InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shards of Koharu ❯ Predator and Prey ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Predator and Prey
Original Publication: 05/17/05
Character: Koharu
Theme: #9 Sunset
Rating: [T/PG-13]
Word Count: 179
Summary: Koharu fears the sunset…
Predator and Prey
Koharu had learned to fear the setting of the sun, for vicious animals often hunted their prey at night.
Daytime meant work, hard work, toiling in the oil-merchant's vineyard, reaping a harvest of fuel. Daytime meant hands and feet that ached from her labors, tightening a cask here, emptying a large vat there. Daytime meant commanding her body to move quickly, for those who did not work with haste, did not eat.
And when the sun would begin its slow descent into the sky, her back would stiffen and her belly would tighten into a knotted string. Daytime was difficult and long, but at least it was safe. The setting sun, however, meant feeling the oil-merchant's son's eyes as they undressed her with a hungry gleam, hearing his quickened breaths of desire.
She could sense that the predator who stalked her had grown impatient. Shoulders taut with dread, Koharu watched the fiery ball as it sunk into the horizon. The sun was setting, and she wondered if tonight would be the night when her two-legged terror would finally pounce.