InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Safety in Deadly Arms ❯ Crimson-eyed ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hey everyone,
I had this story saved from a few weeks ago a couple of months actually. I wanted to work on my lemon skills and thought I should make a story, at least a one-shot, to practice. So if you don’t like lemons then don’t read...
Otherwise, enjoy!!
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Disclaimer: I didn’t create Inuyasha or Sesshomaru (tear) therefore they are not my property and I make no money from them. The only thing that I created was this plotline...
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She ran swiftly over the beaten path twisting and twining around the trees. Her only focus was to get away from the savage beast that hot on her tail like a dog pursuing a piece of raw bloody meat. Not shocking since he was pretty close to a dog. She was the meat. Her thoughts were a void of confusion as she continued through the dense foliage not noticing that the forest seemed to part for her as her legs carried her as fast as possible from the beast tracking her. She leaped gracefully, something that over a fallen tree and placed a barrier up as another obstacle that would hopefully slow down her persistent pursuer. She was going to have to apologize to him when he woke out of his trance in a couple of days she reminded herself as she heard a painful and angry snarl. For now though she had to her own safety to protect... as well as her innocence.
Beat. Pound. Throb.
She thought her heart was battering its way out of her chest. For once in many years she was actually afraid. With Sango’s warning she knew her young innocent human body wouldn’t be able to make it through one night with a raging beast in control during heat...
Kagome had long since vanquished Naraku from the lands and completed the Shikon-no-Tama only to wish it away, ridding the world of its existence. She had completed school and was working on an apprenticeship to become a chef. The well still work for some reason. Her grandfather’s wise words before he past a year ago was that there was something that she had to complete in this era still. Kagome took the information and piled it to the back of her mind with the rest of the things he told her. With the Bone Eater’s Well still in commission she continued to make weekend visits to her friends in the past; attempting to keep contact with them for as long as the great force in charge of her time travel would allow. Nevertheless, things had become hectic and she had forgotten what time of month, let alone what time of year, it was. Most canines experienced heat in the spring and being that as it may the miko didn’t think about what might await for her as she passed through the well that particular night.
Her job had kept her away all day and so she felt sorry that she would have to make Shippo wait any longer to see his ‘okaa-san’ so she tumbled through the blue light in hopes that she would make it to the village before he dosed off for the night. But as the fickle finger of fate would have it she was confronted by none other than Koga the wolf prince who had yet to understand that she wasn’t interested in becoming his woman. Actually she wasn’t attracted to Koga or Inuyasha for that matter. The half inu and her were had finally gone out and after a couple kisses and six tense months they broke things off. Of course by now Kikyou had passed from this realm once again and Kagome received the rest of her soul. Sesshomaru had revived Kohaku for Sango and Miroku who were now happily married and awaiting the birth of their second child. Nonetheless, Inuyasha had taken to becoming Kagome’s protector. Any male, past or future, who came to Kagome needed to be accepted by the inu first. This, shockingly, was accepted by the woman who first of all didn’t want men asking for her hand and second understood it was his instinct as her alpha and an inu that drove him to be so damn protective.
Gasp. Pant. Breathe.
Her lungs ached for a break and each intake of air was painful and sharp like daggers. This sting carried through her every muscle. She wasn’t even sure how long she had been running but she was grateful for her powers and for Koga’s lack of the jewel shards in his legs.
For some reason Inuyasha didn’t meet her at the well, and he apparently didn’t hear her scream. In fact she wondered if anyone had heard her scream. The little miko pushed on though. Her legs aching from the run, she found she wasn’t in the same shape as she had been when she was travelling nearly every day. Her sides cramped, she needed more oxygen to her lungs, her breathing and heart rate could not increase further as she felt the heavy pounding in her chest, and she wanted something to drink. She stumbled over branches and twigs littering her path before falling past the line of trees into a clearing. With her balance unstable she tumbled to the field. Cursing under her breath, well more in her mind because talking was too much at the moment, for lost time the woman quickly climbed to her feet and didn’t notice the figure that had moved in her front of her path. Instead her head turned to look over her should just as she bumped into the solid, firm wall. More than a little daze the miko stepped back with every intention of casting a barrier around her but her eyes locked onto not red but gold. Shaking her head to rid the thought out of her mind her gaze refocused on the spot to realize that she wasn’t imagining it. There before her stood Inuyasha’s hated half-brother.
Silver hair flowed like a silk river down his back glowing in the light of the night. His pale skin looked ghostly white under the moonlight. His golden eyes glared cold and dangerous with no emotion to be seen. His tall figure was dressed in his usual crisp, white silk hakamas matching the white haori which had patterns of red sakura blossoms along his sleeves. His black bone plated armour tied tightly across his chest while the familiar spikes curve over his left shoulder and his white, fluffy pelt mirror this action on his opposite shoulder. The blue and yellow obi around his waist was tied in an elaborate knot, the ends dangling down towards mid-calf.
She didn’t notice the nearby fire as the source of the flickering orange light that crawled over half his figure creating an eerie glowing and leaving the rest of him in the shadows. Adorning his high cheek bones were magenta strips matching the eye shadow-like lines that streaked across his upper eye lids. A blue crescent moon was the symbol of his power family history. The picture of mystery surrounding the male would, on any other given day, have had her holding her breath. Secretly the miko admitted that the oldest inu brother was definitely the model of the perfect man, appearance wise at least. But her feelings were pushed away from her mind anytime they popped up. She reasoned that this was just a crush and his personality was something that reminded her she would never be able to get along with him even with the friendliness he sometimes showed. Lately she had seen a few things change. He didn’t growl as much at her, and she was hearing his voice more and more. It didn’t take too long in learning what certain attitudes of his meant what. How to decipher is famous ‘hn’ and the curious yet still impassive glares and looks she gave him where things she paid close attention to. In fact the inu seemed fascinated in studying her and when he learnt that she was educated they began to debate about a few topics during her longer stays with the taiyoukai’s pack. Sesshomaru won of course, even with his few words. But these personality was never seen if Inuyasha was around or anyone else for that matter, other than for the three beings he traveled with.
