InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ School Boyfriend ❯ It's Pool Time ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
It`s Pool Time
The day passed so slow it seemed like to Inuyasha because he was so excited about her coming over. At the end of the day Kagome found Sango and Miroku and they walked for the front door. They got there before Inuyasha so they stood there and waited. About five minutes later Inuyasha came into view. He walked up to Kagome and said “Hey you guys ready?” Kagome smiled at him and said “Yeah let's go” Inuyasha grabbed Kagomes backpack from her and then flipped it onto his back and said “Here let me carry this.” Kagome smiled at him as they headed toward his car. Miroku and Inuyasha put Sango and Kagomes things in the trunk and Inuyasha took the keys and unlocked the car. Before everyone climbed in Inuyasha pulled back the hood and jumped in over the door Miroku got in the back with Sango and Kagome dropped into the passenger side seat. As they drive off Kagome told him the way. When they got there Kagome and Sango jumped out and ran into her house to get changed. Kagome through things out of her dresser looking for her two reveling bathing suits to tease the boys with. They through the bathing suits on and through extra close into a beach bag and ran out the door and the girls walked out the boys were in the car talking and got their attention by Sango whistling and yelling “Hey Lover Bois were ready.” They looked at the door and gasped and let their jaws hang as the girls walked out in the bikinis that looked way to small for them. They jumped in the car and headed to Inuyashas house. As the guys got on their trunks the girls went out back to see the pool. Sango looked at Kagome and said “Whoa that thing is half they size as a football field and it's in ground. They jumped in to find it really warm and they thought it must have heaters. They went over to the deep end when the boys walked out and they gasped just like they did. To their surprise their trunks were just like their actual clothes. Inuyasha wore red trunks that had white stripes down the side and Miroku wore black trunks with dark blue stripes down the sides. When they walked over you could see all the muscle that was hidden beneath their clothes. The boys walked over to the side of the pool and leaned over to talk to the girls that were now swimming towards them. Kagome asked Inuyasha to pull her out and so did Sango with Miroku as they bent over to pull them out they got pulled in by the girls. The boys went under as the girls laughed. But all of a sudden they girls went under the water because of the boys grabbing their ankles and yanking. When the four resurfaced they all started to laugh then Miroku asked if they wanted to play chicken. They all agreed and they got the girls up on their shoulders. To no ones surprise Inuyasha and Kagome won. Inuyasha said “I don't know about you guys but im going off the diving board.” Inuyasha climbed the ladder and headed for the diving board. A second later Inuyasha heard Kagome scream “Hey hold on I'm coming too” Inuyasha stopped and waited for Kagome. When Kagome got to the diving board Inuyasha did a perfect dive in the water. Kagome was about to dive in when she felt someone pick her up and jump in. When she resurfaced Inuyasha grabbed her by the waist and said in her ear so no one could hear “Was that fun? Because that is they only way I can seem to be close to you without them over there saying anything about it” with that Kagome put her arms around his neck… and pushed him under water. When he resurface he gave her a sweet but devilish grin when Kagome said “Before you do something let me say one thing” Inuyasha looked at her confused pulled her to the side sat her on the steps and he stood on the bottom step and she finished “Was that fun? Because that is they only way I can seem to be close to you without them over there saying anything about it”. Inuyasha smiled and looked down at her lips *damn I want to kiss her* he thought when she gave him a smile he thought *screw this* and pressed his body against hers and then his lips against hers. She fell into it quick. Inuyasha coaxed her lips asking for entrance and she was more than happy to give it to him. As the were playing with each others tongue in each others mouth and tasting each other Sango noticed they were quiet and looked over at the diving board and saw that they were practically shoving their tongues down each others throat. She turned Mirokus head so that he saw them. Miroku yelled at them “As much fun it is to watch you guys practically kill each other by shoving your tongues as far down the others throat you're not the only ones here.” Inuyasha broke the kiss and looked at Miroku and growled and went back to kissing Kagome when she pushed the top of his head down so he went in the water. She ran and hid. Inuyasha ran out of the pool and said “remember this is my yard I know where the hiding places are.” All of a sudden Kagome jumped out and wrapped her arms around Inuyasha. All of a sudden Inuyasha grabbed Kagome bridal style and ran to the pool side and through her in right next to Miroku and Sango. Kagome climbed out of the pool and walked up to Inuyasha and yelled “that was not funny or nice” He smile and said “that might but not be nice but this is” Kagome gave him a confused look and before she could say anything she felt his lips on hers. She opened her mouth and they darted their tongues in. While this was going on Sango looked at the watch she had on (waterproof watch) and said they have been together for five hours and they're already swapping spit. Miroku got a devilish grin a pulled Sango to swap spit since she made it sound so bad. They darted their tongues in each others mouth and then broke off. That's when Sesshoumaru walked in the back yard from the garage going into the house when he noticed his little brother exchanging spit with some girl. Sesshoumaru made a devilish grin and said “Hey Lil' Bro I didn't know that you found some new whore to exchange spit with.” Inuyasha looked at his brother with a snarl and growled and said “I see no whore the only whore I usually see around here is Rin (Rin is Sesshoumarus age in this story)” Sesshoumaru looked at Inuyasha and said “you will pay” “So you calling Kagome a whore is no better then me calling Rin a whore so we are even” Inuyasha shot back as his brother made his way toward the house. Inuyasha looked down at Kagome and said “Sorry that is my half brother we don't get along to well” Kagome nuzzled into his chest and mumbled “It's okay” Inuyasha smiled and said “how about we all take showers and we watch a movie on the big screen”.