InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snow drifts ❯ Found ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey everyone! I finally got “Destiny can be a well” Finished so that's one fic outta the way and that gives me more time to update this one! ^___^
I'm evil with cliffies… But I'm so happy you guys like this fic! 23 reviews (animespiral)=2 chapter! O.O that's amazing! I hope I can get just as many reviews for this chapter as the last! And for! I actually GOT reviews! Is it just me or do people not like me there? I guess a 13 year old don't have much of a chance on… Oh well!
I've JUST got over some kind of sickness! I had the flue and EVERYTHING it was terrible…
But I'm getting better so now I'm gonna write you all a chapter! XDDD! Please read and review and me feel better faster! ^__^
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Chapter 3: Found
Author: Laura Ann Blacklock
Rating: PG-13
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He watched the trembling girl fall to the ground. Her body constantly shaking and quivering. Her lips ice blue and the tips of her hair mounted together from the extreme temperatures. He couldn't let the girl die here when he had the chance to save her.
He wouldn't.
The boy knew the ways of the tundra and could survive on his own easily.
But could he really keep another human being alive?
Especially one that was dying at the moment? Well he would have to try. He may not have had a family but he'd seen the girl's family many times while he was in the snow and knew they cared deeply for her. He knew of her father. He'd watched her suspiciously for many years admiring her beauty as she grew to a woman.
He didn't want the girl to die because of him. So many years he had persisted to keep her father away from her. He didn't yet know the girl's name but it had only been yesterday when she had saw him.
She had saw the legendary hanyou , the boy in the snowdrifts or so the story told. He'd listened in to the stories the villagers told many times. Though he had to hide. His silver hair, fuzzy dog ears and ember eyes would give him away so quickly.
“Ummm…” Mumbled the hanyou walking up to the girl. He wasn't sure if she was out cold. Hopefully, that way it'd be easy to get her from here to hanyou's next sleeping location. He never slept in a place twice except the cave but that was for special reasons. That always raised the chance of him being found.
He'd already had been seen several times and several times too many. He knew that the people in the town were closing in on him and soon would discover him. He couldn't be discovered for he held a past no one but the ones in the past could know.
The hanyou gentle fiddled with a piece of the girl's hair. He twisted the raven lock tugging in slightly making sure she would not awake while she was in his arms. Her hair felt so silky, nothing like his. Even though the cold had made the girl's hair into icy clumps it still felt like a messy silk. It was simply amazing.
The hanyou finally placed his hands under the snow to pluck the girl from the blanket of snow layered on the ground. She wasn't heavy at all. She had to way only 100 pounds at most. It was thrilling for the hanyou to get so close to a human. He hadn't been this close in 1000, 1000 years of dreadful silence and hiding. But now he was holding a human being. Of course the girl was on the merge of dying but he was holding her life as well.
“Uhgh…” The rolled in his arms before he completed lifted her in the air. In shock he dropped her back into the frigid snow. Luckily she was literally only centimeters from the ground. It had been such a long time since the hanyou had spoken so he remained hushed and only gasped.
Once again he picked her up this time determined not to drop the girl back into the snow.
“Hkjguh…” She mummered again. The hanyou stood still and let the girl flinch. If she was moving now it was a good chance if he got her into some where warm she'd survive. He took one look around casually to reassure his surroundings. He'd always do this. He needed to because the chances of him being found where too great to fool with. Only the forest surrounded him, miles of evergreen trees and uncharted timber.
With a quick sniff of the air to verify his eyesight he took off with the girl in his arms. He held close to his chest to protect the raw skin of her face. He couldn't take any chance of letting sticks and twigs brush against her fragile face. It was like porcelain, so easy to break and impossible to repair.
Where would he and girl go tonight?
He needed some where warm and secure but made unable for other humans to find it. He'd only known one place like that in this timberland. He's stayed there twice already and only used it when it was necessary. It was a cave hidden by a waterfall. He dug deep in the snowdrifts to get into but when he did it was impeccable.
It had a diminutive whole in the ceiling, which would be needed if there were a fire and many plats dwelled in the cave- mostly moss-, which made a possible bed for him. If he were to take her there he'd have everything to nurse back to health. He nodded to himself as his decision was made.
