InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Stubborn ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The sun was up, and showering the world with bright joy, and happiness. Everyone and everything was happy, except for the little hanyou that sat hunched up, against the tree.

He was crying silently, shaking with suppressed tears. "No one cares . . ." he whispered as he pulled his knees closer to his chest, his gold eyes shimmered, with tears, as they leaked down his cheeks. "Mommy . . . why'd you have to go?" he asked to no one. No one was there . . .


"Inuyasha!" Shouted a stout man; running after the hanyou. "Inuyasha, come back here right now!" he called again, getting more impatient by the second.

"Nothin' doing old man!" he sneered jumping from branch to branch.

"Oh what your Mother would say." He sighed, stopping at a tree to catch his breathe.

"What'd you say Akito?!" Inuyasha inquired, glaring at the old man.

"You heard me; those dog ears on top of your head, aren't fake." The old man answered, looking into the hanyou's golden eyes.

"Don't you ever talk about my Mother you hear me?!" Inuyasha snapped before running off into the woods again.

"Damn that boy's going to be the end of me" Akito whispered to himself before walking out of the woods. "Damn that half- breed."


"Mom, can we pick these?" a pretty young girl asked, pointing to a bunch of pretty flowers.

"Sure you can Kagome, go ahead." Her mother said, bending down to help.

"Mama, they're really pretty." Kagome stated, picking more.

"Yes, and they smell good too" Ai laughed sniffing the delicate flowers.

Kagome watched her mother pick some more flowers, and sniff them. Her mother was beautiful, the prettiest woman in the world. `I bet I'm the prettiest girl in the world.' Kagome stated mentally in her head; following Ai through the bushes.


"Mama, where are you?!" Kagome called into the fire. "Mama!" she called again, she already felt the tears streaming down her face, and her eyes burning from the heat.

"Kagome, go now!" Kikyo called, shooting an arrow at the demon, destroying the village and engulfing the shrines in fire. "Kagome go!"

"Where's my Mom?!"

"Kagome she's gone, you have to go!"

"No, my Mom isn't gone!" Kagome screamed running towards the fire. "Let go of me!" she yelled as Kikyo scooped her up.

"Kagome, she gone, you can't bring her back no matter how hard you try." Kikyo told her, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Kagome take this jewel."

Kagome eyes widened. "That's the shikon no tama!" she exclaimed.

"Yes, it is. Kagome I want you to take it, you'll find Sango in the woods, she'll protect you." Kikyo stated, pushing her into the woods. She watched her run hastily into the woods, she watched until her figure disappeared into darkness. Kikyo turned her head to the demon. "You're mine demon!" she yelled, shooting an arrow, before getting engulfed in flames her self.

Kagome ran as fast as she could, dodging stray branches, and roots. `I have to find Sango' she cried mentally. `Then everything will be alright.'


"Sango!" Kagome screamed, as she was pushed into the water. "You're so going to pay for that!"

Sango laughed as she watched the blue eyed girl struggle to get out of the water. "Oh Kagome!" she laughed, jumping into the water.

"Miroku's coming!" Rin shouted, running to the lake.

"Miroku!" the girls shouted, fetching their clothes, and getting dressed.

Sango was first to finish, and first to yell. "Damn that lecher!"

"Rin, where's Miroku?" Kagome asked, turning around to look at the giggling girl. "What are you laughing at?" Kagome asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"You guys are so gullible!" she laughed, falling to the ground.

Sango and Kagome looked at her angrily. "You freaked us the hell out!" they yelled in unison, picking Rin up and throwing her into the lake.

"What the hell you guys do that for?" She asked, surfacing. "You don't like me?" asked Rin making a baby face.

"That trick doesn't work twice Rin" Kagome stated, giving her, her death glare.

"God Kagome, your death glare's scarier than Kouga's love for you."

Kagome looked away from her, attempting to hide the light blush that crept over her face.

Rin laughed as she got out of the water, than stopped as Miroku, made his entrance.

"Hello girls and the Lovely Sango."

"Scratch that Kagome, your death glare is scarier than the Amorous Monk Miroku's groping hand." Rin said running back to the village.

"Screw you Rin!" Kagome yelled after her, running also.

"Yeah, nothing's scarier than Miroku's perverted mind!"

With that the three girls ran off into the woods, leaving a very confused Miroku standing on the bank of the lake.

"Was it something I said?"


"I'm hungry; can't you cook faster than that?" Inuyasha moaned, rubbing his stomach, as his ear twitched.

"It wouldn't take as long if you would just shut up." Akito grumbled, stirring the soup in the pot.

"What'd you say old man?"

"Nothing." Akito answered, shaking his head.

"I heard you say something, what was it?"

"Curiosity killed the cat, Inuyasha."

Yeah, well I'm a dog demon." He said cockily. "Cats are weak, and Dogs are strong"

"What about wolves."

"You just like finding ways to piss me off, don't you?"

"It's a gift Inuyasha, It's a gift."

"Yeah, a gift that I don't tear you apart, right now" Inuyasha growled.

"It's a gift that you can't"

"From that old hag, what was her name again?"

"Kaeda" Akito answered, blushing slightly.

Inuyasha stared at his Master. "Do ya have a fever?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You're a bit red."

Akito gawked at him. `Thank kami, this boy isn't too bright, or he'd be asking more questions.'

(A/N: Hi ya! This is Kagamiko! This is my first Inuyasha fic, please review and tell me if you liked it, I'll accept any criticism and rude comments, well maybe not. If you don't like it please don't go right out. I have pretty damaged feelings, so I take a lot of time to recover, and no I'm not a suck, a suck is my little sister, who cries for everything. Well, Ja ne!)