InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shikon No Tama High ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Shikon No Tama High Chapter 6

"Thanx again Inuyasha for letting me stay over here." Kagome said as she and Inuyasha walked into Inuyasha's apartment.

"So you live here all by your self?"Kagome asked.

"Yea, here i'll show you to the guest room."Inuyasha said as he picked up Kagomes bags and started to walk down the hallway.

"It has to get lonely living here by yourself. I mean you don't have anybody to talk to or nothing."Kagome said as she followed Inuyasha down the hallway. They then stopped infront of the guest bedroom. Kagome watched as Inuyasha opened the door and sat her bags by the bed.

"so...We have the whole apartment to our selfs till 7:00 tomorrow morning. And it's only 3:00p.m right now. So what ya wanna do?"Inuyasha asked as a smirk appeared on his face. Kagome didn't notice this she just went over to the bed and laid down on it.

"Ahhh...soooo...comfortable" Kagome said as she covered her face in the pillow.

"Hey don't be going to sleep on me when we still have 16 hours to ourselfs."Inuyasha said as he climbed onto the bed beside Kagome.

"I'mf nofht seepfing"Kagome mubbled out pillow still over her face.

"I think you'll have to remove that pillow from ur face if you want me to be able to understand you" Inuyasha said as he tried to pull the pillow off her face. But she was using her miko powers so he didn't accomplish.

"I guess there's only one way to get you awake"Inuyasha said as he started to tickle her sides.

"In..u..yash..a St..o..p"Kagome got out before she started to cry for laughing so much.

"I'm glad you told me on AIM along time ago where your ticklish"Inuyasha said as he stopped tickling her.

"Grrrr..."Kagome growled as she charged at Inuyasha.

"Your gonna pay for that Inu."Kagome said while she started to push him off the bed. After using some miko energy Kagome finally pushed Inuyasha off.

"You think i'm falling on the ground by my self?"Inuyasha asked as he grabbed Kagome's wrist and pulled her down with him.

Kagome ended up falling on Inuyasha's chest. They were now looking into each others eyes.

"You want me That bad Kagome? Geeze!!"Inuyasha said with a smirk on his face.

Kagome then noticed that Inuyasha's mic. was on.

"Hey Miroku, Sango,Kouga, Ayame you can stop listening to us now cuz were done."Kagome said as she put one hand on one side of Inuyasha's head and the other hand on the other side of his head. She then pushed off of Inuyasha like you would a push up. She then walked over to Inuyasha's computer and sat down in his computer chair. She propped her feet up on the edge of his desk.

Kagome_Luver:ShardDetector666: So what all are we going to do when we get there tomorrow?

Demon Slayer oo: Well me and Ayame planned on going to the beach after getting our rooms.

Kaome_Luver:ShardDetector666: That sounds good. What bathing suit are you bringing?

Demon Slayer oo: I'm bringing my 2 piece string bikini. I just bought it yesterday. Its awesome. It's black with red hawiian flowers on it. It ties once behind my neck and once on my lower back. What bout yours?

Kagome_Luver:ShardDetector666:Thats sounds soo kool. I bet you'll look really good in it. Oh mines a string bikini too. It's black with red,orange,and yellow flames on it. Actually it has the exact same colors and design as Inu's car. Guess i'll match.

Demon Slayer oo: I kno you'll look way better in yours then i will in mine. You have a better shape. Ayame you still there?

Auto Response fromWolfGurl512--Srry but i am currently doing it with Kouga-kun and cannot come to the computer now. SO DON'T SEND ME ANY MESSEGES!!!

Demon Slayer oo: @ @
PlayBoyBunny01: Whoo!! Go Kouga and Ayame.

Demon Slayer oo: (Hits PlayBoyBunny01 in the head)

"At least his girl wants to have fun. Not like mine who won't do anything"Inuyasha said.

Kagome_Luver:ShardDetector666: Srry guys I g2g catch Inuyasha for something he just said. See ya in the morning.

Kagome_Luver is now away

PlayBoyBunny01:I'm gonna see what her away messege is.

Demon Slayer oo : Go ahead. Be my guest.

PlayBoyBunny01: Kagome? Inuyasha? Ya there?

Auto Response from Kagome_Luver--We are currently away from the computer.

PlayBoyBunny01: Well their no fun. How bout I come over there lady Sango. I bet we could have some fun being at a house all by our selfs...

Demon Slayer oo: In ur dreams Miroku. Goodbye

Demon Slayer oo has just signed off

Back to Inuyasha's Apartment

"Inuyasha Stop It" Kagome yelled as Inuyasha kept on licking her neck.

"Don't wanna!!" Inuyasha answered back. Some how during the posses to get Inuyasha for saying she didn't want to do it with him his shirt had come off and his hat.

Inuyasha then kissed Kagome. Inuyasha licked Kagomes lips for entrance and she let him enter. After Inuyasha and Kagome explored each others mouth they lifted up so the could breath.

