InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Serious Problems ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Serious Problems Ch. 4

Sry for letting this story die for basically the whole summer, but I was extremely busy this summer. So yea, here you go, hope whoever’s left reading this likes it. And, I suck at being descriptive, so I hope everything is understandable in this chapter. Sry if it isn’t. Just tell me, and I’ll fix it.

Kagome woke up dazed and confused. She wanted to rub her head, feeling the effects of being hit hard in the head, but discovered she couldn’t due to her hands being tightly bound behind her. She also realized that her feet were also bound tightly to a wooden chair.
“Sleeping beauty’s woken up.” One of the 10 gang members standing on all sides of the warehouse said.
“Hm, what about the guy?” Gabriel asked.
Kagome looked around for Inuyasha until she found him bound with both ropes and chains, slumped in a chair to her left. She was just about to say something when she noticed Gabriel walking over to him.
“Time to wake up.” He said, punching Inuyasha in the stomach.
Inuyasha woke up groaning feeling the sudden sensation of pain. After his eyes focused, he saw that the man in the alleyway was standing right in front of him.
“Hello sunshine.” He said with this psychopathic smile on his face.
Inuyasha tried to move his arms to punch him, but realized they were both roped and chained together tightly behind the chair, and his feet were chained to the chair. He cursed under his breath.
“Yea, you’re not going anywhere anytime soon,” he said face going from a grin to dead serious, “but now to more pressing matters.”
Inuyasha was not listening to him however, he was looking for Kagome. Gabriel saw this and punched him hard in the stomach again. Inuyasha slumped over gritting his teeth.
“Now that I have your attention, we can talk about what’s gonna happen here.”
Inuyasha got back to an upright position and simply glared at Gabriel.
“You see, you two have seen something you weren’t supposed to see.” Gabriel said pacing in front of Inuyasha, waving his gun in the air.
“So, I should kill both of you, but I’m feeling very generous tonight.” He said stopping in front of Inuyasha.
“So imma make a deal with you, ya know, man to man.
He said gesturing between them with his gun.
“You see, I can either kill you or your little girlfriend over there.”
“No problem, my life for hers.”
‘Not as much as a coward as I first thought’ he thought smiling, ‘but I was planning on killing you first anyhow.”
“You do know I’m not going to make this an easy death right?”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way.” Inuyasha said.
As Gabriel started to list the possible ways of torturing him, Inuyasha started to think. Although he was in his human form, he knew he could beat this human. He was just caught off guard the first time. Yea, caught of guard. But it won’t happen again. He also noticed that his feet were only chained to a pretty weak part of the wooden chair. He could easily use his leg strength to break the part of the chair the chains were tied to, and kick Gabriel. He just needed to get Gabriel close enough. Inuyasha thought of something.
‘I wonder…’
“That’s all great and fine,” Inuyasha said de-railing Gabriel’s train, “but before you start torturing me there is something I have to tell you.”
“Do tell.”
“Come closer.”
Gabriel took 2 steps toward him.
“A little closer.”
Gabriel took 2 more steps forward.
Inuyasha forced his chained legs upwards, the part of the chair holding the chains broke, and his chained feet came in contact to Gabriel’s groin.
Gabriel grunted and fell to the ground. Inuyasha then took the opening, and did his best to try to hop over to Kagome, but was not only going nowhere fast, but the rest of his gang (who came out of just about nowhere) were starting to close in on him.
‘Not good.’
Inuyasha tried his best to hop faster, but to no avail. He was completely surrounded by gang members.
“Don’t touch him, he’s mine for now.” said Gabriel slowly standing up.
Gabriel walked in front of the still hopping Inuyasha, and pushed him in the chest with his finger, causing Inuyasha to fall back into his chair.
“Nice try, but that was a very stupid thing to do.”
While looking Inuyasha dead in the eyes, Gabriel raised his gun and shot in Kagome’s direction. The bullet hit her in her left side.
“AAHHHH!!!” Kagome screamed in pain.
“Hm,” Gabriel said turning around, “I was aiming for her heart, but that looks like a pretty good shot to me.”
Inuyasha had a look of pure hate on his face.
“Not so tough now are we, hm?”
Inuyasha just glared at him.
“Well, no more fooling around, if we don’t get your little girlfriend to the hospital soon, she may just bleed to death.”
“Like I really believe a dirty crook like you will keep your word.”
Gabriel walked over to Kagome, pointed a gun to her chest and said,
“I guess you’ve changed your decision…”
Kagome whimpered.
“No, kill me.”
Inuyasha took one look at Kagome’s face, twisted in pain, and vowed that he would survive. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her. He had to survive anything they did to him
‘for her.’
“Well, I was gonna make this like a real long torture session, but I’m thinking the girl’s not gonna last that long,” he said looking at Kagome who was whimpering in pain, “So, to keep my promise, I will make this little torture, and quick kill.”
Inuyasha had a determined look on his face, which thoroughly confused him.
‘If he has that look on his face ‘cuz he thinks I’m really not going to kill her, he’s dead wrong, it’s just no fun screwing a dead girl, but after I’m done I’ll kill her.’
Gabriel turned to the 10 gang members that were standing on the sides of the warehouse.
“You guys have about 5 min to beat this guy up.”
There were cackles from the members of his gang as they started to close in on Inuyasha.
“Oh! No fighting or I’ll kill her, I will be watching,” he said while looking at Inuyasha, “and guys…leave some for me, k.” He said smiling while he said the last part.
Gabriel backed up to a wall pulling out a cigarette from his pocket, and watched as his gang members started to viciously beat up on Inuyasha.

