InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sadame ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author Note: Finally the last chapter. I didn't feel like leaving you with the cliffhanger of the last chapter. That would had been to mean. Well, it was an excited journey and now its finally at its end. Or is it? Maybe I was just fooling around like I usually do? No that can't be! But maybe... nah. This is the last chapter and I hope you will enjoy this ending as I had several endings but none that was to my own liking. It's been a pleasure to write for you and hopefully I can do it again.

Summary: If I can retrace my footsteps they would still lead me here. To your side.

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any other character in the anime or manga. This is purely fan service.

Pairings: Sesshoumaru/InuYasha, (past lives) Lawra/Raian, (non-con) Naraku/InuYasha.

Warnings: m/m, Mpreg, Incest, mention of violation/rape.

Read, Enjoy and Review. All feedbacks of encouragement, joy, happiness and constructive criticism are welcome.

By Monkan

Chapter 14 of 14

The light was blazing in his eyes, making it impossible to shut it out even if he had closed them but then he is surrounded by shadows standing around him. For a moment he couldn't make out anything but sillhouettes but then the light seemed to lessen and he could begin to make out their faces.

Most of them stood tall around him, with features almost bewitching and hauntingly beautiful. Their colours varied from each, some dark with the night and its stars painted on them. Others like the unending fields of grass that sways in the wind and never bend for anyone on its own will. Some were like flowers, fair and beautiful. Some like the deep and mysterious ocean. Even the sun was among them in a youkai with blazing hair and shimmering eyes. Their cloths were old and elegant. Some wore robes, others armors with evident pride.

Sesshoumaru shifted his eyes from one to the other, his youki tense as he sensed the immenseness power each and every one of these beings had. They spoke to each other in a languish he didn't understand. He kept on looking with the knowledge of InuYasha's body in his arms.

He didn't need to hear what they said but he knew they were the ones they had tried to open the gate for these beings, Old Ones. If only he knew which one too---

"Sesshoumaru-sama." Tsusaku appeared before him, her hand on InuYasha's face even though she could tell by just looking at him that he was dead. "I'm sorry." was all she said with a bowed head. Was it out of regret or sorrow, he didn't know but it didn't matter anymore. Not anymore.

He looked up right into the eyes of the being in front of him. "I beg you, bring InuYasha back to me."

The talking stopped and they exchanged looks before the one Sesshoumaru had directed his plead to shook his head.

"We can't do that." his mighty voice rumbled inside Sesshoumaru as a force alone to submit him but he refused.

"Why not? Why can't you take back the life he lost for your sake."

"Because it's not out place to play with life and death, the scale will tumble and chaos will ensure." another said behind Sesshoumaru.

"I plead with you." Sesshoumaru yelled with his head bowed. "I was told it's within your power so please just grant me this wish. No matter what the scale says we weren't meant to be played with on the border between life and death." the image of his pups flied through his mind, "I won't....ask you anything else of you."

"We can't do it. Not without consequences. That's with all life." came the same decision.

The Daiyoukai's face was casted in shadows as he lay the body of his mate down in the groundless light. He took a deep trembling breath before releasing it with steady calmness. The next fraction of time he lunged forward with his claws dripping with poison and his eyes flaring with crimson. He took a death grip of the Old One in front of him. His grip crushed the shoulder bone in an instant but another hand gripped his claws that were ready to draw blood from the Old One's face. A earthy coloured being with a sword by his side held him back while another, a light blue being grabbed him around his waist and pulled him of.

Sesshoumaru couldn't do much at first but his rage flared up even more and he shook of his restrainers. He let out a deep growl and his youki sizzled around him. He raised his head so that his hair flied around his face and tumbled down in disarray, his posture wild and angry but still deadly for the unprepared.

In the eyes of the Old One's an afterimage appeared behind Sesshoumaru as a second shadow.

"Lawra." some of them said in shock and they started to talk once again in their own languish. Among everything they said Sesshoumaru could barely make out another word while they pointed at InuYasha's body, Raian. Whatever that meant.

Sesshoumaru looked from one to the other and he flexed his claws as he was ready to strike anyone that dared to move closer. But he wasn't ready when one of the Old One's kneeled down next to InuYasha and took him in his arms. He was about to behead him when he was suddenly hold back by two new beings. Their strength proved to much even for him to break free even though he struggled with all his might and power in his current state.

"Don't touch him. What are you doing?" asked Sesshoumaru furiously as he struggled.

The Old One touched InuYasha's heart and his stomach area. He looked lost one second then he looked up at the one Sesshoumaru had attached and said something.

"You've lost thy family." a new Old One said as he stepped forward. "But even though everything have been lost thy continue to fight, why?"

Sesshoumaru calmed down as the words filled his head. He looked up with something new in his eyes, something that denied them his submission. "Even though I may have lost everything, they still mean everything to me. My wish is simple but this time we live in denied us everything but still I fight. For my wish will never cease to exist, my love for my mate, for our pups I never knew still burns bright with every breath I take. I know that you can bring them back to me and I won't give up even if it means you will kill me."

"Why do you go to such measures for them? Nothing is more important than ones own life." a female Old One questioned.

