InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ SG-Inuyasha ❯ Preparation, Frying Pan, and an Explanation ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 22:
Preparation, Frying Pan, and an Explanation
"What will do if we escape?" Lee asked General O'Neill.
"Find a uninhabited planet," Jack answered, "Keep the necessities running, teach everyone how to use how to fire a rifle, install a defensive network, and then retaliate. Considering that most of the remaining population are farmers, the first two shouldn't be to hard".
"We just need to get to somewhere to collect more ammunition," Teal'c said, "Then everything will be ready for our trip".
"Kagome, it looks like you need more arrows, follow me," Matthew said.
"Where are we going?" Kagome asked.
"To get more ammo," Matthew answered, "We've collected some but we have to conserve, you are the only one who uses arrows, so you have less worries than the rest of us, we have thousands of arrows".
"What happens when you do run out of ammo?" Kagome asked.
"There seems to be a supply dump left to not be attacked, so that should easily keep everyone with lots of ammo," Matthew answered, "Enough to keep twice the number of us for a decade, of heavy fighting, plus there will be an assortment of heavier ordnance to".
"Looks like a trap, Doesn't it?" Kagome asked.
"That's why we will be arming everyone," Matthew replied, "Ohh yeah, one thing, we are going to infiltrate it and check it out. Can you and Inuyasha lead it? You and Inuyasha seem to the best qualified. You'll have to choose the members of the team though. Keep the number small"
"I will," Kagome answered, "Six is a good number right?"
"Yeah," replied Matthew.
"Let's see Me, Inuyasha, and hmm, Sango, Miroku, you, and I think Shippo would be useful," Kagome said.
"Kilala is to injured to come," Matthew said, "The jaffa really did a number on her. I will come".
They got to the armoury, and Matthew obtained more ammo for his Berretta, Uzi, and his M-4 Carbine. Kagome obtained more arrows, and grabbed, some body armour, and a Berretta with some extra ammo, just in case.
"How many have you saved?" Kagome asked before they left the armoury.
"About three thousand," Matthew said, "That's all we could find!"
"What that few!" replied Kagome startled.
"Most died from the orbital bombardment," Matthew said.
"Ouch," Kagome replied.
They left the armoury and seen Inuyasha running.
"What's happening?" Kagome asked.
"Your mother with the frying pan!" That's what!" Inuyasha yelled. He ran of and then there was Kagome mom, chasing after him, as fast as she could go, waving the frying pan in the air.
"We will have to wait for tomorrow, to ask Sango, and Miroku," Kagome said, "Where is Shippo?"
"I think he is with Souta," Matthew answered.
"Let's find tem then," Kagome replied.
"Alright," Matthew answered. They went and searched the ship for Shippo.
"Shippo, come here," yelled Kagome when they found them.
"Yes," Shippo answered. As he and Souta got to them.
"Looks like we have a job for you soon," Matthew said.
"Which is?" Shippo asked.
"There one place that we have to go to, and it looks like it could be a trap. We are going to go in beforehand, and check things out," Kagome answered, "You have a choice, do you want to help, or..."
"I will help," Shippo answered.
"Alright, maybe your mother has calmed down a little bit," Matthew said.
"Ohh yeah, we can't find your mother, sorry," Shippo said.
"Well there is Inuyasha, still running, so your mom is still chasing him," Matthew said.
"Souta there she is," Kagome said.
Souta stepped in front of his mom, staring to cry, "Mom!"
"Kagome's mom changed thought, and said, "Souta! You're alive! I was so worried!" She hugged him, "Your grandfather is also around here too".
"Alright, let's catch up with Inuyasha," Matthew said quietly.
"Sure," Kagome replied. They snuck off and quickly found Inuyasha.
"Looks like you rearing for a fight," Kagome said, "I think I have the cure for that".
"What?" asked Inuyasha.
"We have to sneak into a place, see how much control the goul'd have over it," Matthew answered.
"Sure," Inuyasha answered, "Who's going?"
"You, me, Matthew, Shippo, and hopefully Miroku, and Sango.," Kagome answered.
"No Sesshoumaru?" said Inuyasha.
"Nope one of us should stay here, and protect every else here," Kagome answered.
"Yeeessss," Inuyasha yelled.
"Huh," stated Matthew.
"Ohh yeah, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru usually have vicious fights," Kagome said, "They normally try to kill each other, literally".
"Why are they not fighting right now?" Matthew asked.
"Their fighting has died off a little bit, because of a little girl, that was close to Sesshoumaru, and They probably did something to her, and he's looking for revenge," Kagome said, "That girl dimmed the rivalry, down to a point of being able to work together".
"Let's just find a place to hide from your mother," Inuyasha said, "She can be really scary!"
"Sit thump ," Kagome said.
They walked for a couple hours. "Matthew all we would have to do is defeat Anubis right," Inuyasha said, "If we kill him it would be all over wouldn't it?"
"There would be some problems after, but yes," Matthew answered, "There is a major problem with that though, he cannot be killed by normal methods".
"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.
"He is half ascended," Matthew said, "They were/are a race that we call Ancients. They had such advanced technology, that they could ascend to a different dimension. Normally you half to ascend without their help, but he tricked a ancient to help him ascend, they found out, they banished him, back into ours, but he remained in between somehow. He exists in our universe, but he has powers of an ancient".
"Which is," Inuyasha said.
"Almost anything you could imagine," Matthew said.