A little over 5 min.

“Stop!” Gabriel said dropping his cigarette then extinguishing it with his foot.
The gang members immediately stopped and backed away from Inuyasha’s body complaining because he had not let out so much as a whimper.
Gabriel looked at Inuyasha. Within the limited time he had given them, the gang members had managed to completely destroyed the chair, but Inuyasha’s feet and hands were still chained.(hands still roped and chained) His face had a little bruising on it, but not much as the gang had mostly stuck to his body. Although he couldn’t see much as Inuyasha was fully clothed, he figured by the way he was breathing, he at least had a couple broken ribs.
“Well, well, you look pretty beat up.”
Inuyasha managed to lift his head up, and still had that same determined look on his face.
“Alright, I see, that wasn’t enough to lower you spirit.”“I’ve…been through…much worse.” Inuyasha managed to get out.
Gabriel laughed.
“Your pretty strong.” Gabriel said walking over and taking a chair from one of the gang members, sliding it over to where Inuyasha was lying, and turning it backwards and sitting on it.
Inuyasha lifted his head again and glared at Gabriel. He couldn’t believe just how lightly he was taking this situation.
Gabriel looked down at Inuyasha and said,
“Would you like a seat?”
Inuyasha didn’t respond.
Gabriel got up, took another chair from one of his gang members, and slid it over in front of his chair. He then grabbed a handful of Inuyasha’s long black hair, dragged him over to the chair, lifted him up by his hair, and sat him in the chair.
As he did this Inuyasha gritted his teeth, his whole body was killing him. Though he was in so much pain, he refused to give that guy the satisfaction of hearing as much as a whimper. When he was put into the chair he was sitting up, but his head was down turned.
Gabriel walked over to his chair and sat down.
“You’re pretty strong, but your high spirit will definitely drop after this.” He said as he took his gun and pointed it at Inuyasha’s stomach.
“This’ll only hurt a bit.”
Gabriel pulled the trigger, and Inuyasha's eyes widened in pain. He then started to cough up a lot of blood, but he was still alive.
When he had caught what little breath he had left, he lifted his head and gave Gabriel that determined look that he had given him 2 times before.
“Hm, not dead yet?”
Gabriel got out of his chair, faced the other way, and pointed his gun at Inuyasha. He then pulled the trigger.
The bullet had completely missed.
Gabriel turned around to see what he had hit, and had a disappointed look on his face.
“Damn, I was going for the heart and missed again.”
Inuyasha would have sighed in relief could he have created enough breath to.
“Well I guess that’s enough fooling around.”
Gabriel walked behind Inuyasha’s chair, and pushed him so that he was only a couple feet away from her.
Kagome was slumped in her chair barely hanging on to consciousness. Gabriel went to the side of her chair, bent down, and lifted her down turned head so that she could see the horrible condition that Inuyasha was in. Immediately she started to tear up. He was bleeding heavily from his stomach wound, and his breathing was really shallow.
“Look as I kill him.”
Kagome used what little strength she had to move her head so that she wasn’t looking at Inuyasha anymore.
“LOOK!!” Gabriel said pointing the gun at her.
Kagome immediately put her head up.
Gabriel, still behind Kagome, stood up, and took aim at Inuyasha’s chest.
Inuyasha lifted his head, so that he was looking at Kagome. She was looking at him with tears in her eyes. He gave her a sad smile, and tried to say something through all the blood that was in his mouth and throat. A gurgled, basically inaudible “love,” came out, but before he could try to say it louder, there was a loud Bang.
Gabriel pulled the trigger, and didn’t miss his target this time.
Inuyasha was hit, and tried his best to hold on, but he before he could give a real effort, it all went dark. Inuyasha’s body jolted a bit, and then his upper body fell completely forward. Inuyasha was dead.