InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet and Bitter ❯ Family Troubles ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two words. Marmalade Boy.

Oops. Did I spoil the plot?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, or Marmalade Boy.


Sweet and Bitter


Chapter One: Family Trouble!

Hello! My name is Higurashi Kagome, and I'm in the I-2 class at Satu High School. I live in Tokyo, Japan with my mother and father. I'm an only child, and somewhat proud and sad of that fact. According to my best friend, Sanyu Sango, having a younger brother or sister is a pain. I don't know about that, though. Her younger brother, Kohaku's a sweetheart to me...

Hmm...? Oh, I'm drifting from the topic.

Anyway, my parents have the absolute perfect marriage. They were married in London, England, which is where I was born. In fact, they decided to go on a second honeymoon for this week. They should be arriving home soon, so I can fully wonder if they have been working on that younger brother/sister I have been begging them for since I was three.

"I don't know, Kagome-chan..." I looked up to see my best friend, Sango, shake her head a bit. Her brown eyes lifted to meet mine as she handed me back my school report for my English class. "It sounds a bit..." She drifted off a bit before finishing, "Cutesy..." I grabbed the paper from her hand, and re-read my work. Confused, I looked back at her. "Then again, it might be the line, 'Kohaku's a sweetheart to me.'" She grinned as I gave her a glare before taking a bite out of my bento lunch.

"It's true, though... I don't think any of that is fiction," I answered with a smile as I took a bite. "Well, except for the fact that my mother and father are coming home today."

"You're lucky, today Kohaku and I have the privilege to hear my parents argue..." Sango sighed as she finished off her bento. She ran a hand through her hair, and grimaced. "You've always been lucky, what with the 'perfect' family." She shrugged.

"Yeah, but when you marry, you'll make sure that that doesn't happen to you or your kids, ne?"

"What, the arguments?" Sango asked. "No, I already have a plan for that..." She smiled softly. "I'm just never gonna get married." I gasped. How could she say that? I had always wanted to get married... ever since I was a little girl.

"But... wouldn't you like to live with someone for the rest of your life...?"

"You can do that without getting married, you know," She answered. "Besides, I intend on being a free-spirit. You can't do that if you're tied down, you know."

I grinned. Sango had always dreamed of running away from her home, away to America where she, from reading too many cowboy novels, obviously, would live on a ranch.

Little did I know that while I was at my school, my parents were just reaching my front door, and they had the most interesting news I had heard in awhile...


"You're what?!!"

I'm sure my exclamation reached the neighbors, who were either deaf or were told not to come over today. Even with my shocked (and somewhat disgusted) face, my parents smiled.

"Getting divorced," My father answered. I'm sure my mouth is now permanently unhinged at this moment, as my blue eyes shifted from both of them.

"But... why?! You just got back from your second honeymoon!" I all but shouted at them. They didn't even flinch. In fact, they just smiled even more.

"Maa maa, Kagome-chan," My father told me. As if that could calm me down. I put on my best glare. "I must tell you what happened. You see, we.."

"We met a couple there..." My mother said, softly. I looked over at her, and noticed that she wasn't smiling anymore. Actually, she looked quite guilty. Good. "Your father fell for another woman, and I another man."

"But... so quickly?" I asked, pointing my gaze towards her. At least I'd get my answers without that stupid dopey grin from my father. "I thought you two loved each other..." I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"We do, honey, but not as lovers..." My mother drifted off. "Only as friends." She breathed in loudly. "After six months, your father and I will be single and allowed to marry. We will marry the couple we met in Hawaii."

"But... where will I live? (I don't want to live in two houses!)" I demanded. Damn. There went that damned smile on both faces again.

"We settled that. The Yukio family and we will move into a larger house, and we'll both reside there," My father answered. I assume the couple's surname is Yukio...

I kept a confused look on my face.

"We're meeting the Yukio family tomorrow for dinner at the Kaida Restaurant. I'm sure their son is coming as well," My mother told me. Son? He can't possibly agree with this whole thing... Yes! I had an ally!

I put a false smile on my face.

"Good luck!" I said, before dashing upstairs to call Sango and tell her the whole thing.


By the time I reached the Kaida Restaurant after school, I was worried I was too early. I mean, after all, I didn't see anyone I knew there... until my mother ran up to me. She dragged me to a reserved private party room, where another couple sat with my father. I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Anou... Konnichiwa," I said, bowing to them. After all, I'm always a polite girl first. The couple smiled at me.

"I'm Chiyako, and this is Youji," The woman introduced. I gave them a small smile before sitting down next to my mother. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rumi," Chiyako apologized to my mother, "But Miroku-kun said he'd be a little late. You know how long it takes to get here." My mother nodded.

Miroku? Was that their son?

"Aah, there he is," Youji announced. He pointed to a tall, dark haired boy about my age. I turned to see Yukio Miroku even better, and nearly fell over.

His hair was pulled into a dragon's tail at his nape. It crowned a tanned face with amethyst blue eyes, and to top it all off, he had a smirk applied to his face. And...

He was staring straight at me!!

He was still carrying his backpack, I noticed, as he apologized to his parents.

"The train ride was too long for me to stop by the house to drop it off." His voice was deep, too.

He sat next to me, and my face must've been beet red...

But, of course, looks aren't everything, as I found out quite quickly that dinner.



Translations of the names used in this fic:

Satu: Fairytale

Sanyu: Happiness

Yukio: Gets What he Wants

Kaida: Little dragon

(If any of these names are incorrect, please tell me! I fully blame if they are wrong!)

I apologize fully for any errors found in this fic. I do not have a beta reader. >^_^<

Note: If you have read/seen Marmalade Boy, then you'd know the parents' names come from there. Because I'm so not creative when it comes to names.