Yes, the inu brothers still fought, but it seemed that Sesshomaru was taking it easy on the hanyou and after a few moments the older of the two would walk away with some sort of remark. The young girl Rin who usually accompanied her lord on his patrols would and the miko had long since grown use to bumping into the group occasionally and became quick friends with the young girl. Due to this Inuyasha had allowed the little miko to make occasional visits with the inu’s pack. This was much to Kagome insisting. Although she knew Sesshomaru would fight it she knew at the same time he would eventually give in. Just like Kagome, Sesshomaru knew that Rin needed a human woman around to learn from. She was growing and there were things that had to be explained to her. Things that were most inappropriate for a male to tell a young girl.
“Sesshomaru?” she questioned vaguely but a howl behind her reminded her of the current predicament that she was in.”Ah!” she jumped and attempted to dash to her right to rush pass the inu.
Said Taiyoukai side stepped forcing the miko to stop. His eyebrow arched in a perfect curve almost curiously. It was his way of asking her something without actually voicing the question.
“Please Sesshomaru,” she huffed out, slightly thankful for the few seconds of air to pass through her lungs but regretting that she had stopped and lost so much ground between her and her predator. “He’s after me,” she panted still calming her breathing.
“The wolf prince,” the inu stated casually, “is in heat.”
“Hai, I know,” she replied a little annoyed that he would state something so obvious.
“Do you need assistance miko?”
Kagome didn’t get to show the emotion on her face but she was utterly shocked of the offer. She had enough strength to shake her head though.
“No, no, of course not,” she stumbled over her words waving her hands as if to direct the topic away. However another snarl a little closer than before had her quickly changing her mind. “Please,” she whispered.
“Hn,” a familiar sound that the inu was accustom to.
The miko noticed a mischievous glow that sparkled vaguely before vanishing.
“Don’t kill him please,” she pleaded, not bothering to question the inu’s actions until she was certain she was safe.
“Jaken take Rin to the Citadel,” the taiyoukai ordered.
The toad bowed as graceful as a kappa could and stirred the sleeping child to mount on the two headed dragon before it took off into the sky. Just as the miko watched the figures fly away something growled behind her. Pivoting on her feet the woman gulped. Lightly stepping back the woman found herself behind the inu whom she was depending on.
In front of her Koga’s usual personality was completely consumed by his beast. Brown furs were a little scorched probably from the many barriers that the miko had used to shield her innocent body from his raging need to rut. His high ponytail was regularly a sleek length down his back with not a hair out of place. However he resembled someone who had rolled around the ground for some time. There was dirt on his pale skin and many imperfections in his attire. A growl echoed through the surroundings when his red eyes landed on another male.
“Mine,” he snarled viciously taking a leap to the inu.
“Pathetic,” the taiyoukai replied in a bored tone.
It was a disgrace that someone of such high status was unable to tame his beast. With a faint smirk tucked in the corner of his mouth Sesshomaru dodged the attack. Koga landed into the field, gaining a mouth full of dirt, and before he climbed to his feet the taiyoukai turned to the miko.
“Run,” he said not exactly telling her the reason why it was he wished for this. He let her assume it was to gain ground between the ookami and her so she would be able to escape.
Automatically she turned on her feet, while enclosing a barrier around herself to cover her scent and aura in hopes that this would help get away and slapping herself mentally for not thinking about it sooner. For a few minutes she could hear the snarling, howling, growling, and roaring behind her. But after ten to fifteen minutes of running, either the fighting had come to a halt or she was too far away to hear. A small stream trickling nearby reminded her that she desperately needed a drink to quench her thirst and parched throat. Surely Sesshomaru wouldn’t lose and he always kept his word therefore she concluded that she had enough time to grab a drink.
However, locating the stream was a little more difficult that she had assumed. It took a few minutes to come to the small clearing where the small brook, only a foot deep and a couple feet wide. It rushed around smooth boulders and a random tree before disappearing around the line of trees that fenced the clearing off from the forest. The most unique thing about the area was the curtain of vines that draped around most of the area giving off a sort of privacy. However, the miko took no notice, her plan was to grab a quick drink before heading back to the village where she could see get some rest for her aching muscles. She kneeled before the creek and cupped her hands to pool the clear, cool, liquid. A vague reflection formed in the small brook, even with the insignificant amount of light that filtered through to the clearing. Kagome dropped the fluid that would have soothed her dry throat and whipped around to greet the creature that had silently snuck up on her. But she sighed in relief when said beast was merely Sesshomaru with a look of insignificance swathed in his every feature. The woman had long since lost her fear for the being so thought nothing of the usual disposition he was showing here. She had also noticed numerous of times that he was the only youkai that she could never sense unless he wanted her to know he was there.
“Your power has grown miko,” he voice was low and the slight breeze carried it away, barely making it to her ears.
“Not really, I haven’t been practicing as much,” she replied a little uneasy about the way the inu was staring at her.
“It was more difficult tracking you than usual,” he admitted his eyes narrowing, suggesting he mind be annoyed but they crawled over her form keenly.
“I didn’t expect you to follow me or I would have left some trail,” she replied. “Is Koga okay?” she inquired after a moment of silence.
“Don’t worry about the ookami,” he answered with growl, was that resentment she could pick up on?
“Um... Sesshomaru?” she felt that something was up and didn’t know how to voice the question.
“Miko,” he purred in riposte.
“Are you... I mean is there something... wrong?”
