InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ Naraku's Death and Kagome's and Inuyasha's Feelings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Legal Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Stargate SG-1.
Chapter 1:
Naraku's Death and Kagome's and Inuyasha's Feelings
"Finally" thought an battle ready Inuyasha, racing towards Naraku's location. With Kagome on his back, Sango, Shippo and Miroku on Kilala's back, not to far behind.
"Kagome" said Inuyasha.
"Yes" answered Kagome.
"After we destroy Naraku" said Inuyasha rather nervously. "Can we talk, alone".
"Why" asked Kagome confused.
"We don't have the time" said Inuyasha, "Naraku is seconds away". About ten seconds later Inuyasha stopped and let Kagome of. Then drew the Tetseiga and charged at Naraku. The rest of the gang got there, and Sango threw her Hiraikotsu. Which was a direct hit, cutting threw, and came back to her. Naraku changed into his true form, after dodging Inuyasha's attack. And Naraku, counter-attacked, and if it wasn't for Kagura getting between Naraku, Inuyasha. Inuyasha would have died.
"Now’s not the for that Miroku" Sango said as Miroku got a feel of her ass. And after that Miroku got off Kilala, and attacked Naraku at close range. Trying to distract Naraku, as Kagome fired just a little high expecting Naraku to evade Miroku's attack. Naraku seen through this and directly attacked Miroku. Miroku realized this to late, and was sent flying into a tree. Sango rushed to Miroku's side, to se if he was okay. Sango got up, and with almost pure hatred, threw her Hiraikotsu at Naraku, only to have Naraku dodge it. Inuyasha used his wind scar, and Kagome shot her arrow. Both hit directly, and Naraku quickly recovered. "I'll get you Naraku" said a very annoyed Sango, just after catching her Hiraikotsu, threw it at him. Naraku caught it and hit Sango with the flat side of it. Sending her flying into the same trees as Miroku flew into. Now the two are side by side, unable to continue the fight.
Kagome was now in a little bit a daze now that Miroku and Sango were badly injured. "Kagome" yelled Inuyasha just as Naraku attacked Kagome. Inuyasha tried to get to get to Kagome but Naraku, but Naraku had to much of a head start. But lucky for Kagome, Koga wasn't that far off, and got Kagome out the way before Naraku attacked. "Mutt face, would could you let Kagome get so close to Naraku" said Koga just before he landed and let Kagome off. Inuyasha and Koga started to circle Naraku waiting for the right moment to strike.
Kagome aimed another arrow but before she fired, an arrow went through Naraku from behind. Kikyo joined the battle. Inuyasha and Koga used that opportunity to attack. So did Kagome, she fired her arrow at Naraku. Naraku evaded her arrow and Kagome’s arrow hit and killed Koga. "No, I didn't mean to do that, Koga, I'm sorry".
Kikyo came up to her side "After this, if we both survive, I'll show how to use your powers more effectively, and don't worry I don't have feelings for Inuyasha anymore." And with that both Kikyo and Kagome shot another salvo of arrows at Naraku. Naraku was to busy trying to fight Inuyasha.
Then from the skies, Sesshoumaru came, drawn the Tenseiga and swung it, reviving Kagura and Koga. "Kagome why?" "Naraku you have no control over me now, now die" as she use her dance of blades. Koga leaped at Naraku. Sesshoumaru sheathed the Tenseiga, and pulled out Toukijin, and slashed Naraku. Inuyasha did the same, while Kikyo and Kagome shoot their arrows, at Naraku.
Naraku, too the damage, healed and struck Sesshomaru from behind, and attack him until Sesshoumaru went limp. No matter what anyone did to try and stop it. Naraku turned his attentions to Kagome. And charged at her. Kagome and Kikyo shot arrows into him but he kept coming. It was to late, but Kikyo, and Koga got in the way. All three of them send flying, Koga and Kikyo dead. And Kagome barely conscious.
"Now its just me and you Inuyasha".
"You Bastard" said Inuyasha, now very pissed off. "I'll get you for Kagome".
"Love to see you try". And Naraku sent his miasma every where in an attempt to finish off Sesshoumaru, Sango, Miroku, and Kagome. Inuyasha used to use backlash wave, "See you in Hell", and Kagome with everything she had shot her last arrow. Naraku was consumed by the attack, and was destroyed.
"Miroku" Sango said.
"Yeah" replied.
"In case we die from our" said Miroku and was cut off by Sango, "Don't you say a thing like that or I'll kill you myself".
"I love you, I always have" said Miroku, with tears, and a little bit of fear.
"I ...Love you ...too" said Sango. All they did after that until help came was embracing each other or their death.
"Kagome, are you okay" said a very nervous Inuyasha, "No don't leave me now, your to important than that".
"Miroku, no. I love to much for you to die!" yelled Sango. Seconds later Sango died. Sesshoumaru waking up, seen Miroku and Sango dead. Used all of his remaining energy to walk over to them, pulled out the Tenseiga and swung. After that he fell to the ground.
Two months have passed. Sango and Miroku have been married. And all their wounds have been healed. Koga's and Kikyo's funeral were as you would expect them to be. Kagome's and Inuyasha's private time has not come yet, for Kagome was to injured for Inuyasha's words.
They were finally able to travel. And off they went back to Keade's village. When they stopped for the night, Inuyasha silently said
"Sango, can you get Miroku, and Shippo away from here".
"What for?" Sango asked a little confused.
"WHY do think!" said Inuyasha trying to stay quiet.
"Ohhh, Alright I will", Sango said. "Hey Shippo, Miroku can you help me fetch the water, and fire wood."
"Alright I'll get the firewood", said Shippo.
"I guess Shippo will need some help with the firewood" said Miroku.
"No, I think Shippo won't a problem at all." said Sango.
Miroku seen the lust in Sango's eyes. "Yeah I guess your right, you need any help".
"Yep". (I wonder what there going to do, lol).
"Yay, Now were alone" said by an overexcited Inuyasha.
"Why?" asked Kagome.
"Remember just before the final battle with Naraku?"
"The conversation?"
"Yep" said Inuyasha, "I have something to say to you."
"What?" asked Kagome, with a serious tone"
"...I ... ... Y...ou!" said trying to hold the tears back but couldn't.
"Oh my god" Kagome said, with tears coming down her face, "I ... also ... love ... y...ou, I have since a long time ago!"
With that Inuyasha hugged her. "Please Kagome don't ever leave me, w...ill you ... be... my ... ma...te?"
"How can I say no" said Kagome. Then they kissed each other passionately.
(A/N): Please review, and help me improve.