InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silver Winds ❯ Shimmer ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry about everything. Computer troubles, and then long chapters… I'm sorry. Can only hope this chapter makes up for it. If not, I owe you a cookie ^_^
Ok, let's go!
Kagome fled; ran away like the weak human girl she was, the girl Inuyasha wanted nothing more to do with. She couldn't stop running, no more then she could stop crying. Her body would no longer respond to her pleas. Was she so weak she could not even control her own body now?
The distressed girl ran, overcome by the emotions that bound her to her death-warming heartbreak. Her hopes of happy summer nights were crushed, her fleeting dreams of love along with them. Her residual shock drove her down, drove her to run farther from the one who had hurt her so much, that the bleeding in her arms and face held no pain, they were like nothing.
With a great sob, she tripped, stumbling onto the dirt road with a painful thump. She couldn't get up; she couldn't bring herself to go any further.
She had run such a long ways now… she had grown so tired, yet she could not stop. Now that she had, she never wanted to walk again. She never wanted to breathe again. She did not want anything anymore. She no longer desired even life.
Suddenly, she took it back. No, Kagome loved living, and no matter how heartbroken she could be, ending her life was never an option. Kagome was not desperate enough to get away from her problems by deathly means. That would just be running away.
But then again, what was she doing now?
She wept in heartache, her eyes puffed red, sullenly matching the blood coming from her knees. She looked down through blurry eyes. She had hurt herself falling down. How clumsy. How stupid.
Her wall of self-confidence had been destroyed. Inuyasha had succeeded. She now shed tears, which she only hoped would stop. Was that a victory for him? Causing someone so much pain, even if it was his own teammate who suffered?
The tears never stopped flowing from her eyes, no matter how much she willed them too. The pain would not go away. And Inuyasha wouldn't care.
What would Inuyasha do if he saw her like this? He would laugh at me…laugh at my weakness.
She wiped her tears with her sleeve, forcing herself into a sitting position. Yes, I am weak. And, yes I am human…but I can never be more then that… She whispered. Sobs tore through her, a flood of tears beckoning to fall from her eyes.
“No matter how hard I try, I can never be more then that. I can't change that I'm human, and I'm sorry I'm so weak….” She whimpered, hiccupping on her empty words.
A new wave of sorrow washed over her as she cried her last wave of tears. The words so painful, they didn't escape her mouth…
I thought…I thought if I loved him enough…he'd…he…
She wept into herself again, desperately wanting to hold somebody, to embrace someone and forget her pains; she wanted the world around her to stop, to be held in strong arms, and to be assured that someone cared for her. She needed everything to stop. She needed someone to hold.
Yet no one was there. The wind carried the sounds of her cries, that if not stopped, would surely engulf her forever….
Shippou looked meaningfully at Kirara. Miroku and Sango were gone now, surely off to find lodging for the night. The two small beings stood on the pagoda bridge, bubbling up at the sounds of soft laughter nearby. This really was a happy place.
The fox smiled playfully, walking along with the cat, puffing out his chest to look bigger then he truly was. An innocence wrapped around his features, hidden underneath the broad smile, and mischievous eyes.
He knelt over, feeling the cat's fur. “I wonder where everyone is Kirara. I bet Miroku and Sango are—“he stopped suddenly, a luminous gust of wind brushing past him.
Shippou froze mid-sentence, suddenly forlorn and distressed. Somewhere on the winds he had heard someone crying; an echo of sadness that seemed too familiar.
Suddenly, Shippou ran.
Kagome looked down the road to Kaede's Village. Had it a proper name, she would have called it out. It wasn't like she could scream, “Hey, Kaede's Village!”
No, it wasn't that simple.
Kagome stood in silence, brushing the blood from her arms and face. Something had scratched her, though it looked as if it had been claws…
She brushed it off. Not like it mattered now.
She had wanted to go to Kaede's, to seek advice, and then say good-bye. But she had been all too hasty. Yes, how could she leave, with so much business undone? She couldn't leave now. Not leaving behind bad memories.
But she couldn't put all the pity onto herself. She wasn't the only one with bad memories. Inuyasha probably had worse.
She sank a little at his name. Inuyasha had far worse memories here then she did. Inuyasha had fallen in love, and then believed he was betrayed. Even after finding out that Kikyo's death was not his fault, he still blamed himself as if it was his own hand that had done it.