Although she was comfortable around him that didn’t mean that she didn’t fear for her life. She was well aware of his reputation and knew there were certain things that remained off limits in discussions.
“Your run is quite impressive,” he began empathizing that single word mysteriously, “keeping a way from the ookami for so long, manipulating this Sesshomaru into doing your bidding, and then giving my beast a hard time following your delicious scent.”
He crooned with the last few words as his red-rimmed gaze devoured the female before him making the miko feel vulnerable.
“I-I-I did-didn’t mean f-for you t-t-to feel...” but the miko was unable to finish.
Sesshomaru had stepped closer, intruding into her personal space and quickly pulling the woman into his chest with his arm, the one the miko had replaced for him with a spell, around her waist. He proceeded to lift her chin with a forefinger and thumb of his other hand to tilt her head upwards so he could seal her lips against his in a short kiss. The miko, perhaps uncertain, didn’t response in the least. His beast sensed the woman’s uneasiness, shock, confusion, and dare he say arousal as he pulled his mouth away from hers.
“Sesshomaru?!” her eyes were wide as she attempting to push the large form away from her but he held her in place fiercely. “What are you doing? Did you hit your head when fighting with Koga?”
“This Sesshomaru accepts your confusion miko and will forgive your insult,” his hissed in warning, “but don’t presume to think such disrespect will be allowed in the future.”
The taiyoukai stood back far enough to look into the sapphire eyes where he saw her questioning him but was not terrified like most female would be in her position. His beast could rip her apart if she refuse him, not that either of them what that, but she still stood her ground. When his gazed lowered slightly her full lips caught his attention. He growl lowly in thought of what he wanted to do to them, what he wanted them to do, what they would scream by the end of the night. Her dainty figure wasn’t the thin stick of a figure she use to be. He assumed that she was able to eat comfortably now that the half breed wasn’t pushing them to starvation and he like the little extra pounds filling out the luscious curves of her breast, belly, and hips. Her long, slender, smooth legs would feel like the finest silk beneath his fingertips he was certain. He wanted to feel them wrapped around his waist, in the crook of his arm, over his shoulder... in hopes of bringer to the brink of sanity. He had feel how soft and gentle her fingers were whenever she had touched him in the past. The night she gifted him with a new arm they worked wonders over his skin and that was all unintentional. Another vibration rumbled through his form as he focused on his task at hand. With luck he wouldn’t have his beast picturing things any longer.
“Sesshomaru what’s going on?” she managed to ask.
“Is this Western Lord not a canine as well miko,” he stated simply hoping that the miko would catch on.
The realization dawn in her eyes: Sesshomaru was in heat as well.
“The ookami is weak, too weak for a creature, such as you, who can outrun him with such ease.”
Sesshomaru lowered his nose to the crook of the female’s neck. Her scent wasn’t foul like most humans. It was pleasant, filled with lilies and her small spark of arousal added a spice, a scent similar to cinnamon that left him wanting more.
“But shouldn’t you go find a nice youkai female to rut with,” she pointed out a little ill at ease as the inu nuzzled her.
“This Sesshomaru hasn’t participated in such feeble acts in some time. There are no females out there whom have caught my attention. But you miko seem to have done just that,” the inu stated in a matter of fact like tone. He pulled away from the woman once more to watch the reaction in her eyes.
“But I am human,” she indicated rekindling her struggles to get free.
Sesshomaru held her arms in his tight grip, careful not to harm her, so she wouldn’t run from him. The inu had to think about this. It was true that she was human but it didn’t bother him for some reason. He wanted her, wanted to taste her, and wanted to make her scream his name into the night. He had longed to be the one to take her innocent since his heat had begun a couple days prior, but he wasn’t a foolish pup who couldn’t contain himself. He was able to control his beast in these situations unlike others. But when the miko had entered the clearing and the scene of the ookami following her, his instinct kicked in and he couldn’t deny them what they wanted; to prove that he would be the victor in claiming the strong female. He would be her bed partner that night and no one would stop him for no one was strong enough to prevent him. Of course he knew the miko might take issue with this but with the hint of arousal in the air whenever he was around her in their previous meetings he was confident he could persuade her.
“This Sesshomaru is aware of that fact,” he whispered huskily noting the shiver that vibrated through the miko when he spoke, “as such I will take the utmost care with your fragile body.”
“I-I can’t... I’ve never...” she didn’t know what she would use as an argument against the inu who could easily manipulate a situation to his liking.
Sesshomaru watched the woman turn her face away from him, probably in hopes for him not to see the blush that crept across her cheeks.
“Do you not trust this Sesshomaru’s skill,” his breathe grazed her ear, and he could see the woman squeeze her eyes closed tightly trying to get hold of some control over the situation.
“I never said that,” she replied still not looking at him.
“Miko, this Sesshomaru will let you go if you give one good reason to,” he offered, taking a hand from her arm to turn her face to his.
“You hate humans,” she pointed out.
“Yet this Sesshomaru enjoys your company and has for some time,” he retorted.
“You tried to kill me,” she whispered with a tone that was unconvincing.
“Not for some time now. You wander between my pack and yours freely without fearing for your life,” he remarked.
“I-I won’t be any good,” she was lost for words.
“You don’t know that,” he mumbled, “you have yet to be taught what it’s like to be with any real male,” he countered.
“I’m a miko,” she thought she had him but she could see the smirk on his face and a glint of something in his golden eyes.
“Your body will only scream all that much more,” he responded with a bit of a thrill and she realized lust filled his eyes. “You can’t harm this Sesshomaru will your power and as our auras intertwine with our act it will bring a pleasure beyond your wildest dreams.”
“I don’t want a mate.”
“It is not my wish to be mated either miko,” he replied with a slight annoyance. “Your responses grow weaker. Besides, did this Sesshomaru not take care of the wolf for you?”