Sesshoumaru looked at her. "Once I would had said yes but ever since my InuYasha was born I loved him more than I knew was possible. I don't know how I can love him as much as I do but nothing matters more to me than this feeling in my heart and the one that put it there."

"We've given you our answer and we will stand by it, will you still defy us into killing you?"

"My life will end even if you don't kill me. With my mate no longer alive, life matters little to me." he looked even more directly into the eyes of those around him. "Even here with all your youki pushing me down, making me feel insignificant, I feel my life slipping away even as we speak. My life is ending slowly and I will be able to seek my mate once again. Even if it's in the next life."

The silence around them was almost more pronounced than before. The Old One's looking at each other in silence. Then the very first Old One to speak with Sesshoumaru took another step closer until he was standing within range.

"We will give you two choices. Chose one of them and we will grant them. Think what you want for both of you will suffer if it ends badly for we can't revive your mate without consequences."

The light around them grew stronger and the lips of the elegant being moved but the sound of his words were lost. Sesshoumaru gave his answer right when the choices had been laid down. The light became blinding and swallowed everything again.


Sesshoumaru walked through the garden with his steps leading him down a path of set stones. He somehow feel at home, as if he has nothing to fear. He looks around in search for someone that should be close by, he can feel it. The pearly sound of water reach his ears just as his eyes catch sight of what he's looking for.

He walks confidently forward to the white haired hanyou who turn around as he hear him come closer. Warm amber eyes meet their twins with equal amount of love overflowing in them. Sesshoumaru stops just a step short from colliding with the other youkai and he link his arms around the other in a tender but secure embrace. He feels the arms around his waist as the head falls on his shoulder.

InuYasha holds on with hope that this moment will chase away the sudden darkness that engulfed him not long ago.

"InuYasha," Sesshoumaru says gently. "My life for your life, my death for your death, my death for your life, my life for your death."

InuYasha held his breath for a moment as the words slowly settled inside of him and he smiled softly in happiness. "My life for your life, my death for your death, my death for your life, my life for your death."

Together they said, "By my hand I will take your life so that the future belongs to us."

A heavy mist fell over the land but it wasn't fast enough to hide the crimson blood that stained the water and the misty grass of the garden.

"I will never leave you."


The streets were filled with students on their way home as well as the normal people going about their lives. Kagome walked down the road to her home with her friends. It had been three days since she had last been through the well and two weeks since the horrible battle with the dead youkai, the last time she had seen InuYasha. She hoped that he was all right where ever he was.

She still felt bad about her not being able to help them more. So did her friends, even if the hurt had been painful as well as the betrayal it still didn't mean their time together had been fake.

She listened to something her friend told them when suddenly she walks past some one tall with long white hair. Her heart takes an extra beat and in the corner of her eyes she sees the white hair leave her sight but she dares not turn around as the air have stilled and so have all the noise around her.

When suddenly everything is back at its busy noise filled day she swirls around and looks behind her. Her eyes catches sight immediately of Sesshoumaru. He hadn't changed at all from when she had last seen him in the past. But she couldn't see InuYasha anywhere.

"Hey, Kagome. Do you know them?" her friends asks her as they too caught sight of what she was looking at.

"Them?" she asks in confusion, in a split moment looks at them and then back at Sesshoumaru. It was only then too that she noticed the other shorter person beside Sesshoumaru. The identical hair blended in with his, therefore made it hard for her to see him at first glance but now that she looked closer she felt her whole being smile with happiness as InuYasha held onto Sesshoumaru's arm as they walked down the road, leaving her behind without a single glance back at her.

"I met them once." was all she could say to her friends as she kept the rest in her heart.

She may not know what had happened to them but she was happy to see them in her time, together.

InuYasha and Sesshoumaru walked down the road further and further away from a part of their "past". They were only passing through as they were heading back to their castle in the west. They may not hold much power at the current time and youkai's may be demons in fantasy books and ancient scrolls but still they could return home. To their waiting family.

"Chose one of the two. One: Either you leave now and die of sorrow in hope of reuniting with your love but an even stronger chance that you will never see each other again or even meet until the world ends."

At the collar of their cloths were identical marks of fangs. Something that would always bind them together.

"Two: Complete the bond and at the price for your rebirth and your future offsprings, the consequence will be the souls of your two first born children as well as the souls of the pups you've already lost."

High above everyone, in a place high up between the mountains of the West and the East lay a domain where the Old Ones could live peacefully. Watching over the younger generations of both humans and youkais that dwelled on earth.

"Even if the pain will never leave my heart and I will regret my decision at some point there is only one I can accept, two."

In a far away castle in the west waited a large family of many generations on the arrival of two very important ancestors. The walls of the main hall filled with many paintings, with all the spouses and children throughout the years, be they human or youkai or hanyou's, all the way down to their greatest ancestors that they honored every year. Even though their lineage went back even further it wasn't them that decorated the main spot of the hall.

It was a jointed portrait of the eternal lovers in their history that even through unwanted sacrifices and sorrow defied their destiny and lived bonded to each other for eternity. Even their story was told to each new addition of the family as a legacy and so that the first four children would never be forgotten.

The portrait of InuYasha and Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru stopped and looked up at the sky before those around them. Then he looked down and with a gentle smile he whispered so that InuYasha only could hear.

"Let's go home, my love."

The End!