InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sengoku Shorts ❯ Brotherly Grudge ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

For: Sexyblack
Fandom: Inuyasha
Characters: Inuyasha, Sesshomaru
Theme: Jealousy
Words: 143
Brotherly Grudge
Inuyasha scowled. His latest attempt to steal the Shikon Jewel from Kikyo had failed. Damn that wench for getting in his way.
He must get his hands on that jewel and become a full demon. He must!
He could still see his brother's gloating face in his mind from all those years ago. Damn Sesshomaru. He was born with all the benefits of being a full demon. Inuyasha would have to go through ten kinds of hell to attain that status.
His face burned with jealousy as he recalled the first time he met his brother, the first time he saw the obvious superiorities Sesshomaru possessed.
“It's unfair!” he screamed. “Why does Sesshomaru get everything so easy!”
Falling to his knees, his fists dug into the dirt as he vowed to become a full demon.
“Someday… Someday I'll have a fluffy mokomoko-sama too!”