He even knew a few herbs that grew in the cave, if he could remember what the priestess had taught him he might be able to make an antidote to help keep the girl warm. He looked down at the girl to inspect the cloths she was wearing. They were thin compared to his fire rat Kimono. At her neckline he pealed the first layer off to see what was under there. It was only a tattered piece of fabric. It wouldn't do in this weather.
What was the girl thinking?
He would have to give some clothing for sure. If she were to survive it would take a lot out of the hanyou.
`Here…' Thought he hanyou as he saw his passage way to the cave underneath the snow. Precautionary he took the girl and himself through the tunnel that lead to the inside of cave. It was just as the last time he left it. No human had found it yet.
If another human had found it then he would have to leave immediately. He knew the pesky humans where always trying to discover him and prove he was real. Though they always failed. The most they had got of him was a glimpse with there own two eyes. Otherwise neither photo nor video had been shot. He moved much to swiftly for something as slow as a flash or humans action to catch him on film. That fact made him proud.
Placing the girl down on the moss bed he had made for himself months ago he smiled. She was so simple and beautiful. If only he could know her name. And if she woke up before he returned her to her family would they understand each other?
Would one thousand years make a language barrier…?
Hopefully not…
That way he could talk to a human. Maybe she could help him?
Maybe she could teach him the ways of this generation. He'd been banished for so long to never talked to humans but now there were no demons to enforce that rule. He was the only one left in his mind…
He shook his head forgetting the discouraging thoughts from his head. He had to concentrate of the girl tonight, and nothing else.
One problem arose with this girl though…
He would be force to make a fire for her…
She couldn't survive without the warmth of the fire. But would some one catch him if they saw the smoke?
Surely not he was miles into the forest and plus no one except this girl and her family lived around here. He was desperate and she needed the warmth as soon as possible. He would just need to take the risk. If some one was possibly to find them he could always leave quickly and let the girl be found. It would be the best for her.
He finally came to conclusion. He would start the fire. With that he went to find the wood he had kept dormant for occasions just like this. Gathering a few limp pieces of timber he piled them between a few rocks placed close to where the girl was sleeping. Hopefully she would become warm enough from this small fire.
Scratching the wood with his nail several times a spark was lit. His long steel like claws always provided him with useful meanings. The spark quickly danced on the thin pieces of bark the hanyou had placed mixed in with the large pieces of timber. A small flame immediately started to dances a musty gray smoke lead it's self up into the hole in the ceiling.
“Ugh… Mmmm…” The girl started to gurgle feeling the heat upon her numb body. A smile plastered across the hanyou's face in pleasure to see the girl okay.
If she could make it through the night with the fire that the hanyou would keep going she would be all right…
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The morning rays highlighted the Higurashi shrine which slumber was not yet awoken. Everyone would wake in the residence of the house and find out it as missing a member.
Kagome Higurashi…
Last night in a frantic rage she had escaped the Higurashi household to find the boy hidden in the snowdrifts. But in that attempt she had fallen ill to hypothermia. Unable to keep herself awake up continuing her journey she fell into the snow only to be found by the one she was looking for.
Too bad her family wasn't at all aware at that as the moment…
“Sota go wake your sister!” Mrs. Higurashi ordered gently to her son as went to put his glass of orange juice and home made pancakes plate away.
“Yea Mom.” Sota agreed still wafting the sweet smell of maple syrup.
“She's usually up at the crack of dawn, it's not like her to sleep in on a school day.” Her mother paced a worried frown crossing her face.
“I know…” Scowled Sota. He ran up the oak staircase and towards Kagome's room. It was on the right side of the hallway and the door was always shut. Though today abnormally the door was cracked open. Sota took his brown-haired head and peered inside.
“Kagome…?” He called softly almost afraid of his sister reaction.
That was if she was there….
“Kagome.” He repeated louder than the first time feeling a little frustrated. Believing that his sister was about to play some lame joke on him for the cruel thing he did last night her, he saunters into the empty room.
Placing his hands at his hips in first he growls, “Kagome this isn't funny!”
Nothing replies…
“KAGOME!” Sota whined loudly. Unwarily Mrs. Higurashi creeps into the room in concern.
“Sota, where is she?” Mrs. Higurashi questioned.
“Uh…” Sota responded blankly.
“Not here…” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What do you mean she's not here?!” Exclaimed Mrs. Higurashi in fright. She rushed over to the empty bed and tore of the covers in complete fear.
