InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Split ❯ Summer Nights ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heyyyyy. For anyone who is curious, I'm still going strong with Everlong, I just had to write this out. The hot weather is kind of inspiring ;) I hope you guys like it, I'm not sure if I'll continue it or if it will go anywhere, just thought I'd throw it out there. Enjoy!



We hadn't even fought.

I sat along in my bedroom, bent over my desk and trying to concentrate on my homework even as the summer air breezed through my open window to play gently through my slightly sweat dampened hair. It was late, and still the sun had just fallen, leaving the sky wide and violet, quietly waiting to be filled with stars.

Just yesterday at this time I had been curled up beneath a willow tree, watching Shippou splash playfully at the edges of a clear stream. Like every night, I had been leaning back against the tree trunk, my legs tucked beneath me as I easily repaired the various tares in Inuyasha's clothing that had been accumulated during the day's battles.

You might think I'd be used to it, stitching up gaping holes where Inuyasha's heart would be, scrubbing bloodstains out of fabric that stretched over his shoulders, mending rips like chasms in the material that was supposed to protect his stomach. I never got used to it.

These times Inuyasha would strip down to his hakama, pretending not to notice the way my eyes would lower as I blushed. At least, I assumed he was pretending. My attraction to him was so painfully obvious that even Inuyasha couldn't possibly miss it. He would turn his back to me as I got out my needle and thread, kneeling by the river and bending over so that he could wash the blood of hundreds of youkai out of his hair.

My attention would be torn between the heartbreaking state of his clothing and the breathtaking state of his body. I could stare, completely captivated, at the defined muscled of Inuyasha's back for days if even the opportunity. Unfortunately, after just a few short moments he always sensed my attention, tilting his head slightly so he could look at me even as the river water rushed through his silver-white hair.

We hadn't even fought, and still I hunched in my uncomfortable straight-backed chair, trying to focus on my history work instead of wondering what battles he had fought in that day, pondering the state of his attire and wondering how he could get by without me.

Just fine, I reminded myself grimly, tapping my pencil in irritation against the wooden surface of my desk. He can fight without me, he can win without me, he can function just fine without me. I'm even willing to bet he can repair his own clothes.

That line of thinking did not stop me from worrying, nothing could. How many fights had I witnessed? How many times had I watched helplessly from the side as he placed his life carelessly on the line? It seemed like worrying was all I ever did; worrying about if he would get hurt, worrying about if he would get killed, worrying he would trip or lose his grip on Tetsusaiga and transform, worrying he would be taken away from me.

I sighed, slumping back in my chair and titling my head from side to side, trying to ease some of the tension from my neck. All of this worrying had certainly taken its toll on me. My studies had taken a terrible turn for the worse, plummeting my class rank, my friends had all but given up on me, some of them even fearing they would catch leprosy from me, as that was my grandfather's latest cover. My brother and my mom barely recognized the solemn, irritable girl that had replaced the sister and daughter they once knew and loved.

Still, all I could think about was Inuyasha.

He was probably washing his hair right now, peaceful and at ease since I wasn't around him to watch over. When the night was warm, like tonight, we would often sit together in the grass and watch the sunset. Perhaps he was waiting for the stars to rise now, without me. Or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was off doing something else, now free of our silly tradition.

I was restless, standing abruptly and stretching, letting a breath hiss through my teeth as I lifted my paper to examine it.

After two hundred years of isolation, sailors from the United States finally arrived in Japanese harbors and demanded they receive trade treaties. The American assembly was lead by…

Inuyasha... what is he doing now?

Growling slightly, I raked my fingers through my hair, letting my head roll back and squeezing my eyes shut. This was pathetic, unmistakably so. I came here to get away from him, away from his sarcastic remarks and degrading comments, away from his stubborn arrogant attitude. I came here to leave behind his golden eyes, silky hair, muscular build, feral smile, protective nature, kind heart, undying ambition… Damn it! I can't even think badly of him without reminding myself just what I am missing.