He was not one who would usually use it but perhaps blackmail would help in making the female feel a little guilty.
“You did,” she answered but there was a fire in her eyes.
Her thoughts were running wild through her head. Her mind replaying the images of him in some of the dreams she had. His kisses and caresses lingered even after she had woken. It wasn’t helping that the entire time his voice, his soft touches, his dreamy eyes, and his short kiss had created a heat to pool between her legs. She was almost certain the inu could smell her arousal and eventually would use it against her.
“I won’t let you think you blackmailed me into this,” she fired back.
“This Sesshomaru never let such a thought cross his mind,” he lied smoothly.
Yeah right, she thought to herself before continuing, “I don’t want to be a whore,” she whispered her concern lowering her eyes.
“You are not selling yourself miko. Your act will be one of pleasure and should be enjoyed. You wouldn’t want your first time to be with some weak man who would take his pleasure over your own would you.”
The statement was something that reminded her of something her friends had told her once. She needed to be more spontaneous. She lived her life by a book and never let anything ‘fun’ every happen to herself. She needed to get laid they explained multiple times since she had graduated. Instead of caring for herself she worried more about the people around her. Looking confidently in the golden orbs studying her, she came to the conclusion: she wanted this. Her body innocently cried to be touch. In letting this occur she knew exactly what she was getting into. No one would get hurt because there were no feelings involve. This was lust, pleasure, desire, want, need. When this night was over things would progress to what they were and she could move on with her life.
Besides, Sesshomaru has years of experience. So it would be in my best interest to take this once in a life time opportunity and learn from him. Right?
“Don’t tell anyone,” she requested after a moment paused.
The taiyoukai growled, he would have agreed to whatever her terms were if only to have the opportunity to take her.
“This will be our little secret,” his voice enclosed her in a heated embrace.
“Uh... can I get a drink first,” she asked nervously.
The inu released his hold and took a step back. He hands tugged hidden ties release the armour fastening around his chest. He drew the heavy material over his head and dropped it on the ground where he stood. His feet orderly kicking off the black leather boots, which he neatly placed near the growing pile of possessions as he detached his pelt, strategically placed on the ground a few feet from his other things. Not once did his eyes leave the miko in front of him for signs that she might flee. But the woman remained calm and knelt down in her previous position beside the stream. Her beautiful full ripe lips sipped the cool liquid between her delicate hands greedily. She wiped the wetness around her mouth with the back of her hand and stood up to face the inu once more. She gasped in surprise when she saw he had wasted no time in losing his clothing. His hand were working the knot in the elaborate yellow tie around his waist, he let it flutter from his hands to his other belongings. Next he shed his haori, Kagome took a sharp breath in as she watched the male strip, the short jacket fell flat on the ground over the white pelt. The miko’s face flushed with heat as he slipped off his hapi undercoat, which was added to the heap to his left whereas the other two objects were on his right.
“Uh I don’t suppose I could change my mind,” she whispered trying to hide the awe as she devoured his flawless form with her eyes.
Sesshomaru chuckled; he was well aware what most females thought of his masculine form. It boosted his ego to know that this unique woman, who was so different from most, was no exemption to this fact.
“Now why would you want to do something like that my little miko,” he replied stepping towards her ogling his prey.
Kagome shuddered at the sheer sound of his deep voice carving its way to drown her and she had to pry her eyes away forcefully from the chiselled chest of the male faultlessness. It wasn’t fair that just looking at that well developed torso and smooth planes of his robust chest could make her legs feel like jelly. Her mind offered that she had seen a fair share of half naked guys, after all it wasn’t all that uncommon for a man to take of his shirt, especially in her time. Even in the feudal era she had seen quite a few half naked demonic forms. Of course there was Koga and Inuyasha when they were injured and she was forced to dress their wounds but no one she had seen compared to the terrible Killing Perfection. That word ‘perfection’ described him to a ‘t’. Perhaps Sesshomaru’s near naked state affected her so because it was so unknown and clearly not his usual persona.
She gulped before pointing out: “I’m not your miko.”
“But on the contrary, you belong to this Sesshomaru for this night,” he stated closing the distance between them and capturing the woman’s lips with his own for the second time that night. “I have no intention of letting you escape from me either,” he added when he pulled away, “therefore you are mine.”
In one swift, shameless move the inu tucked his fingers under the hem of the foreign garment covering the miko’s torso and pulled it over her head before discarding the black long sleeve shirt somewhere at their feet taking less care of her belongings than he had with his own.
Kagome crossed her arms in front of her chest; there was a chill in the air she noticed now that her body wasn’t overheating with her exertion from the long run. The goose bumps on her upper torso caught the taiyoukai’s attention.
“You won’t be cold for long,” the inu assured while using his arm now draped around her waist to pull her against his chest.
Kagome’s hands automatically took their position as a barrier between his bare skin against her semi bare skin as a self conscious reaction. But instead of using the limbs to push the inu away she timidly brushed them over the taunt contours of his well developed abdominal muscles fascinated with the feeling under her water. Smooth like the water she had held in her hands. Firm and soft all at once. Sesshomaru was turning out to be an oxymoron. Her fingers brushed like feathers up to his shoulders, dragging her nails along the corded muscles of his biceps and around to his well built back unaware the entire time she was send a scorching sensation with each of her gentle caresses. Nervously the woman lifted her weight to her tip toes to cover the few inched between their lips while her hands tangles in the silver strands of hair at the back of his head. She stopped mere centimetres away contemplating.
She was with Inuyasha’s older brother. Would this be considered an act of betrayal? She couldn’t say exactly how the younger inu would react but she didn’t want to care at the moment. She would deal with things as they arose. Her eyes flickered over his. She couldn’t believe she was situated there so close, so powerless. He was ruthless, cruel, cold, and merciless. Yet he stood there unarmed and exposed before her. Former enemies.