“Where could she be!?” Mrs. Higurashi practically screamed to herself.
“Sota call the police! NOW!” She demanded tears welding up in the corners of her eyes.
This was all her fault…
All her fault…
She repeated in her mind over and over, again and again as they searched the house…
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The hanyou had been up all night like his usual routine. Though this time he'd been up doing something much more important. He'd been watching over the life of a young girl he'd watched for years. And thankfully just as the fire was low it was morning. The girl had survived the night was going to make it in the hanyou's eyes.
The sun strained to get through the tiny whole in the ceiling with smoke still escaping from it. Though the sunlight was welcomed by the hanyou. It reminded the boy of the girl he'd work so hard to keep alive was going to live.
“Mmmmnnn…” She mumbled as it caught the boy attention. He walked from the other side of the cave where he was standing to the mummering girl.
“Mom… Sota…?” She questioned eyes still shut and unaware of where she was. Inuyasha quickly pulled his hood over to make sure she wouldn't see his peculiar features. It would freak her out more if she woke up to find out a hanyou was caring for her…
`Who were these `Mom' and `Sota?'' The boy thought to himself.
As he watched her attentively as he leaned in watching her face curiously. She slowly lifted her head raising her lips to his. Their lips met in perfect unison. In shock the boy back away as the girl snapped her eyes open revealing her cerulean blue eyes to him.
Blinking her eyes frantically trying to make sense of what just happened she opened her mouths to silence.
Taking a gasp of air she finally regained her voice. She couldn't help what happened next….
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She screeched as the hanyou slapped his hand over he mouth. She instantly stopped the sound flowing from her mouth.
“SHH!” Inuyasha ordered. He didn't know if she would understand him if he spoke anything like `Be quite!' or `Shut up!'. She nodded her head gravely.
“Thank you…” Inuyasha muttered to himself. As he released her mouth from his hand. He walked over to the other side of the cave pacing, baffled on what to do next.
“Where am I…?” Kagome questioned out loud. The boy's eyes widened. He understood. There wasn't a language barrier!
He could talk to her. She may have a bit of a strange accent but he could understand her!
“In the forest…” The boy replied she only gasped.
“What happened to me?! Did you kidnap me you-you-you YOU JERK!?” She fumed impatiently.
“No WENCH, for kami's sake I SAVED you!” The boy exclaimed back. Kagome hushed herself…
“Oh…” She finally spoke.
“Thank you.” She said.
“Welcome! Don't expect me to be doing it again!” The boy snapped back.
A moment of silence passed between the two.
“May I ask your name?” Kagome question in interest.
“Inuyasha… yours?” Inuyasha replied quickly.
“Kagome, but do you have to be so rude about it?” Kagome exclaimed a little frustrated with the hanyou's attitude.
“I'm being rude!? I'M being rude!?” Inuyasha snapped earnestly.
“Yes you! You're the one who KISSED me!” Kagome growled recalling the moment, which had woken her slumber.
“I did NOT KISS YOU!” Inuyasha barked fiercely.
“Oh you just put you're LIPS to my mouth!? What would you call that!? Some STRANGE unheard of ritual!?” Kagome smirk in frenzy.
“NO! I… it was… SHUT UP!” Inuyasha snarled.
“Over my dead body! You've got to be the most, terribliest, rudest, uncaring, jerkish rescuer!” Kagome exclaimed!
“You've got to be the most unthankful person to be rescued EVER!” Inuyasha muttered loudly.
“Plus… Half the words you said didn't even make sense…” Inuyasha muttered after a moment of silence.
“Would you just SHUT UP!” Kagome screamed finally.
“Teriblest… jerkish… feh!…” Inuyasha mumbled. Kagome rolled her eyes.
He was so immature. How could HE have saved her? She looked down at herself to see he body warmed by almost dead fire. She was covered with blanket of a strange fabric. She felt it between her fingertips.
“It's fire rat…” Inuyasha explain as he sat down on a rock his back facing her.
“Fire rat?” She repeated.
“Yea… Type of demon. There dead now.” He clarified pushing down his hood. It was bugging him dearly. Kagome gasp when she looked up and saw the ears firmly placed on top of his head.
“You're the boy I saw yesterday aren't you…” She mumbled in shock. Inuyasha nodded solemnly.
“What are you? You have dog-ears…” She inquired.
“Aye.” He agreed turning around revealing his silver hair.