We hadn't even fought, and still I had run, blindly stumbling to the well the night before, wiping my tears from my burning eyes. He had done nothing wrong. He had done nothing at all but be himself. I had done nothing but want him for it.

Summer nights were the worst… sitting on the banks, acutely aware of the beads of cool water sliding over his skin as they clung there from the spray of the river. Our time together, under the sunset and stars, was strung taught as my mind raced with so many things I wanted to say. My heart would flutter wildly in my chest and my hands would fist in my lap. He would be so serene beside me, face turned skyward as I admired his broad shoulders. All I could do was lick my lips and shut my eyes against the desire filling my senses. My thoughts were only of him, but I knew his mind was just as enthralled, just as preoccupied… with Kikyou. One glance from Inuyasha caused my breath to noticeably quicken, while to him, surely the stars over my bowed head spelled only her name.

I was sixteen, it was normal to feel this way, normal to spend my nights wishing for his hands strong on my skin and his breath hot on my neck. Now granted, most girls my age don't fantasize about what claws would feel like tracing down their spine, but to each her own, right?

I pursed my lips together. This line of thinking would get my nowhere. It was hot enough already without my heart getting ahead of me like that. Shaking my head with a slight smirk, I moved to my dresser, intending to gather my bath supplies so I could take a nice, long, cold shower.

My plans were abruptly cut short, however, by a slight tapping at my window. Eyebrows narrowing, I moved in the direction of the sound as it continued, growing louder and more insistent. Curiously I tugged at the latch, swinging the window open and ducking just in time to dodge a pebble as it came whizzing over my head to bounce once on my bed before clattering to the floor.

I stuck my head out my window to scan the yard, spotting a rather pleased looking Houjou crouching in the bushes, his chestnut hair slightly matted due to the humidity.

"Higurashi-san!" he called out in a rough whisper.

I tried to conceal the disappointment I'm sure had possessed all of my features with a surprised half smile. How could I help but hope Inuyasha had come to call? Silently I chided myself. Inuyasha had done nothing wrong, there was no reason for him to come. He didn't come when it was his fault, so why should he now? Now, when I had been forced home by my own girlish desire?

"Oh, hello there, Houjou-kun…" I chewed on my bottom lip, slightly amused, and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ears. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled ruefully up at me, glancing cautiously around the yard before standing slowly from the shrubs. "It's such a nice night out…" he commented off-handedly. "I thought maybe you might want to go for a walk with me."

Ignoring the 'nice night' comment, as it was merely gross and sticky and uncomfortably hot, I tried to hide my grimace. Speaking of unrequited love… poor Houjou-kun. Maybe, before I had first fallen through the well, he might have been good for me. There's no doubt then pretty naïve self would have been thrilled by his attentions, but now… it was unfair to even compare him to Inuyasha. How could Houjou hope to compete?

I glanced at the clock, nine-thirty and night still hadn't fallen. You gotta love those summer never-ending evenings. Well, there was no hope of finishing my homework in my current state of mind, and a cold shower would only do me good until I got out of it. Then I would just lay restless… flat on my back… on my bed… it was so hot out…

Sighing resignedly, I mustered up a smile and leaned out my window slightly. "Ok, give me five minutes, I'll meet you at the gate."

He grinned, nodding enthusiastically as he turned, a definite skip in his step. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he would read into this too much and my eventual rejection would just hurt him more, but with all the dates I had broken already, I figured a little walk wouldn't be a bad thing. I could humor him for now. Slipping into my sandals, I decided to at least splash some cold water on my face and try to appear somewhat presentable. I turned to leave my room…

…and walked into something hard, and warm, and unmoving.

"Why did you leave?!?" a harsh rumbling voice demanded, for as I stepped back in surprise I saw that the very hanyou inhabiting my recent steamy fantasies was standing in my doorway, arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows raised in irritation, demanding an answer.

