InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shikon School ❯ Singing Contest ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N. Hey guys! This is where the story starts when they enter school and stuff…
Oh, and I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not being able to update! I've been bz all the time! Now that there are snow days, I can stay home longer! Once again, soooooo sorry!
Thanx for the reviews guys! It REALLY means a lot to me! *hug*
And in the last chapter, my friend chose those weirdddddddd names for the joke thingy. I know they're unusual, but w/e. Idk much.
NOTE: No one has miko powers of demon powers or w/e. But they're will be pedigree. Like blood. No powers!
Sango, Kagome, Inuyasha, and Miroku came down to the huge lounge room, where all the new students where. Sango bit her nails in nervousness, and Kagome twirled a dark lock of hair in nervouness.
“Ok now, children, be quiet,” Principle Kaede shushed, “This is your first day here at Shikon School. Everyone has their schedules, Am I correct?”
“Yes.” Everyone replied.
“Ok, good, there will be teachers in the hallways if you get lost or cannot find your class. I look forward to having a great year with you. Good luck!”
The bell rang.
Everyone swarmed to their classes either in the bottom floor or second floor. Kagome, Sango, Inuyasha and Miroku came up to the second floor to Chemistry Class. The bell rang, signing to start class. The students sat in their seats, facing the chalkboard and the teacher's desk. Kagome sat to the right of Sango. Inuyasha was behind Kagome, And Miroku was behind Sango.
A short, petite teacher that looked around her 30's stepped up to the class.
“Good morning, class,” she greeted with a warm smile.
“Good morning,” everyone else in the class greeted. Kagome looked around to see the other students while the teacher started chatting. Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango were all next to her. Then, there was that girl that looked like her. There was a normal looking guy with a brown hair waving to her, whom she didn't know. There was a wolf demon, another girl wolf demon, and…
“OK class!” The teacher announced. Kagome quickly looked back at her before she could finish.
“We're going to stand up and introduce ourselves. You, young man, stand up and start first,” The teacher said and pointed to a wolf demon. The demon stood up, he had long black hair in a high ponytail, and a well built body like Inuyasha's, tanned skin and bright blue eyes with tiny pupils.
“Um, I'm Kouga…” Kouga started and shrugged wondering if that was all he had to say. He sat back in his seat. Everyone else started introducing themselves. The pale, emotionless-looking girl that almost looked like Kagome stood up. Kagome saw Inuyasha smirk at her, and the girl only glared back.
“I go by the name of Kikyo.” She said and and sat back down. The friendly boy stood up and told the class that his name was Hojo.
“Hobo?” Inuyasha leaned over to Miroku and asked. Miroku shrugged.
The wolf demon girl stood up, she had long red hair in two high pigtails held by purple flowers. She had eyes like Kouga's except a bright green.
“Hi, I'm Ayame.” She introduced and winked. She had an annoying voice, but she seemed fun to around with. Miroku and and Inuyasha introduced themselves and Sango was up next.
“I'm Sango. Nice to meet all of you.” She said and sat back down and turned to Miroku.
“Surprising, you didn't grope me.” She whispered to Miroku.
“I did it for you, so you won't be embarrassed, Miroku smirked, “And neither will I, I don't want a handprint on my cheek for the rest of the day!” He thought.
Sango rolled her eyes and turned away.
Kagome stood up, there were some whispers and Kagome could hear them talking about how her and Kikyo were alike.
“I'm Kagome.” She said and said her name louder so people won't get her confused with Kikyo. Kagome heard a catcall and a whistle from the back of the room in the second to last seats. It was Kouga, he winked and smirked at her. Ayame scowled at Kouga in jealousy.
Kagome took a deep breath and thought.
This will be one heck of a school year. There will be more drama than I thought!
Everyone took turns introducing themselves. Classes went by pretty fast. Kagome had all of her classes with her roommates. It was finally lunchtime…
“Kikyo, huh?” Sango said as she sat across from Kagome at the lunch table. She set her tray down.
“Hopefully people won't think of us as twins. I would hate to have a twin!” Kagome stated.
Sango shrugged.
“I wouldn't mind. I would love to have a sister!”
“Sango, you've got me! We're pretty much sisters!”
They both laughed and started eating their food. Kagome noticed a stage in the front of the lunchroom. Kaede walked in and turned on a mike. It made a really loud screech noise. Kagome dropped her fork and covered her ears.
“Sorry about that,” Kaede gave a small smile and cleared her throat as everyone unplugged their ears, “Children, Shikon School has lots of activities. In two weeks, there will be a singing contest!”
Everyone clapped. Kagome heard Inuyasha `keh' in the table next to hers.
“You may have solos and duets. Anyone may enter, just sign on this list that I'll place here” Kaede instructed ad placed the paper on a small dark table in the corner of the stage. “We will perform here, on this stage. Thank you for the attention.” Kaede grinned and walked own the stage steps. The room burst in whispers and chats.
Kagome turned to Sango with a smirk. Sango widened her eyes and dropped her spoon. She swallowed her mashed potatoes.
“No! No way am I singing, Kagome!”
“C'mon, Sango! You won't have to do a solo. Do a duet with me!” Kagome insisted.
Sango groaned, “I don't know.”
“Sango, I hear in the bathroom all the time, you sound great!” Kagome complimented, Sango blushed. “Please?”
“Pweety pweez?”
“Fine…” Sango murmered.