“Wow…” Kagome muttered in astonishment.
“I'm a hanyou…”Inuyasha explained.
“A what!?” Kagome cocked as she sat up.
“A hanyou… It means half-demon half-human.” Inuyasha replied.
“Is that why you live out here?” Kagome questioned.
“Sorta…” Inuyasha responded lowering his head. He didn't want to remember the shame his father had in him.
“Don't be sad? I can see why you wouldn't live amongst humans. I bet you'd be teased.” Kagome said sympathetically.
“That's not the reason wench!” He hissed.
“Oh… Sorry…” Kagome bowed her head in reply.
“Just never mind it! You don't need to know!” Inuyasha warned.
“Yes.” Kagome responded sharply dropping the topic.
Kagome stood up and wandered towards Inuyasha,.
“Go sit down! You're gonna faint or something!” Inuyasha ordered. A glint of anxiety must have glared across Inuyasha ember eyes because what Kagome saw was unbelievable.
“You're not worried about me are you?” Cocked a smirk evident on her face.
“No! Course not! Just don't want to carry you everywhere!” Inuyasha replied harshly. Kagome rolled her eyes at his immature lies. Finally getting in arm width away from Inuyasha she did something unexpected.
She reached and touched his ears.
He pulled away revolted by her behavior.
“What the HELL do you think you're doing!?” Inuyasha ridiculed.
“I wanted to touch your ears… now let me!” She demanded reaching or the passages again.
“No- -!” Inuyasha explained horrified.
“Oh come on… I just want to touch them!” Kagome whined!
“Bitch! You're acting like a little baby! You're NOT touching them!” Inuyasha howled. With a huff Kagome pouted.
“How am I the baby? You're the immature one here!” Kagome inquired.
“I'm not immature! I'm 1000 years old if you don't mind…” Inuyasha huffed as inappropriate information flowed from his mouth.
Kagome stared at the hanyou with a blank expression for a few moments…
“How in the world are you 1000 years old!?” Kagome frowned in confusion.
`Stupid stupid stupid…' Inuyasha thought to himself.
“Never mind, you didn't just hear that!” Inuyasha snapped.
“Yes I did…” Kagome drawled dryly.
“Fine do you really wanna know the whole story?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes…” She replied.
“Okay. You know that legend you've heard in your child hood?” Inuyasha questioned.
“Uh huh, what about it?' Kagome inquired.
“That's not true. That story was made up to cover my identity. Humans who didn't understand me made it up. Do you want to know the whole story?” Inuyasha prompted.
“Yeah.” Kagome nodded in anticipation.
“Here I go…
`1000 years ago when a young human, my mother and a demon, my father met they fell in love. Though at the time there was a war between demons and humans and it was disavowed for humans and demons to have any relationship but my mother and father still mated and had me. I was a shame to the culture saying there wasn't a single hanyou since before the war had started which was about 200 years before my birth… I was disowned by my father and set out to live a life secretly as a human with my mother. We had to travel often to keep my identity concealed. Though one time when my identity was discovered the elders and a priestess where so ashamed of my mother and I they cursed me and…” Inuyasha gulped before he said the words.
“Executed my mother… Leaving me to defend for myself.” Inuyasha told.
“How old where you?” Kagome question sitting patiently listening to the story with great interest. This was her favorite story and now she was being told the truth and not a story or a legend. The whole truth…
“Only 6…” Inuyasha replied.
“Wow…” Kagome muttered. Her eyes and heart raced with empathy
“Though my curse was the thing that made it so difficult. I was forced to be immortal unless I found a hanyou to become my mate. And of that I had to remain immortal and forever hidden from humans. I found a few hanyou's but I couldn't break the curse because I must become the mate of her reincarnation.” Inuyasha finished leaving Kagome puzzled.
“Who's `her'?” Kagome bit her lip as she said.
“Kikyo…” Inuyasha muttered.
“The priestess… The one who put the curse on me in the first place. So I've waited 1000 years and never found her.” Inuyasha hissed rage evident in his voice.
“Was she human?” Kagome inquired gently.
“How-?” Kagome tried to ask but was cut off by Inuyasha overpowering voice.
“She was Miko who possessed the Shikon Jewel and the script to it.” Inuyasha explained dully.
“Woah, woah , woah! I know what the Shikon Jewel is but what's the script to it?” Kagome exclaimed in exasperation.