“Please be gentle with me,” her breath brushed his face like kisses before she tugged at his head to bring his mouth to hers the rest of the way.
Beat. Pound. Throb.
Those familiar strikes of her heart returned but this time her chase was over and the rate of her heart would move with the passion that would fill her veins that night.
His tongue darted out to lick her sealed lips seeking entrance which was granted. The muscles of their mouths meet gently at first but the mood became blistering as they fought for dominance which Kagome was eventually forced to surrender in order to pulled away to fill her lungs with desperately needed air. Sesshomaru took the moment to shed her of the baggy pants she wore, tugging at the string of the black jogging pants to loosen them enough to free fall to the ground, pooling at her feet. His hands drifted around to firmly grasp one well round, definite cheek of her ass in each hand and pull her weight up. She understood immediately and locked her legs around his hips while he pushed her against that lone tree situated to their convenience in the center of the clearing. His semi erected member ground into the woman’s heat a few times as he captured her mouth again wasting no time in demanding entrance into her warm cavern. One hand gently clawed a path to her breast, he didn’t notice how strange her bindings were before but the feeling of the strange fabric had him pull away to look down. His eyebrow arched perfectly at the black and pink object constricting the movement of her breast.
Gasp. Pant. Breathe.
Each intake of air was welcome as the atmosphere surrounding the two began to heat up, sizzling, and crackling.
“It’s a bra,” she answered with a giggle while reaching down and undoing the little clip that was located at the front rather than the back.
A moment’s hesitation followed after the snap of release before she pulled to twin cups away to reveal her soft, full, supple mounts. He growl his approval, Kagome noticed the glint of eagerness in his eyes, before he leaned in taking the right nipple in his mouth. He nipped the tip causing the woman to gasp. The suction that followed made her arch into him offering him more. His left hand found the twin and with his finger he mimicked the motions of his mouth perfectly. Kagome groaned and tightened the grip of her slender legs around his waist. Her hands pulled the inu’s head into her as she delighted in the new feelings beginning to swirl around her. The sensations of shivers ran rampage through her nervous system and continued as the taiyoukai focused the attention of his mouth on the opposite breast.
She was well aware of the occasional twitch and pressure against her lower region. The inu would grind his pelvis into hers perhaps as a way to let her know what she was doing to him. Sesshomaru immediately picked up on her disappointed moan when his mouth withdrew from the erect tit. His smirk returned before replacing his mouth over her pulse and nipping affectionately. He pulled the skin into his mouth to suckle, he had every intention to mar her beautiful pale moon kissed skin with any mark, other than his mating mark, that would remind her for many weeks who it was that could draw pleasure from her body. Conceivably this would bring her to him again when he needed a release.
“Mm...” she moaned tilting her head to the side to let him continue his ministrations.
He traveled a path with a gentle hand down the woman’s curves stopping when he felt the miko pull his ear lobe into her mouth to nibble on lovingly her wet trail continued and he purred in content when her little pink tongue traced the stripes on his cheeks which matched the ones on his wrist. The vibrations in his chest cause the woman’s arousal to increase a notch and her actions created his own erection to pull the material of his hakamas tightly as he thrust forward with a grunt. The damn things were an annoyance at times like these because their sensitivity was great compared to the rest of his milky skin, but he didn’t mind the woman’s actions at all on this night.
“I love these,” she whispered gracefully into his ear and took a moment to lean over and treat the stripes on his other cheek in the same fashion.
“Just your luck that you will find where they are all located by the end of the night,” he murmured between kisses.
With one last push of his pelvis against hers the inu tugged the woman forcefully into his chest. She trembled in his strength, her breasts pressed securely between them, before he lowered her to the ground. He let her head rest on his white pelt and beneath her body his haori kept her skin from the coldness of the ground that night. A claw tipped finger hooked into the last garment covering her body from his view. He pulled the slip of material down her legs and dangled them in her view; they were the strangest loin cloth he had ever seen.
“Panties,” she commented moving to sit to swipe them from him.
“Their purpose?” he asked tossing them over his shoulder and pushing the miko onto her back and slipping between her legs.
“To keep perverts like you out,” she joked with a sigh when he placed kisses across her collarbone and jaw line.
“They don’t seem work,” he retorted with an evil glare of victory.
Kagome couldn’t reply. Her breath hitched in her throat as Sesshomaru slid a finger between her rosy folds to glide over the little bundle of nerves. She was shocked he had moved so fast. Her heart was pounding in her chest, beating against her rib cage. Her entire body felt weak as he tortured her while he alternated between rubbing the little nub agonizingly slow followed by a few quick circles. Golden eyes locked on with hers as she whimpered oh so prettily. Sesshomaru savoured the little mews of pleasure that echoed in his ears. Her heat was wet and ripe for the taking but he would torment the miko for a while longer waiting until he couldn’t wait any longer to ravish the little angel the Kamis sent him. His member was painfully erected and he made quick work of untying the drawstrings of his hakamas with his free hand to give his large length a bit room. He kicked them off vaguely noting they did make it to the heap of other garments.
The miko, not so lost in the blaze that was consuming her body that one might think notice the direction of his hand and the bulge in the inu’s pants. Although she might be new to the act she wasn’t naive, far from it considering the time that she came from, and she knew well enough what might help the inu. The dark mask of mischief drawn across her face caught the inu off guard. The miko took the opportunity to shift her weight and turn the inu onto his back straddling him before wriggling down a little further. Taking a deep breath for confidence, after all the inu could kill her for what she was about to do, she curved her fingers into the hem of his silk fundoshi and trailed around until she found where he had tucked the loose end. He obliged her by arching upwards a little more as her fingers stumbled around, noting briefly the compactness found in his round cheeks, until she was able to pull the material away, freeing his proud penis from their confines completely. He thought it rather strange that she was unaware how to untie his loin cloth but with the strange garments that he had found on her he pushed the thought away.
