InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shards of Koharu ❯ What a Girl Wants ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: What a Girl Wants
Original Publication: 05/27/05
Character: Koharu
Theme: #7 “Longing”
Rating: [T/PG-13]
Genres: Drama
Word Count: 283
Summary: What Koharu really wants…
What a Girl Wants
Koharu remembered the first time she noticed him. How could she forget, when he mesmerized her with his smile? His soft eyes brimmed with intelligence, studying her as she worked, following her practiced movements with undisguised curiosity.
It was nearly impossible, trying to do her job when he was so near. He awakened feelings she'd long suppressed, desires best left neglected. Her state of mind would be happier if she ignored him, for what was the use in longing for something that wasn't hers? Nevertheless, his arrival sent tendrils of anticipation curling through her stomach, in spite of her efforts to think of other things.
Eventually she went to him, as she knew she must. She'd tried to deny herself the feel of his smooth skin, the warmth of his body, but the longings within her were too strong to refuse. With arms open in silent invitation, she welcomed his enthusiastic embrace, nuzzling her face into his soft black hair.
But the joy she felt was fleeting, for the tiny child's mother called her wandering son back to her side. Reluctantly, Koharu released the toddler and allowed him to return to his parent's loving care. It would be much longer before she would be able to release the wistful envy that coursed through her at the sound of the child's delighted laughter.
With a heart suddenly grown heavy, Koharu turned to her work. As she performed her menial tasks, she allowed herself to dream - a luxury not permitted by the tension-filled slumber of the night. And in those dreams, she longed for the day when her fingers would caress the dewy cheek of an infant of her own, one with soft, violet eyes.