InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Simply Beautiful ❯ prologe ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Simply Beautiful

Chapter 1


Simply Beautiful. That's how I saw her, my best friend. Could you blame me? I mean she was gorgeous. She was about 5'6, long black wavy hair. She also had the biggest ocean blue eyes I had ever seen. She did not need any make-up, so she wore none.

I don't know when I fell in love with her. It just sort of happened. I mean, one minute I saw her as my best friend and then the next I wanted her to be more than that. She is great at whatever she does. She has great grades and plus is in honors classes with me of course. She is also great at sports. She is the captain of the softball team (fall), captain of the basketball team (winter), captain of the archery team (year-round), and captain of the soccer team.

I have always wondered how she does it all and still can hang out with me. Well, I am not her only friend. Her other best friends are Sango and Miroku. I kind of envy them. They have been going out for a while now, their relationship is just how I wished mine and Kagome's were. They love each other. Though I don't know how Sango stands a lecher but that's her problem. These are my friends.



I don't know how he does it. When he walks by me or when he talks to me, my heart does flips. I wonder sometimes if he can hear it. I mean he is a half-demon, so naturally he does have great hearing.

I don't understand how this happened. I should not be in love with my best friend. When had this change accord? That would be the million dollar question. Sure he is very handsome. He has long silver (not white) hair, warm honey eyes, fluffy dong ears on the top of his head, and when he smirks on of his fangs stick out and makes my head all dizzy.

This is insane. Can you think of your best friend like this? He is also the captain of the football team (fall), captain of the basketball team (winter), and captain of the soccer team (spring). He also helps out with the cross country team (fall) and the track team (spring). The baseball team has also been trying to make him join the baseball team. It has not been working. He is also in all of my honors classes. I know my schedule stresses me out so how does he do it so calmly? I will never understand will I?