Although not liking that the miko was becoming dominating and taking her role above him but curious nonetheless, he silently gave his approval for her to continue when she looked up catching his eyes. He would indulge in the woman’s position and he hope she realize how lucky she was able to see him in such a state. He wasn’t in control; instead he held a position on vulnerability, beneath a woman. Submissive, rather than dominating. Aching for a release with the need that crawled through him all because of the insufferable woman.
Kagome, more assertively, leaned in and placed a fond kiss in the dip at his throat. Her descent down his body could be trailed by the little wet blotches which lingered especially over the dips of his abdominal and his naval. His heated body sensed the coolness of each of her kisses with the breeze cooled the little spots making it feel like they were everywhere all at once. He didn’t like showing weakness but was finding it more difficult to keep back the damn moans. Yielding just a little the slight croon from his chest was nearly constant. He tossed between wanting to pleasure the woman and wanting to tear her to shreds. Not a single female had ever affected him so and he never succumbed to them. But this woman... this human woman proved to unravel everything he stood for. She would be his downfall, he was aware of this in the back of his mind but he pondered if this was a bad thing.
Kagome found the burgundy stripes on his hips pointing towards his proud erection. Each mark was dutifully heeded to with a long sensational sweep of her moist tongue. Hesitantly she placed a hand at the base of thick shaft. She had never really seen a male organ other than in health class but what did they know. All in all she wasn’t really sure how she should react to the mere size of the rather large organ yet she trusted Sesshomaru and didn’t linger. Her eyes averted to where her hands rested and she noticed the small bit of white fluid resting in a bead at the head. Teasingly her tiny thumb dabbed the pre-cum and moved it in increasing circles. The hand encircling the member began to slowly pump the entire length up and down in an incredibly slow rate. Sesshomaru groaned silently. The small rumbled residing in his throat slowly crept in volume. He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of the miko’s delicate hands. She worked his shaft soft at first and slowly her grasp became firmer and her pace increased with her boost of assurance. Suddenly he feel the weight above him shift and he opened his eyes to see what the woman was up to now when he underwent the utter bliss of the miko’s mouth engulfing the head of his erection. He hissed lowly.
The woman stilled when she felt a hand tangle in her hair at the back of her head. But it merely rested there so she continued. Her tongue trailed from tip to base and back and she swirled her muscle over the darkened head before slipping it into her mouth, earning her a groan from the inu. She was thrill that she could please him so even though she had never committed such an act. She proceeded to sink her mouth lower over the appendage taking in as much as she could, as the member hit the back of her throat she pulled up mindful of her teeth. Her hand, still wound around his base, moved in the opposite directions. Soon she was increasing her speed, pumping the shaft long and hard. Her breast bobbed with each dip and the inu was memorized by the little sight as gave into a groan. The muscles in his nether region twitched and clenched forcefully. Deciding then and there that in no way was the little devil on her knees getting away from him in his future heats; he thoroughly enjoyed her mouth and it took all his control not to thrust into her little cavern painstakingly sucking his manhood.
A hand on the woman’s head clasp the hair and she knew from the spasms of the member in her mouth what was coming. A few last strokes of her mouth and hand and the inu was growling his first release of the night. Her tongue quickly cleaning the little mess he had made. Sesshomaru looked down, his eyes looking to watch the woman leaning over him. She sat up while darting a tongue between her lips to lick the white drizzle in the corner of her mouth. She couldn’t help but like the bitter sweetness that filled every pore of her mouth. A sweet smile adorned her face when the miko saw those dazzling golden eyes looking intently. The usually calm stoic male was, dare she say, panting. His chest was heaving just a little more than customary. But the moment of stillness between them didn’t last long. Kagome felt more than saw the inu return her to lie on her back beneath him. During this shifting she could see red bleeding further into the eyes she couldn’t turn away from.
“Tell me miko, if you are innocent, where did you learn your talents?” he questioned as he didn’t waste any time moulding her twin peaks in his hands, flicking dangerous claws over the tits ensuring he didn’t break her skin in the act.
Kagome held in her groan and tried to speak evenly when she replied: “I didn’t... I’ve never done...ah”
She failed miserably especially as those talented fingers found that bundle of nerves between the petals of her womanhood.
Sesshomaru chuckled. His miko was a natural talent at the art of pleasure if no one had taught her. All she need was someone to shape and form the art. Namely him.
“My little miko whatever is the matter?” he teased.
Although he had only just found a release he could already feel his need arise again when the spicy scent of the woman’s arousal invaded every one of his senses. But his control over his own arousal had increase and he took pleasure in knowing he was going to be able to draw this out. His affliction on her body would symbolize the anguish she was causing him. His mouth trailed nips, kisses, and licks along her collarbone as he dipped a finger into her opening. A grin threatened to tarnish is mask and it was difficult holding it at bay. The woman was oh so tight and he wanted nothing more than to turn her over and sink deeply into her before pounding into her like the animal inside him begged but at the same time he wanted the miko to return to him and long for his touches when she was away. So he forced his animalistic instinct to the dark regions of his mind... for now.
His mouth found one of the dark, hard, erected nipples. He bit down, a little harder than usual, but again careful not to break the skin, he wouldn’t at blood to the act. He didn’t want to know what the taste of her blood would do to him. He refused to become addicted to her and accidently slip. The last thing he need was a pup or mate.
A second finger joined the first before he slowly penetrated the woman’s core. Kagome cried out beneath him another wave of her heavenly scent washed over him. He grazed his fang over the second mound, his finger retreating only to sink into her again.