Kagome cracked a happy grin and her chocolate-hazel eyes glistened.
“Thanks! I know just what to sing! Can you play the piano?”
Sango nodded with dark, questioning eyes.
“Good!” Kagome said. She and Sango looked to the next table, Inuyasha was around a swarm of girls (nothing compared to Sango and Kagome, hehe.).
Inuyasha was with Miroku and a few other guys, while her flirted with the girls.
“He's seems… popular…?” Kagome started.
“So will you! I mean seriously! I've seen, like, 20 guys eye you!” Sango said.
Kagome blushed. “Not to mention that Kouga, dude,” Kagome whispered, and quietly pointed to Kouga. Sango nodded. Kouga probably senced them watching him and looked straight into Kagome. Sango and Kagome quickly looked away. After 2 second, Kagome glanced at him and saw him give her a cocky smile. She just looked away.
Kagome stood up and went on stage where a few other girls were gathered around the list. After patiently waiting, Kagome signed on her name and Sango's name together as a duet.
After school was over, everyone played around in the lounge room, gym, and the whole building B. Sango buzzed around to make new friends and socialize as Kagome trotted up to her room.
Sango found Kikyo and thought it'd be nice to meet her.
“Hi,” She greeted.
“Hello,” Kikyo gave a shy, sad smile.
“I'm Sango, and you are…?”
“Kikyo.” She said and shook hands with Sango. Sango looked deep in her black eyes.
She looks so sad… but, why?
She thought.
Sango managed to start a friendly converstation with Kikyo until…
*grope, grope*
“You lecherous basard!” Sango shrieked. Miroku twitched and put a hand over his right cheek where Sango's red handprint was.
“Having a good day, Sango?” He asked while rubbing his throbbing cheek.
“Yeah, until you showed up and did…that…” Sango said. She glanced over to Kikyo who gave Miroku a cold glare and walked away.
I can understand what Miroku's behavior must of made her think… but boy, was that a cold look! Did something happen…?
“Look, just go away, and leave me alone!” Sango growled.
“As you wish, love. My heart belongs to you. I will do any favor for you.”
“Ok then, do me a favor ad LEAVE!”
“Ok, but I don't think I can stay away from a beauty such as you or so long” Miroku said and walked away, satisfied with himself. Sango blushed a darker shade than her pink eyeshadow.
Oh my god… He's romantic, but gosh! My ass? Why not the shoulder?
She thought.
Kagome reached upstars and saw Inuyasha sitting on the red and gold couch watching TV.
“Hey,” She said softly.
“Hey,” He grunted.
“So… You gonna sing? For the contest..?” Kagome asked, desperately trying to think of conversation. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her as if she were stupid.
“Hell, no!” He answered, “Are you?”
Kagome nodded. “Me and Sango are doing a duet with the piano.”
“Cool… So watchya singing?”
“You'll have to wait and see.” Kagome said and sat next to the couch with him.
“You know a lot of people here…” She said.
“Yeah, well I'm pretty popular.” He said and gave a saucy wink, “And I know most of the people here anyways. And if I don't, they have at least heard of me.”
“Really why?”
“You know, you're a noisy girl…”
“Oh thanks,” Kagome rolled her eyes, “You're my roomie, I should know at least something.”
“Well, You may not believe this, but everyone used to hate me.”
Kagome widened her pretty eyes, it caused Inuyasha to slightly blush.
“Uh, yeah… You see, I'm a hanyou, not demon, not human like you.”
“I noticed. So you're basically saying that you were discriminated against?”
Inuyasha nodded.
“Well, now everyone practically loves you!”
“Including you?” He asked with a smirk and lightly grabbed her chin.
“Uh…” Kagome said and swatted his hand away. He chuckled, “Well I saw some guys guy eyeing you here and there.” Inuyasha said and bobbed his eyebrows, “Maybe you should consider being a hooker or a stripper.”
Kagome lifted her leg and kicked him in his arm, it actually kinda hurt Inuyasha.
“Ow, damn. You got one heck of a leg there.” He said and rubbed his arm.
“Stripper, hooker?” Kagome growled.
“I was joking, idiot.” Inuyasha said.
“Oh, pervert.” Kagome said, and playfully kicked Inuyasha again softly and giggled.
Inuyasha noticed her undies when her brown khaki miniskirt lifted when she kicked.
“I see London, I see France…” Inuyasha smirked.
Kagome blushed and rolled her eyes.
“I'm gonna go, seeya.” He said and left out the door. Kagome grabbed the remote and turned the huge sliver TV off. Sango just walked in.
“Sango, come here.” Kagome commanded and patted and empty seat next to her on the couch.
Sango obeyed and sat down.
“Ok, I find out a song, I'll print out the lyrics and notes for the piano, we'll reherse, and ta-da.” Kagome instructed.
“OK,” Sango said, “but what is the song?”
“Um, I have an idea…”
“So you haven't chosen yet?”
“Chill out, I have plans.” Kagome said.
“You better.”
“C'mon, you know. I'm always organized! ALWAYS… kinda…”
Sango laughed. “Ok, I have full faith in you.”
“Good, you just relax and let me do the searching.” Kagome gave a peppy wink, Sango smiled. Kagome walked into her room with the huge view window. She looked out into the beach and sighed.
This has to be a deep song. Something that expresses myself… but what?
She thought. She looked up in the clouds and thought.
She thought as a lone tear rolled down her cheek.