Inuyasha had probably promised to go to hell with her too. Kagome inwardly groaned.
She loved someone who could not, rather would not stay with her beyond the completion of their promises. The fact that in truth, only their pledges kept them together made her heart sink lower. Did he not want her to travel with him? Of course not, that's why he said all those things…
Kagome looked to the flower filled meadows on either side of her. They extended until she could see the mountains and forests in the distance, and a tree lay in the western meadows; an old oak that bent for someone to sit in its shade. Now that it was summer, it would be getting warmer.
Her thoughts drifted back to Kikyo. Yes, she knew Inuyasha wondered about her, and about many things to be sure.
But most of all, he probably thought about the “what ifs”. What if Kikyo hadn't have died…if the arrow had missed… if they both had lived… if Naraku had never interfered…or if Kikyo had not been raised from the dead. The things that happened between them seemed so unreal, it was as if fate had conspired to arrange their tragic love story since the beginning.
An idea suddenly struck Kagome. Yes…yes, that would work, it had to. Kagomes mind suddenly came alive, planning and scheming on every move she would make. Yes...but in order for it to work, she would have to go back the way she came.
Kagome took in a deep breath, and braced herself for whatever would come. With a heavy heart, she inched her way back…
Shippou dragged Kirara along the road, looking either way to see if she was around. They were rather near Kaede's, and he was sure the scent had come from here. The scent that came off the wind.
Shippou had never sensed anything so clearly, especially coming off of something as wispy as the wind. He wondered.
The wind itself had been odd….it almost looked as if it was shimmering and it echoed and vibrated with the sound of a whistle….
But no, he thought, it was probably his demon senses playing tricks on him.
Suddenly he saw her.
Her uniform partly ripped, and her arms and face lightly bleeding. Her knees looked scratched, and she stood wobbly, taking deep breaths and walking painfully slow. Her eyes and cheeks flushed red as if she had been coated in tears, and a sad smile rested on her face. Something was terribly wrong.
He frowned.
“Kagome! Are you ok?” Shippou asked, his small voice quivering with fear.
Kagome managed to lower herself, as not to alert him of her pain. Slowly she knelt beside him, the wind blowing its way through her hair, and the fields of flowers around them.
Kagome fluffed his hair a bit.
“Yes…I'm ok…” she whispered, looking behind him to see if Inuyasha or the others had come. She sighed in relief, and slowly looked down to Kirara. “I need to borrow Kirara. Is that alright?”
Shippou knew better then to ask what had happened, or why she was out here in the first place. Her cheerless smile pleaded with him not to ask. He merely ducked his head, avoiding her gloomy smile; it was beginning to depress him.
The Kitsune looked around to see the grasses blowing softly, the beautiful flora ducking in out of other colors, nestled under an oak tree further away. This seemed like the perfect place to just relax…so why did Kagome look so distressed?
His mouth moved, and he couldn't help a question from slipping out.
“You're not leaving for home, are you Kagome?”
He popped his hands over his mouth quickly, as not to let anything else out.
Kagome looked away, her tentative eyes staring over the lush scenery around them. The wheels turned in her head, her natural calm making the silence unpleasant. A long pause held until she looked back, passive and docile.
“No. Not yet anyways…” she chuckled, the words giving great comfort to the small fox. She turned back to him. “I need Kirara. Can you handle getting back to town on your own?”
Shippou nodded, donning a brave face, as Kirara grew, and was ready to take flight. Kagome swung her leg over and hugged the kitsune before Kirara took flight.
She glanced back, seriousness overcoming her face.
“Shippou! Our secret, so no telling!” she yelled back, until she finally was too far away.
Shippou sighed. He had to cover for Kagome? How was he supposed to hide the fact she was gone? And Kirara too? Sudden worry built up in the fox, unsure if he could keep Kagome's wishes, without failure.
Shippou shivered slightly as another breeze made its way past him. Suddenly he saw it. It had shimmered. Before he could react, it shifted its course, and was gone….
Somewhere far away….
A horrible feeling rose in his chest. His breathing grew heavy. Suddenly, he knew all to well what was about to happen. Terrible danger was approaching. Terrible pain.
“Kagome…you must be warned…before it is too late...”
Sorry no Inu this chap, but we get to him next time! Sorry about Kagomes long little depression sequence there, but she just had her heart crushed so I'm sure she feels bad. Anyways, Review= Faster updates