“Ah, Sesshomaru,” she whispered between her pants and mews.
He smiled knowingly when her hands rose from her sides and the next second her nails were biting into the skin on the rigid, corded muscles of his shoulder. He didn’t stop the cruel torture on her body as he dragged his tongue between the valley of her breasts. He added another digit as his open kissed lingered over the little handles of her flat stomach. He continued to thrust, slowly stretching her excessively wet walls with his fingers, when his tongue hollowed into her bellybutton. He continued lower to the little batch of raven curls, meticulously groomed her essence was heavy now so thick he could taste it in the very air.
He took a deep breath, not only to take that pleasant spice but also to claim control on his beast rattling the cage it was pinned in. He couldn’t let it out... not yet. Although her little run and his hunt after her had satiated his beast a bit he would have to control it until he tasted her fully. Later tonight he would release the demon when he knew the woman was ready for such ravishing acts and the beast within him wouldn’t rip her to pieces in seeking for that pleasure from her body and screams.
The inu smirked when he heard the miko cried out. He felt the tightening of the flesh around his fingers, which didn’t stop but instead, increased their rapidity just as his mouth latched on to the little bud between those sacred lips spread open with his free hand. His nose was bombarded by the immensity of her excitement which emitted from her in waves. Her first release washed over her, soaking his fingers, and dribbling down her thighs. A fang grazed the surface of her inner thigh as he licked the sweet nectar and the miko whimpered. He followed the trail until he was able to advance by slipping his talented tongue over the full length of her feminine folds.
Kagome wasn’t sure she could take much more. Just as she received relief from his fingers she could feel that knot build up deep within her once again. Her mind went blank and all she could think of what how deep she was falling. Every piece of her body heated and the immense sensation of passion demolishing her from some core embedded deep within her working its way out.
“Sessho-maru,” she gasped, “please...”
It was proving to be too much to even think coherent thoughts let alone speak them. Oh how she loved and hated the feeling.
With a light chuckle the inu pulled his mouth away, noting the disapproving groan that followed. He let his thumb rub over her precious pearl the fingers of his other hand never stopping his sweet slow torture.
“Please what my dear miko?” he asked with that tone of innocent deception from between her legs golden eyes mirroring sapphire tones.
“I can’t ... take it,” she tried to rise away from the clouds of passion, “I feel like... like I-I’m breaking into a thousand pieces and I ... I won’t be able to be pieced together again.”
“Perfect,” he mumbled letting his head lower back to his previous position.
She was right where he wanted her. Nearing the edge, her innocent mind completely unaware about what awaited her in the world that he was introducing to her. The warm muscle of his mouth sunk into her upon removing his fingers causing the miko to thrust up with another cry. Her hands were tangled in his haori beneath her and he could feel she was trying to hold her hips still with each of the motions his tongue made. He didn’t aid her and between his tongue and fingers he waited until he felt her second wave of passion sweep over her and drowning her deep in what would become her addiction. An obsession of passion. A craving for his touch. Hunger for completion. A yearning for that piece of insanity that waited for her each time she reached the edge. She would long for it and return to him wishing for him to begin again.
Vaguely, a distant memory now, she remembered his promise of him not letting her go cold. She knew now he was right. Her body wasn’t cold in the breeze of the night. Those goose bumps were replaced with the marks of passion marring her pale moon-kissed porcelain skin. She shivered with the sensations Sesshomaru was drawing out. Her body overheated with each of his gentle caresses, for he was indeed gentle towards her even though he was known for his brute strength and merciless poundings.
Quite pleased with himself he gracefully crawled over her length to pay his due to the neglected lips of his lover for the night. He stole her moan, muffling and swallowing it with his kiss before parting. His lips lingered over the shell of her ear.
“Are you ready miko?” he asked with a kind of tenderness lacing his husky voice.
Never once did she question his strangeness of the night. A silent agreement that whatever came of tonight would remain between the two of them. Sesshomaru would replace his emotionless mask and Kagome would be the innocence cheery maiden when they part in the morning. For now though they were able to sink into sin and become whomever they wanted without having to worry about the thoughts of others.
Kagome draped her arms around the inu’s neck as she nodded. Sesshomaru gripped his member firmly in one hand; his other pulled the woman’s knee around his waist. Slowly he pressed his head against the woman’s heat but the woman’s hands pushed him away a few centimetres.
“Sesshomaru what if I get pregnant?”
“My beast seeks pleasure not a pup. The fertile seed within me will not be released tonight. Besides conceiving an inu pup is difficult,” he reassured her. “Now, may I continue?” he whispered licking her delicate, sensitive ear that he spoke into like a voice in the wind.
“Hai,” she replied nervously pulling her bottom lip into her mouth to nibble on.
Pressing forward with his hips the inu reached her barrier. His eyes observed her teeth teasing her silky appendage and as he waited a moment to calm himself he leaned in to pull the offended lip into his mouth to suckle. He quickly released her though so he could nipple along her collarbone and place kisses over her beautiful pulse in an attempt to focus her before the next step. Kagome watched the inu’s bare shoulder just millimetres from her mouth, she kissed it and he took the opportunity to give one hard jerk breaking her maidenhood and embedding himself fully into her warm, wet cavern.
Kagome screamed when she felt the tear and breakage of her innocence. But as the inu thrust forward his shoulder muffled the sound and she found herself biting the skin. As the pain began to reside she realize the sting wasn’t as bad as she had imaged. In fact all that remained was a feeling of being full, complete, stretched. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not as she laid still beneath the inu, whom still pressed kisses along her neck, jaw line, collarbone, and ear.
