InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ some one to trust ❯ say yes ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

Kagome woke up with the sun in her face and something poking her in her butt. “Man this day already started off wrong.

“And just why do you say that” Inuyasha said smiling down at her.
“The damn sun woke me up and something is poking me in my ass” she said as she searched for the offensive object. She finally got it and threw it on the floor inu just laughed at the face she was making.

“What was it anyway?” he asked trying to look over her without letting her go.

“That damn tape recorder I new I should have thrown it away” she snuggled back into his arms and tried to go back to sleep. She was almost there until she heard her voice `what the hell how he get that thing?'
“Hey you know you sound even better than a couple of years ago” he was smiling and his eyes were so bright
`I love those eyes'.
You could get lost in those big dream like eyes but those same eyes can scare the shit out of you when he was mad. `It's so funny how things worked out just a few years we were ready to run away together if we had to'. She thought with a smile

Inuyasha was waving his hand in front of his girlfriend face while she just sat there looking at him like he was some kind of movie star. “Kagome why is you looking at me like that” she finally came back to earth with a shake of her head. “I was just thinking how good it came out to be” she smiled at him.
“Yeah it was only luck that my dad found your mom another job close by that paid twice as much as the one she was going to take” she signed and laid her head back on his shoulder and made little circles on his chest with her finger tip.

“Kagome I love you and I don't ever want us to fall apart so I was thinking that I could.. I mean should ask....


“Kagome and Inuyasha get up and come eat breakfast” they shook their head as they heard Sesshomaru yell from down stairs. “What was you saying yashie?” he shook his head and told her that he would talk about it latter.

They walked down the steps hand in hand and went to the kitchen and sat down with Izayoi, Inutaisho, and Sesshomaru. “Kagome your mother said to come home early so you can get ready for the first day of school tomorrow and inu you need to get ready also” Izayoi said as she cut her toast.
“Mom why I can't spend the night its so boring over there” “sweetie you have Sango” Kagome shook her head as she thought about this “Sango is always on the phone with her lover boy Miroku” Izayoi looked up after hearing this “they're still together”
“Yes for three long years sure they had fights but they stayed together just like yashie and me” she said with a big smile on her face.
“I don't think nothing can break you two apart,” Sesshomaru said with a small smile.

After they were done eating they went back upstairs to change. Yashie I don't have anything to wear” kagome said as she looked at her side of the closet.
“Go take a shower and I'll pick you something out to wear,” he said as he gave her a towel. She gave him a small nod and went to the bathroom.
Inuyasha looked through the mess of cloths and just decided to go and buy her an outfit. So he ran out down stairs grabbed his keys to his new candy apple red BMW convertible and told his mom to tell kags that he went shopping.
Kagome was in the shower thinking about how much she love the boy, no man who she thought was just in the next room.

`I wonder what he was going to say to me' it had been on her mind since he let the words come out his mouth.
`He wouldn't break up with me would he' she stood there and thought about it but when a little tear rolled down her cheek she realized she was just being silly and the water was running cold. So she hurried and washed and got out but when she walked in the room all she saw was a hot red lacy pair of underwear with a matching bra. On the other side of them was some blue jeans with a red and white line coming up on both sides of the legs, a red shirt with the words `you wish I was single' written on the chest in white, at the foot of the bed was some all white forces. She just grinned and put the underwear on and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled `damn I look good' she giggled at that and put the rest of he clothes on and went to find yashie so she could give him a big kiss.
Inuyasha was lying on the couch waiting for Kagome when he felt someone tackle him and they both fell on the floor. Kagome laughed as he pinned her hands above her head. “You know how bad I want you right now” he whispered in her ear and smirked when she blushed. She tugged her hands free and pulled him down by his hair so that his lips was just two inches away from hers
“Then take me then”
She barley got the words out before he crashed his lips on hers. He kissed her deep but with full of love and about time they stopped both of their heads were spinning.

“Wow” Inuyasha just laughed at her and pulled her up to sit on his lap on the couch. “Kags I got a surprise for you” she looked up at him and smiled “what is it?” “I can't tell you that will mess it all up” he ginned as he took out a bandanna and told her to tie it over her eyes so that she couldn't see. She did as she was told. He picked her up bridal style and ran to the park and up a large hill. He sat her on her feet and took the bandanna off her face.

She smiled up at him after rubbing her eyes and looked behind him where there was a picnic sat up with little sandwiches, fruit, and juices he sat her down at the end of the blanket and he took a seat on the other side. They ate in a comfortable silence every now and then they would touch each other's hands or glance at one another. The sun started to go down soon and Inuyasha packed the food up into a basket and spread another blanket down.
They both lay down and watched as the sun slowly went down. “Kagome I love you with all my heart, body, and soul” “inu...” he shook his head and put a finger to her lips “close your eyes please” she looked at him for a moment before she did as she was told he pulled something out of his pocket and held her hand in his. “Like I was saying I love you and I couldn't see myself with anyone other than you for the rest of my life and I could only pray that you feel the same way” he paused as she nodded her head and said I do the two words that he hope to hear again very soon. He took a deep breath and opened the box “open your eyes” she did and gasped as she looked at the beautiful ring in the little black box she slowly lifted her gaze up to Inuyasha with tears in her eyes and mouth open “yashie” he smiled as he said what he had been dying to tell her “ Kagome my one and only love will you give me the honor to be your husband, mate, and lover” she had her head down and he started getting scared he put a finger under her chin and lifted her face up so he could see her.

She had her eyes closed and his heart broke.
“Yes” she said it so low that he thought he imagined it “what did you say” not wanting to get his hope up for no reason she opened her eyes as the tears finally ran down her cheeks “I said yes yes yes yes!!” she jumped on him as he laughed while she kissed him over and over.
“Ok let me put the ring on you” she gave him her left hand and watched as he slid the white gold ring on it fit perfect it had one nice size diamond in the middle with ten smaller diamonds going down each side. They lay back down for a little while and looked at the stars until Kagome's phone rung.
“That was mama I have to go home” she looked up at him sadly. “Don't worry I'll be in your bed before you get there” she giggled as he picked her up and ran back to the house.

She walked in her door and told her mom she was there after that she went to the bathroom and changed into her nightclothes. She knocked on Sango door but nobody answered so she assumed she was sleep. She went to her room and closed the door and got into her bed she felt somebody arms go around her waist and she froze. “I told you I would be here first,” Inuyasha whispered and she relaxed against him as he took her hand in his and they both looked at the ring on her finger.
“I love you kagome”
“I love you to Inuyasha, no my Inuyasha” they both went to sleep with a smile on there face just as they were.

Well there you go I hope you liked it r&r