Inuyasha was just about to kiss Kagome again when..
the doorbell rang..and rang..and rang..and rang..

"I'm coming!! Just stop ringing the Damn doorbell."Inuyasha screamed to the person on the other side of the door. Inuyasha then opened the door to be greeted by noneother than Miroku and Sango.

"Well Mr. Grumpy I didn't think you could hear it."Miroku said as he walked in and layed back on one of Inuyasha's couch.(He has 3. Don't ask why)

Kagome then walked down the hallway to be surprised as Sango said hi! to her .

"Sango what are you guys doing here?"Kagome asked as she went to lay on one of the other couches. Sango went and sat down by Miroku.

"We were just bored. Kouga and Ayame were still at it . So Miroku decided to come over here and hang out"Sango explained.


"So watcha wanna do?"Kagome asked everybody.

"Well if Kouga and Ayame were here we could watch a DVD. But their not here soo....."Sango said.

**Knock Knock**

Kagome got up to answer the door to her surprise there was Kouga and Ayame standing there.

"Hey guys"Kagome greeted them as they walked in the door and greeted her back.

"Wanna watch a movie?"Sango asked.

They all nodded yes.

"What kinda movie should we watch?"

"Horror" Kouga, Inuyasha, Kagome and Miroku all yelled.

"Nooooo" Ayame and Sango screamed.

"4 against 2 srry lady Sango and lady Ayame but the 4 would win."Miroku said.

"Don't worry girls" Kouga and Miroku both said as they got up from their laying positions on the couch and patted the spot next to them.

"Sango i'll protect you from the evil things in the movie."Miroku said as Sango put in the DVD.

Sango then walked over to the couch Miroku was sitting on and just stood there. Miroku then put his arm around her waist and pulled her down into his lap. As he started to watch the movie he felt Sango relax in the position she was in. Sango then put her head on his shoulder as she started to watch the movie. After half the movie was over they stopped it and took a supper break. Everybody except for Sango and Miroku got up and went into the kitchen to either get a drank or to stretch their muscles. Kagome was ordering them pizza.

"Well lady Sango?"Miroku said as he saw he with a death grip on his shirt.

"Its not real..its not real.."Sango was chanting a little above a whisper.

Miroku then put his arms around her and started to rock her back and forth to calm her down. While he was doing this he was whisping comforting words in her ear.

"Miroku?"Sango asked as she finally calmed down after about 5 mins.

"Yes lady Sango?"Miroku asked.

"I was just wondering why you can't always be like this."Sango said as she looked up into his violet eyes.

"Well lady Sango I don't really know. To tell you the truth. I just know that I got the way I act most of the time from my dad who got it from his dad who got it from his dad. You get the picture. Pervertness has just always been in my family.Does that explain it?" Miroku finished.

"Yes Miroku you explained it perfectly." Sango said as she never took her eyes off of his. Their faces were inching closer and closer and closer until...(They other ppl came in and interrupted them. J/k i won't do that to you guys.)

Their faces touched. It started off soft but then it started to get deeper until Miroku finally pushed Sango back and layed down on top of her. They then kissed again. This time Miroku licked Sango's lips begging for entrance. Sango was enjoying this so she opened her mouth to let him enter. As soon as Miroku was in he started exploring every detail of Sango's mouth. After he was done they pulled apart from each other so that they could breath. As soon as they caught their breath they went back down and started to kiss again. Miroku broke the kiss and started to put buterfly kisses down her jaw line and across her shoulders. That's when everybody decided to come in.

"We take our eyes off you 2 for 10 min.s and you start to make out!! Naughty, Naughty" Kouga said as he went to sit back down on one of the other couches.

"Guys not on MY Couch!!" Inuyasha yelled as he came into the room to go back to the 3rd couch.

"Go get a room or something guys" Kagome said as she went and flopped onto the couch Inuyasha was on.

"WhooHoo Sango and Miroku" Ayame said as she went to the couch that Kouga was lying on his stomach on. Miroku and Sango then got back up into a sitting position faces 20 shades of pink. Just then the doorbell rang and Ayame got up to get it. When Ayame came back she had the pizza box and already had a piece of pepperoni pizza in her mouth.

After they finished their pizza and movie. They talked for awhile about tomorrow then Miroku, Sango, Kouga, And Ayame left to go get their stuff and bring it back so that they could all sleep in a little l8ter.

After about an hour they were all back and laying on the couches again. Soon they feel asleep except for Sango and Miroku. Kouga and Ayame snuggling up to each other same with Inuyasha and Kagome. But for some reason Sango and Miroku were just sitting there in the dark.

"Sango you can't sleep either" Miroku asked as Sango turned around so that she was facing Miroku.

"No" Sango replied.

"why don't we talk until we fall asleep?" Miroku suggested. After Sango nodded her head 'yes' Miroku and her began to talk until they both fell asleep in each others arms.

They were both dreaming about the other.

So??? Did you like it?? Plz R&R..