InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Trust ❯ Ways Of The Bound ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Family Portrait

'Chapter Ten - Ways of the Bound'

She let her gaze travel back up, to glare to him. "You call yourself a man? How can you be so cruel to one you barely know?" She growled, watching his face keep it's coldness in the soft glow witch was moon.

"…You still haven't got it, Sango…You are a slave now, a bound one, you have no dignity, no pride, you have no respect given to you, yet you still think you're above such things?" He sighed, pity falling key to his voice.

"I do not need pity! I will get myself out of this, I will not have to kill my own pride, my ways of my village from being captured." She scowled to his voice tone, scrunching back into her protective ball in the corner of the damp room.

He grinned slightly, inching ever closer to the young woman witch sat before him. "Sango…Are you really that determined…Determined to get yourself killed at all costs to keep your ways, your pride?"

"…I do not need to answer to you…" She stated firmly, setting her knees to her chest.

"I understand, but…Please let me help you." He mumbled, watching her form intently.

"Help me?" She blinked, looking up with startled amber optics.

"Yes, you seem so determined to get free…Not many in here have that spark, they let their souls, their very passion for life die once they were caught…But not you…" He smiled, his soft honey gaze looking to her eyes. "I could teach you…Teach you how to behave properly as a Slave. Soon enough, if you play your ways properly you'll get out with mere trust."

"And how would you benefit, Hojo?" She spat back, wondering his motive form the start.

"I would merely be helping a girl, to be free." He leaned back again. "And maybe get my own freedom in return if I go along with you…"

She watched him, trying to find a flaw in his statement, finding none she smiled slightly. The trust he tried to suck out of her from the start. "…I thank you then, Hojo, how will we start?"

"Well, every day at dawn we are allowed to go out. To get ourselves clean or fed…Then we go to work for our masters. During that time in between I will teach you some things of how to be a Slave, little by little until the Slave auctions this coming week-end." He explained.

"Slave Auctions?" She repeated, not understanding.

"Yes, they are the times masters or mistresses can sell their slaves to others. That you will have to prepare for, I have noticed you do not like others getting to close, or looking at you in a non-respective manner." He chuckled softly. "You have to try and keep your hand from lashing out, or that'll get you killed."

"…I understand, I will try my best to get to these customs. To be free from this place…" She mumbled, her eyes dropping once more.

"To be free…" He repeated, his intense gaze never leaving her form for a second. 'Freedom, all I need to do is get this girl right, that'll get my freedom…' He thought to himself, hiding the smirk that threatened to cross his pale lips.


Slowly she padded her way to the bushes. "…Just, uh…Stay right there and I'll come help you." She tried to shout but tripped halfway there on a fallen tree limb.

"Of course, miss. Such a kind woman you are to help a stranger." He mused, still out of sight to her eyes.

"…Thanks." She mumbled, somehow the tone of his voice was different. She almost headed back, but thought it might just be her imagination and so kept going deeper into the brush. "What were you doing way out here?" She growled, having few scraps and cuts along her body now.

"Merely picking some fruit for my family." He sighed. "But alas, I fell from a tree and hurt my leg. And now a kind woman has come to help me. What be your name, miss?"

"Higurashi. Kagome Higurashi." She said, having finally triumphed over the bushes. She proudly set a pace to the shadowed figure she now saw. "…Sir, could you please come to light?" She asked timidly, tilting her head but not a ray of light graced his form.

"Certainly, Kagome." He said softly, and so made his debut into the light. She nearly gasped, but she didn't have time. The white pelted man grabbed her expertly. Whispering maliciously in her ear. "I am Naraku."


"Shall we begin then, Sango?" He asked, standing to his feet and offering a hand to help her as well.

She glared it away, not liking the odd look that graced his darkened eyes. "Yes." She spat, standing as well on her own account. Slightly wobbly but merely allowed the wall to help her stand.

"That again." He shook his head. "If someone offers anything to you, you take it. You are higher than no one, not even a slave."

'Not even a slave… A demon hunter, those that helped for centuries. It comes down to slavery or death.' She thought sadly in her mind. Turning her amber gaze to him she nodded reluctantly. "I understand then." She mumbled, not really wanting to make herself lower in status or pride than she was before.