Sesshomaru on the other hand was forced to still. The woman was tight. He felt like he was being pulled in and yet pushed out at the same time and the sensations being sent over his member while sheltered in her warmth was enough to take his breath away. He noted there was a dull pain in his shoulder but thought nothing of it as he gained control over his beast, only letting the animal side of him show through his crimson eyes. Experimenting he pulled out slowly until only his head of his length remained and he pushed forward into the tight wet canal. His member sheathed to the hilt he started the process all over again when the woman didn’t protest.
Again he found himself wishing he could just pound into the woman. He felt his beast’s need to ravish her body wildly but her innocence wouldn’t allow it. He needed to take his time with her and he knew eventually he would get the woman in every way he wanted. It was plan to make sure she was far from innocent by sunrise when he would be force to let her return to her pack, or her pack found her, whatever came first.
With each of his retreats the inu moved faster. It wasn’t long until Kagome realized she rather enjoyed the friction of the inu’s organ pressing, thrusting, plunging into her. It was so distance and unknown that she couldn’t tell what it was but it was building. Unconsciously she lifted her other leg over the males thrusting hips. She locked them around his waist, tightening her grasp on him and moved her pelvis to meet his. A grunt reached her ears before lips caressed hers their seeking mouths overlapped, tongues tied together the passion between them moving from the gentle, delicate touches to something more fierce and vicious.
He had been correct in assuming her purity in her power would assist them. Even with this act of pleasure she remained pure. This act of lust wasn’t a sin it was a gift. Her aura twisted a cocoon around them and his own demonic aura reached responded weaving neatly together with her purity before settling along their skin.
“Sesshomaru,” she moaned in delight when he pulled away, dragging out each syllable of his name.
He couldn’t get over the way his name flowed deliciously off her lips and into the thick suffocation air engulfing them until it reached his ears. Not able to resist he let his thrust become long and hard. There was time enough later tonight to take her fast. For now he would concentrate on making things easier for her he wanted her to last the night and not just a few hours.
His attention was drawn to the two bouncing mounds between their sleek forms. He was mesmerized, with each hard thrust into her core she cried out a short lasting mew and this was accompanied by her breast springing up with the shift of weight from the force he was causing. They would quickly sink back to settle down for less than half a second until he once again pushed forward to begin the method over again. Unable to help himself he leaned down, not missing a beat with his pelvis, and took one nub into his mouth. He let one hand rise from the miko’s hips to shape the other breast in his claws.
Needing to know how well she enjoyed pain with her pleasure he held the nipple of the right breast in between his teeth and gave a relatively harder thrust into her deep tunnel. It sent the woman over the edge as she arched into the inu, never failing to meet each one of the ram of his hips telling him that she indeed respond well to the light amounts of pain he could offer. Something he would take advantage of this night, for not many females enjoyed being taken rough.
He groaned when those taut walls he was buried in tightened further. He released the breast in his mouth and knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold out as long as he had hope this time around. His roar echoed the clearing a couple of thrust later, the miko still convulsing around him as he release his seed.
He dropped his head his nose pressed into the crook of her neck taking in the scent he had grown attached to. The mix of their arousals saturated everything around them, embedded in their very pores. Kagome unclasped her legs, letting them drop carelessly to the ground. The inu remained still, his shaft limp inside the woman, enjoying the aftermath of his accomplishment and the miko didn’t mind in the least. The comfortable weight sprawled out on top of her was comforting and welcomed. It was probably a rare treat for she didn’t see Sesshomaru as one who would drop his mask even in times like this.
Too soon the taiyoukai rose withdrawing his organ and turning over onto his back. His head pillowed by an arm and his moko-moko. His other arm pulled the miko into his side pressing her against him as tightly as he could possibly imagine. As if he might lose her if she wasn’t in direction contact with him. She obliged, too tired and a little sore to argue for her space. Besides she enjoyed his body heat. Her head rested along his arm and shoulder junction. An arm dropped across his chest, a light squeeze of a hug was felt which he returned.
“That was amazing,” she whispered at last.
The inu, unable to see her face that was buried in his side smirked.
“Naturally,” he heard the snort at his over confidence from the woman.
“I’ll find something you’re not so good at,” she mumbled a moment later.
“This Sesshomaru is intrigued on how you might go about that,” he replied amused and surprisingly unaware how much he was giving away without his mask in place.
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“Hn,” he paused for a moment, “Rest miko, while you have a chance.”
Already he could feel he was up for another round, but the miko was new at this game and so he would force himself to wait.
He didn’t answer but Kagome knew she had his attention.
“Thank-you,” she whispered before drifting off.
The little piece of appreciation caught him off guard. No one ever thanked him for anything especially not after an act of pleasure.
“You’re welcome,” he responded not sure if the woman heard him in her sleep or not.
****************************************************************** ******************
I had no intention of dragging this out so far.... just over ten thousand word later (not including title and notes) I noticed not only did do this in one sitting but I ignored all my school work and I beat my record for longest one-shot (if this remains just as it is) and longest chapter ever (if it becomes a continuation).
I do hope you like it, it’s only my third lemon but by the time this is posted it might appear to be my about my fourth or fifth maybe... I don’t know... anyway... I can’t decide if that’s it and leave it as a one shot or if I should continue it (I have an idea to progress the story that I could work with) which is why I didn’t post it right away. I know I normally don’t ask for reviews but the only way I will continue this story is if I get enough readers asking me to otherwise it is a waste of my time if no one reads it or likes it.
I don’t want you to feel like I am forcing you to review ... only review if you want; constructive criticism is welcomed as always since it is my goal to become better and the only way to do that is by meeting the demands of my readers.
(Flame me if you dare but I will remove it and not respond. I don’t mind if you dislike something but tell me why so I can improve)
Thanks to my wonderful readers,
Ja neAngelic Memories©2009