InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ This Is IT (Pt. 1) ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 24:
Is IT (Pt. 1)
Matthew grabbed his radio, "SG-1, Get out of here it's an ambush!"
"To late," General O'Neill answered.
SG-1's mother ship was ambushed by twenty-eight mother ship. They flew off firing back, trying to escape. To no avail, more and more mother ships joined the fight, and they decided that leaving the atmosphere was the only remaining option remaining. They heading up and started to push upwards, fighting their way through the atmosphere. Hoping that the goul'd mother ships didn't catch up, if they did they would incredible damage. They were almost out and they caught up, eighteen mother ships joined, and they fired and some damage, but Sg-1 made their way out of the atmosphere. The Goul'd mother ships followed. SG-1 was out of the clear yet, they were pinned! A massive fleet behind them, and five mother ships in front of them.
They charge at the mother ships giving all they had. Firing with every thing. Anyone who could fly a death glider was running to one. Everyone else were in position, ready to the inevitably be boarded. Everyone was armed, the men, women, elderly, even the children. There was no other way. They would be massacred if they didn't arm them. Taking heavy damage, and doing relatively little. But had no other choice. It was five or forty-eight mother ships.
They almost finished off, and more ships came. About twenty of them. They came and fired on the goul'd mother ship. It was the Asgard, and the Prometheus, and Daedalus. They made quick work of the mother ships.
"Tell them who we are," General O'Neill ordered. As the fleet moved towards them. They contacted them and they took a position at the rear of the fleet. And prepared to fight the goul'd fleet. The entire goul'd fleet massed. They were one hundred ninety-four mother ships remaining. But the Asgard were vastly superior, technologically.
"You'll have to go through some servants first," Anubis said.
"hmm, I get the big creature," Sango said.
"I get the really big creature," Kagome said.
"Hehe, I get the really really big creature," Inuyasha said.
"Looks like I: get the new first prime," Matthew said.
"It looks like I fight the two super soldiers," Miroku said.
Sango threw her Hiraikotsu, and easily killed it. Kagome fired an arrow, and easily killed it. Inuyasha charged it, and easily cut its head off. Matthew swung his Kamigawa, and went through the first prime, and he easily killed him. Miroku used his sacred sutra’s, and quickly and easily took them out.
"Why bother trying something so weak?" Matthew asked.
"To see how powerful you all were, "Anubis answered, to see who was the most powerful".
"Really," Inuyasha said, "Who is the most powerful in your eyes".
"You and her, the one with the bow," Anubis said.
"You, leave them alone!" Matthew warned, "Kagome, Inuyasha he can posses anyone he wants!"
"Shit," Inuyasha said, "Lets take him down before he does!"
Kagome fired and arrow at him, Anubis dodged it, Sango used her Hiraikotsu like a club, and swung it at him. Anubis dodged. Miroku used his staff weapon at him and missed. Inuyasha came from above, swung the Tetseiga and Anubis dodged the attack.
"Who did you possess?" Matthew said.
"A Demons," Anubis answered.
"What is with you false gods and possessing demons," Inuyasha said.
"Huh," Kagome said.
"Ba'al did the same thing," Inuyasha said.
"Mine's faster," Anubis stated.
Shippo ran behind Anubis, jumped and grabbed onto his head. He gripped into the hair, and didn't let go. Anubis fought to get him of but it was to late.
"Wind scar," Inuyasha yelled as he unleashed the wind scar. Shippo jumped off and got out the way, just in time. Anubis managed to avoid it though. "Damn it!"
Sango threw her Hiraikotsu at him and it missed him. She caught it and threw the Hiraikotsu again. Kagome fired an arrow, and Anubis barely avoid both, and the Hiraikotsu came back. Anubis couldn't dodge it, he grabbed it and he went flying with it. And he gained control of it and threw it at Sango. Sango caught it like any other time. Miroku used his staff weapon and Matthew grabbed his Uzi and they opened fire on Anubis. Anubis blocked it.
"You Fool," Inuyasha yelled, "Wind scar!" he used the wind scar and it hit Anubis.
"Please stop this, you would be great servants!" Anubis said, not even scratched. "You will die if you keep this up!"
"Bastard! Wind Scar!" Inuyasha yelled.
Anubis dodged it and charged Inuyasha, "You will be the first to die!" Anubis then unsheathed a sword. And swung it at Inuyasha. Inuyasha blocked, Matthew seen that Inuyasha was about to give and he swung his Kamigawa at Anubis. Anubis went to block but the Kamigawa broke his sword, and Anubis got his hand cut off. "Insolent Bastard," Anubis yelled as he jumped back. Sango threw her Hiraikotsu at him, and Kagome fired an arrow. Anubis avoided both.
"How did you break my sword with the kind of ease?" Anubis yelled.
"My sword can cut through anything with ease," Matthew smirked.
"Good for you," Anubis said sarcastically, "You'll still die!"
"Enough of this!" Inuyasha yelled, he charged Anubis and swung the Tetseiga at him furiously. Each time Anubis dodged and he jumped back. Anubis opened his mouth and a ball of energy flew at him.
"Backlash Wave," Inuyasha yelled. Anubis jumped out of the way, "Asshole".
"Thank you," Anubis replied.
"Eat this," Sango yelled as she threw her Hiraikotsu It missed and came around and missed again.
"Your not getting away so easily," Kagome said. She fired so it would hopefully hit when the Hiraikotsu came back. It hit, but it only took out his shoulder.
"This should hurt as well," Miroku said. He used his sacred sutra's. And it hit Anubis.
"Aaaaaahhh," Anubis screamed, "I fucking kill all of you insolent bastards! Each and everyone of you!" He fell over and looked like he died.
(A/N): Story isn't over, Anubis is not dead. Please review!