohaku. she has the same sad look in her eyes only hers carry anger when she looks at me." inuyasha went to the hut to grab some bottles and fill them with water for the trip. "inuyasha, where are we going?"
"ask the monk." sango looked confused at inuyasha and shrugged. she stood up and walke doutside to ask miroku. "hey miroku, where are we going?" "we are going after naraku. he has taken over kagome's mind just like kohaku and using her against inuyasha." miroku grabbed some herbs for curing just in case and wrapped them in a cloth. while they packed up sango saw iuyash aon a tree holding a cloth familiar to the ones that kagome brings from her time. "hmm, must be kagome's. he must really be suffering, his worst enemy has taken hold of the love of his life. i must support inuyasha in anyway posible." sango hanged her hiraikotsu on the side of kirara and hopped on her."come on miroku,hop on"
"alright, inuyasha! we're ready, we can go now." inuyasha turned around and jumped off the tree. he put up the cloth and walked ove rto miroku and sango. "alright lets go." inuyasha dashed in the direction of the mountain and kirara followed.

A/N:I didin't feel like writing finally im cured from my sickness and sorry for always taking so long to update i have to think of what the chapters are gonna be about and blah blah blah n-e ways i hope you liked this chapter srry if i mispelled some words please tell me what i need to improve on im trying to make this story as interesting as i can.

please R/R