He attempted to stand up straight, folding his arms behind his back. He puffed out his chest and stared to her. She merely blinked, not understanding what he was doing. "Pretend I am a demon lord. I have come to see you, and see if you're worthy enough to come to my palace. Now, you must do everything I say without question." He said sternly.

She kept a glare, but couldn't afford to get from her 'helper' wall and nodded. "Fine." She did quirk a brow, his new posture was quite humorous, but she kept a straight face.

"Good." And now taking on a different voice, "Hm… You may be a fine wench." -Smack- He sighed, rubbing a sore cheek. "You hafta to do as the demon lord says. Or whatever he does you play along with."

She glared as if she was boring a hole into his skull. "I will 'play' along with the times come then. No more plays, just tell me the right and wrongs of Slavery."

"Fine, fine. You learn on your own since you don't want certain help. You already seem to know a lot about it. Talk to others around the place, that'll help you then." He spat to her, sitting at the base of a far wall.

And so the duo sat in silence. Staring off at something or other. Sango was mainly going over the many things she knew she'd have to get over when the time came. But also, it dwelled on the man a ways from her. He seemed up to something. Something in his indigo eyes were off, as if dull with lie. She couldn't place it, but it was disturbing her to no end. '…Hojo…' She thought grimly, not understanding this male as well as she'd hoped.


The demon known as 'Naraku' flew through the fields and meadows with the struggling girl. She couldn't bite, his hand… She didn't know what it was it merely binded her mouth shut. However, she couldn't see anything below the elder fur of the pelt. She wondered if he was a baboon demon for some time until she saw his eyes. There were eye cuts, and they were human beneath. Whoever he was, he was no demon… But a human. But then everything started again, of how fast, strong, and the aura he emitted. She sighed, figuring it best to simply wait to see what happened than to try and understand him. She mumbled something and tried to flail once more, but this time she was let go. About to flee when she understood what lay beneath her. Floor tile… Marble and slowly she gazed around the room to see a white-haired demon in front of her tossed figure. She gasped slightly, but kept her eyes narrowed to show no submission. "Ah, so this is the girl you wished, Sesshomaru?" The pelted male asked, smirk hidden beneath the furs.

Tip of a sword blade touched under her chin. It brang her head upwards to look at his shimmering golden eyes. "Yes, this is the reincarnation. You have done well, Naraku." He said in his usual monotonous manner. He tossed shards of the jewels to him. The jewel was still in his possession from the priestess before. However, despite making a wish of his own, there was apiece even missing from the gem. And therefore it became worthless to keep. He often pondered why the demon, Naraku wished the shards but if that were all he wanted he wouldn't question.

"Good, then my work is done here." He bowed and disappeared onto the wind.

"Get up." He commanded the still fallen girl. His eyes narrowed, ever slightly and he spoke once more. "Get up." His blade coming to sheath at his hip once more.

She kept a glare to him, standing to her feet, eyes darting around the bedchamber for a way out. "Why was I brought here?" She asked, trying to stare him down.

"Human, you have no right to speak to a demon in such a manner." He smirked slightly however, despite his once cold tone. "But, I have a use for you."

"…A use?" She repeated, staying where she was as he began to approach.

"Yes." He spat, a hand cupping her chin to stare into his eyes. "I made Naraku bring you to me, you are the reincarnation of a priestess. A very powerful miko she was, and the energy coming off of your body would say the same." He explained, not letting her gaze, nor the now hold upon her neck go. His claws dancing across her neck as he enjoyed her scent of fear despite her set eyes. "But it is not I that can do anything with you. I have plans for you, and another will keep you."

"Keep me…? I am… Owned, a slave, is that it?!" She snarled, but squeaked slightly as the hold upon her neck fastened tighter.

"Of course you are, by my brother. A half-demon called, Inu-Yasha."


There we go. Chapter 10! God, I'm sooooo sorry it was so late, but my computer wouldn't load up media miner for the longest time! Please leave a review and I thank everyone who posted them so far. Bows Gomen again. Until next time…