InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ Anubis ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 23:

The next day.
Sango, and Miroku finally left the room. "Finally," Inuyasha said.
"I hope you got some rest," Kagome said.
"Yeah we did," Miroku said, "Why?".
"Were going in before the mother ship," Kagome said, "If you want to, of course".
"I have no problem with that," Miroku said, "Sango what do you say?"
"Sure," Sango replied, "When do we leave?"
"In about three hours," Matthew said.
"I hate having to ask this, but I lost my sword," Sango said, "Do you have one to replace it?"
"Yes, follow me," Matthew said. He shown her to the armoury, and gave her a sword, almost identical to her previous one. "You should probably take this just in case".
"What is it?" Sango asked.
"It is called a gun, M-9 Berretta to be more specific," Matthew said, "Just point that hole at your target, and squeeze the trigger".
"You mean like this?" Sango asked, as she pointed at a can and fired.
"Yes, but don't use it unless you have to," Matthew said, "You sometimes have to reload, so take these".
"Thank you," Sango said, and Matthew shown her how to reload it.
They rejoined everyone else.
"So where are we going?" Miroku asked.
"We are going to a place were we store supplies," Matthew said, "This particular one has plenty of weapons and ammunition to last through our grandchildren’s lifetimes. It also has food, but we have enough for the trip, when we get there we have the means to crop it ourselves".
"Why don't we just fly over it?" Sango asked.
"We suspect a trap," Matthew answered, "It's to good of an opportunity, to pass up though".
"We'll clear them if there is any jaffa there hiding," said Inuyasha overconfidently.
"They'll bring in reinforcements in the numbers that we couldn't handle," Matthew said, "I doubt that we could stock the ship fast enough".
"We can hold them off," Inuyasha retaliated.
"Against several mother ships, hundreds of alkesh and countless death gliders and jaffa," Matthew replied, "I doubt it".
"We'll do it quick and quiet then," Inuyasha snarled.
"If this ends up in a battle, who is going to protect these people," Kagome asked, "We are pretty much the only ones who can".
"We'll only send people who have received training to fight, but if the ship is boarded, they will fight side by side, were are arming them as we speak".
"Major Carter," Matthew said, "What's our ETA?"
"Fifteen minutes," Carter replied.
"Alright," Matthew said, "We should get the ring room".
They got to the room, they got into position. And waited. "Alright, it's time, see yeah later," Lee said.
They were ringed down to the surface. Inuyasha, and Matthew were up front, Kagome, and Sango were behind, and Shippo and Miroku, were in the rear. They headed right for the supply dump, and moved quickly and quietly. Until they got close to the supply dump. They drew their weapons and looked ready for anything. They got inside, an seen absolutely no one. The group headed in towards a large warehouse. They walked towards the office, and keep ready for anything.
"I do not smell anyone around her, other than us and a human over there," Inuyasha said, as he pointed towards the office.
They headed in the direction, looking for the person. They went in the office and seen no one in it.
"I thought you said that there is someone was here," Matthew said.
"There should be," Shippo said, I smell it to".
"Then there is someone here," Kagome said, "Where is it the scent the strongest".
"This way," Inuyasha said. He went into a storage room and, "This is the closest we can get, it seem to go through the wall".
"How is this possible?" Sango stated.
"Maybe there is a door behind that huge cabinet," Shippo said. Inuyasha moved towards the cabinet. He then grabbed it, picked it up and threw it threw a wall.
"You didn't have to throw it," Kagome said.
"Yeah, I know," Inuyasha said, "I just wanted to. I hate looking for a possible fight, and get one".
"Damn, no door," Matthew said, "We should find him before we radio back and say it's safe".
"We'll just have to find a different route," Miroku said.
"Inuyasha, I don't want to unsheathe my Kamigawa if I do not have to, can you knock the wall down, it would probably easier," Matthew said, "Just be cautious".
"Sure thing," Inuyasha said, he lifted his Tetseiga, poked it into and through the wall lifted higher, turned it to his right pushed a distance. He soon turned it downwards and pushed to the wall, turned it to the left, pulled it until it was directly below the cut. Inuyasha turned the swords straight up and connected the cut. Creating a square. He grabbed the wall and pulled it, he jumped out of the way, and there was a hallway. The gang went down the hallway looking for the person. After about ten minutes, and it stated to head deep into the earth, they found a massive room easily big enough to fight someone like Naraku. Then, they found the person.
"It's...It's you," Matthew yelled, as he unsheathed his Kamigawa, "You bastard! This will be your end!" He walked over to his left side.
"Who is he?" Kagome asked.
"Do not be disrespectful to your god," Anubis said, "Or you'll find yourself dead!"
"Your the one who is leading the jaffa," Inuyasha said, he ran and landed behind Anubis.
Kagome drawn an arrow and pointed it at Anubis, "Give up, or die".
"Why would I?" Anubis replied.
Sango and Miroku readied themselves on Anubis’s right side. “You are outnumbered, and outmatched! Just give up".
(A/N): If other people started reviewing. It would make this go better! Any ideas for my sequel will be helpful. I'll try to fit it in.