I blinked a few times, swallowing difficultly and moving back against the edge of my bed. "What are you doing here?" I mumbled, buying time to avoid his question.

"Looking for you," he huffed, fixing me with a frustrated glare. "Why else would I waste my time on this miserable side of the well?"

I'm sure my eyes lit up, even as I tried to hide my happiness at this new information. He had come for me? Even though it must have seemed to him that I left at random? "Oh…" I murmured, shaking some wild bangs out of my eyes. I gave him a quick once over, noting the shabby state of his clothing even though his hair was pristine. "You didn't just have a sudden demand for your laundry girl?"

For a moment he looked genuinely concerned, his ears flicking forward nervously, and that confused me, but soon his customary smirk again dominated his face, and his golden eyes flashed slyly. "Sure, something like that," he drawled, turning and motioning for me to follow. "C'mon, let's get back. And you can explain to me why you left in the first place."

That was a statement, not a request, and as I started after him I was already formulating excuses in my mind when I remembered that Houjou was waiting for me outside. I bit my lip pensively, stopping in my tracks. Standing Houjou up when I had just told him I would walk with him would be wrong, but how would I explain that to Inuyasha?

"Actually…" I piped up when Inuyasha glanced behind him expectantly. "I can't go back tonight…"

He rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in the air exasperatedly. "What do you mean you can't come back? First you take off for no reason, then Kikyou comes and spews all kinds of crap I can't understand, and now you won't come back?"

I perked up at that, my hands shooting to my hips and one of my eyebrows raising. "Kikyou? What did she have to say?"

His mouth shot closed, and I got the feeling he had not meant to say everything that he did. "Nothing," he grumbled darkly, turning on his heal and stalking down the hallway.

"Hey wait!" I called, following as he rapidly strode away, taking the stairs two at a time. "She obviously said something if you're so upset about it."

"I'm not upset!" he growled, throwing open the doors to the well and approaching it with purpose. "I'm going back, but I'm coming for you in the morning so you better be ready then."

"Inuyasha, si-"

"Don't even think about it," he snarled, cocking his head over his shoulder. "You know Kikyou, she just spat out her usual…" he ticked off his fingers one by one as he listed. "Promises, betrayal, hell, all that."

I swallowed, my accusing finger falling back to my side. Even Inuyasha could not completely conceal the hurt in his tone, and it only further proved that the miko had said something different to him that night, something that had him come for me when he normally would have refused under any circumstances. Opening my mouth to respond, I was cut off when Inuyasha shook his head dismissively and leapt over the rim of the well, disappearing in a glow of blue light.

Well, that was a whirlwind, wasn't it? Heaving a heavy sigh I took a few steps forward, kneeling on the cool floor boards and leaning to peer over the edge of the well. What an idiot, Kagome. First you run because you can't resist the urge to jump him, then you do absolutely nothing when he travels through time for you, then you scare him off, and then… oh here's the kicker… then you miss him. You've got balls, Kagome. You've got balls.

I couldn't help but worry. Inuyasha had behaved so unlike himself. Lacking his usual air of unwavering self confidence, he had even seemed… flustered. He had been so hasty to leave… and leave without me. When had he ever done that? Never. Never before had he come to the present for me and left without his prize.

Running an exasperated hand through my hair, I was about to jump in after him when I remembered Houjou. The poor boy had been standing at my gate for at least ten minutes now. Shaking my head in resignation, I lumbered tiredly to my feet, securing the well house before heading for the street. I may be a savior of feudal Japan, I may be in love with a man only half-human, but where would I be without my adoring fans… er, fan? How would I survive without he health sandals and strange superstitious knick-knacks he brought me? And hey, it was nice to know once in a while that at least somebody wanted me.

Casting one last longing glance in the direction of the well, I shrugged, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my khaki shorts and whishing, as I had countless times before, that I was interested in Houjou instead. Things would be so much easier, so much more pleasant. If only I didn't find furry puppy ears so damn attractive.