InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ The Depressed Two ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N): This was going to be chapter twenty, but it fits here better.
Chapter 19:
The Depressed Two
"Well they revived us two," Sango said, "There is a possibility of them doing the same to Inuyasha and Miroku."
"No Inuyasha can do heavy damage with his claws alone," cried Kagome, "And they know it!"
"Damn it Kagome!" Sango yelled.
"What!" yelled Kagome.
"You are not the only person to lose someone!" screamed Sango, "I've lost Miroku!"
"Ohh sorry I've been selfish!" Kagome apologized, "I just absolutely hate this feeling!"
"No fuck!" replied Sango, "What do we do now!"
"Do not know," replied Kagome, "Fight to the bitter end!"
"If we die, they'll revive and torture us over and over again!" said Sango, "How do we stop that?"
"We don't die then!" Kagome replied.
"So we are going to live for vengeance," cried Sango, "Are we going to get so low!"
"Ahhh... stuttered Kagome.
"That's not like you Kagome!" yelled Sango as more tears fell, "Is vengeance all you want?"
Kagome was speechless. She went into deep thought, of the words that Sango said. "Yeah you're right!" Kagome answered, "But we can make sure that they get a proper grave".
"That's a good idea," said Sango, "Lets get back to collecting firewood."
It didn't take long before they collected enough wood, and they went back to the campsite. And, they started a fire.
"Kagome," said Sango.
"Yes," answered Kagome.
"Those things that destroyed that ship," Sango said, "What were they?"
"Yeah, ahhh, that was a nuclear bomb," Kagome answered, "Come to think about it, we got a little to close to it, the explosion is only the start of it."
"What else happens," asked Sango.
"How can I explain this," said Kagome, "It is called radiation, and it's pretty much a very potent poison in the air".
"Really," said Sango, "How were they fired at the ship, and what fired them?"
"They were fired from what is called a nuclear sub," Kagome's mother answered, "They are vehicles that can go deep under water"
"What is a vehicle?" Sango asked.
"It's like Kilala in a way," she answered, "It is something that can carry you over distances".
"I think I understand," Sango replied.
"I don't know much about how they are fired," she stated, "But they use chemicals to create thrust and push it through the air."
"Really," said Sango, "And Kagome has had explained to me what chemicals are, so you don't have to tell me".
Their conversation ended there. Kagome’s mom tried to start it but both had lost the will to talk, and didn't answer. They took turns on watch and waited for the morning to travel.
The next morning they traveled across the coastline, until they found an abandoned house. The searched and found one a bow and a quiver of arrows.
"Let's get going," said Sango.
"Yeah," replied Kagome.
They walked further down the coastline, Kagome on the right, Sango on the left, Kilala on Sango's shoulder, and Kagome's mother was right behind. They walked for hours, silently. Kagome's mother, didn't even try anything to get them talking. For hours. Until they heard a large rumbling, they looked up and seen a mother ship, and two alkesh heading towards them. Death gliders poured out of the mother ship, and the Alkesh, got low, and started to land. Kilala transformed, Kagome drew an arrow, and Sango threw her Hiraikotsu, that she found in the ship. Kagome fired, and did heavy damage to one of the two alkesh. The death gliders came in and opened fire. Kagome summoned her Seritio, and the others hid behind her. Kagome fired another arrow into the fleet of death gliders, hit few, but many lose control, and didn't have time to recover. The were on the escape part of the dive attack and Sango threw her Hiraikotsu, destroying several. Kilala charged at the jaffa on the ground, allowing Kagome and Sango to concentrate on the death gliders.
"What are we going to do against the mother ship," yelled Sango.
"Worry about that after all the death gliders, jaffa, and Alkesh are destroyed" Kagome yelled back. The alkesh lifted off after deploying its contents. Kagome fired another arrow at the crippled alkesh and was destroyed. Kagome’s mother had hiding right behind the two the entire time. The death gliders came around again, Sango threw her Hiraikotsu, and Kagome fired another arrow. Doing heavy damage, but not as like much as the previous sweep, they fired and flew in every direction possible, not allowing Kagome nor Sango to do as much damage. Kagome decided that the alkesh had greater priority, and fired a arrow at it, which hit something and it exploded, sending shards of metal all over.
Kilala was getting frustrated, she would get in contact with a group of jaffa, she would easily destroy them. But as soon as they dead, another group was ready, a fired salvo after salvo, at her. She go from group to group doing that. Soon the were there groups doing that, and Kilala was starting to feel the energy blasts, they were light at first, but now they were hurting her with every blow.
Sango, and Kagome finally rid them selves of the death gliders, but the mother ship opened fire on them Sango, and Kagome’s mom his under the safety of Kagome’s barrier. It held through it, bu the mother ship kept firing, and didn't let up. After about ten minute they seen that Kagome's barrier shake, and diminish in size. "Come on hold together," Kagome muttered.
"Enough of this!" Sango yelled, she threw her Hiraikotsu, and it deflected some of the blows, but the Hiraikotsu was sent a ways from them. They ran towards cover, but they didn't make it, they were stuck under Kagome's barrier. It looked like it recovered a little bit, but after a few hits, it looked like it make a difference.
Then... another mother ship came!
(A/N): Please, if you read this review!