“Before I show you this… You must promise to keep your lips sealed. Do you promise?” Inuyasha motioned.
“I promise.” Kagome quickly responded. Reaching into one of his pockets in his white Kimono he pulled out a flushed dawn-tinted jewel.
“The shikon je-…” Kagome muttered in daze.
“Yes, but this Jewel can only work if you have the spells to cast. I can either break the curse the way Kikyo wanted it intentionally or find the book of scripts and break it that way. Do you understand?” Inuyasha prompted. Kagome nodded rapidly.
“But you must keep this secret. Guard this knowledge with your life.”
“I promise I will…” Kagome agreed.
“You shouldn't know anything more… You already know much more than needed.”
“Sorry I didn't intend on learning.” Kagome bowed her head down.
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“She's just went missing!” Mrs. Higurashi stated to the officer at her front porch.
“Well were going to have to wait 24/hs before we can do anything ma'am.” The officer informed. It had been about 20 minutes since Sota and Mrs. Higurashi had discovered Kagome was missing. Since then it took about 10 minutes for the police to arrive. In that short time Mrs. Higurashi and Sota had search every nick and cranny of the household.
“You can't wait that long! If she went off into wilderness then she'll be DEAD by then! I don't want her to follow the same death as her father…” Mrs. Higurashi whimpered desperately.
“I know how you feel… Kaoru's death was very tragic.” Officer Hakata comforted. He was one of the officers involved in the last incident helping Mrs. Higurashi and her family.
“Please try to set the searches for her now!” Mrs. Higurashi pleaded.
“I'll see what I can do but there will be no promises. The only thing backing you up is your husbands death and how he died, I don't know if that's enough for the board office.” Officer Hakata explained.
“Just try…” Sota begged.
“I will… Your sister is a great person and I won't stand for her life to be lost out here.” He replied.
“Thank you…” Mrs. Higurashi mumbled through icy tears.
“Do you know what could have caused this? Do you think she ran away or was she kidnapped?” He questioned.
“She might have run away… I was mad last night. Yesterday she wondered off into the snow and you know how I am about that. She was going about how she saw a boy out in the snow…” Mrs. Higurashi explained.
“Like the one in the legend around here?” Mr. Hakata asked seriously.
“Yes.” Sota replied.
“She chased it but it disappeared. I saw her do it… Though I never saw the boy, only her…” Sota mumbled.
“Thank you for that. This information could be extremely useful.” Officer Hakata replied.
“Why is that?” Sota questioned.
“There been quite a few disappearances lately around these parts and I'm starting to believe that this `boy' is doing it. But you didn't hear that from me…” Mr. Hakata eyed them suspiciously to go along with his explanation.
“Do you really believe in that silly old legend!?' Exclaimed Sota.
“Aye… I've seen the boy with my own eyes no doubting my own eyes. There sharp enough for me.” Officer Hakata explained. Sota stared wide-eyed in disbelief…
“Well I best be off to the board. I'll see what I can do Mrs. Higurashi.” Mr. Hakata encouraged giving Mrs. Higurashi a comforting pat on the back.
“I'll send my misses in for you to make sure your doing alright.” Mr. Hakata said talking about Mrs. Hakata, his wife. She was close friends' with Mrs. Higurashi and close friends' could really be needed in a time like this.
`Thank you…” Mrs. Higurashi said with a weak temporary smile tracing her.
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4000 WORD!!! 4000 WORDS **LAURA***!!
If you didn't know what happened…
My friend and me **Laura switched names…. As a bit of a bet. I am now Julia Wurm! And she is Laura Blacklock for the time being! ^__^
Anyway if we put our **REAL names we would have to write either 4 1000 (which is impossible for me considering that I can't make it that short…) or 1 4000 word one! And I stupidly lost the little bet so I wrote you guys 4000 word chapter in a DAY! Luckily I was sick today and didn't have to go to school!
I have to write ANOTHER 8000 word SEQUEL for `Singing bells' which I still need some info from **Laura so I can start it but I hope you guys like this chapter! Kagome's poor mother… If I was a mother and I was HER mother I'd go crazy!
23 reviews on my first 2 chappies… THANK YOU GUYS!! Maybe I'll have 30 after this one… **BIG HOPE!**
Well hope you enjoyed!
Julia Wurm
Ja ne!