InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tale Of A Beautiful Demoness ❯ Injured ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DL: Hi, I'm back.
DG: Who cares? Just start writing.
Sesshoumaru: Shouldn't you be too?
DG: Uh, yeah.
Inuyasha: You were suppose to update Lavender, Winter Sonata, and Searching For Symbols!
DL: So leave me alone!
Sesshoumaru: Your making me weird.
DL: I know, that's the point!
Inuyasha: DL doesn't own us. DG is just watching and being a lazy ass.
DG: Whack!

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Sesshoumaru kept on repeating the poem over and over again in his head, so that he can
engrave it in his mind forever.

The song of the sea
The splash of the waves
The beats of my heart.......
All destiny
Like the course of life
Don't wait for me forever
If we were meant to be
We'll find each other
As sure as the sun will rise
I'll find you
Follow the map that is your heart

( by crimsonseer, thank you for the great poem!)

"Kagome, I really hope we meet again." whispered Sesshoumaru to the wind as he picked
up his pace.

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"I can't believe I wrote that poem!" berated Kagome, a small blush forming.
"Wrote what poem?" asked Inuyasha, popping out of nowhere, quickly noticing Kagome's
"Nothing." Kagome covered up quickly. To Quickly.
"The poems called Nothing? What kinda poem is that?" asked Inuyasha giving Kagome a
weird look and a crooked smile.
"One that you'll never be able to write in your whole life." retorted Kagome, then she was
gone in a flash.
"What..." started Inuyasha. "Kagome! Wait for me!" cried Inuyasha as he quickly raced
with the wind to catch up with Kagome, who was much faster than Inuyasha could ever be.
A few minutes later, Kagome was at the gate of her fortress. "Open the gate!" ordered
Kagome. The gate guards quickly did what they were told and let their Mistress enter.
"Was it the jewel you were looking for, Mistress?" asked the general with a deep bow.
"No, but it was good exercise." replied Kagome, handing her sword to her general. "I'm
going to go take a nap, make sure no one disturbs me."
"Yes, mistress." stated the general as she was dismissed by a wave of Kagome's hand.

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"We have to get that chest back!" yelled Kouga with a murderous glare. "It is the only
way to gain Master's trust again!"
"Kouga, easier said than done." stated Miroku. "What do we do? Mistress Kagome is not
one to be taken lightly."
"She is weak!" retorted Kouga, "and she is a female. Last time was because she took us
by surprise!"
"Your right, Kouga!" yelled the men in unison while raising their weapons. "When do we
"Tomorrow morning, so get prepared today!" yelled Kouga with a lot of enthusiasm. 'You
will pay.' thought Kouga to himself. Miroku had a silly grin plastered across his face, wanting
revenge almost as much as Kouga.

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"The emperor is doing nothing but sleeping and eating." whined a peasant to no one in
"Sh, do you want to be beheaded?" asked his wife while covering his mouth. The man
shook his head wildly and continued on his way with his wife, acting as if nothing happened.
'What has this world come too?' thought Sesshoumaru to himself, taking a sip of his
wine. 'What is really wrong with the emperor? What am I suppose to do?'
"Your chicken, sir." called the waiter, (is this what you call a waiter in ancient times? I
can't translate Chinese into English that well.) as he warily put the food in front of the white-
haired demon and quickly backed away. Sesshoumaru couldn't help but smirk at the way humans
'Better set my mind back into important things.' thought Sesshoumaru to himself taking a
piece of chicken. As soon as he started to concentrate on what to do, his mind kept going back to
Kagome. 'Why can't I forget her? It's not as if I will ever see her again.'
Sesshoumaru payed for his breakfast, and left. "Keep the change." called Sesshoumaru over
his back when the owner started to say a bunch of nonsense.

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"Man, don't be afraid!" shouted Kouga in front of Kagome's fortress. "She is only a
women! Nothing more!"
"Your right, Kouga!" replied everyone, smiling at the thought of revenge.
"Are we going to kill everyone?" asked one of the men with a mischievous grin.
"No, just to teach them a lesson and get the chest back." replied Kouga while flexing his
sharp claws.
"So, can I- um- can I have..." started the man who asked the question.
"Mistress Kagome." finished Kouga, with a evil grin. "I don't see why not." The man
smiled, followed by cheering.

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"What's all the commotion?" asked Kagome's general with an annoyed look. "Mistress
wanted peace, and you know what happens if she doesn't get what she wants." The gate guards
quickly scrambled off to check, they all knew the consequences if their Mistress's peace was
disturbed by some lesser demons.
The gate guards notched an arrow and pointed it at Kouga from atop the fortress walls.
"Leave, before I shot your heart out." commanded the guards pulling back the string of the bows.
"What if I said, No?" asked Kouga glaring at the guards. The guards, without a second
thought let the arrow fly. Kouga caught the arrow and snapped it in half, while giving an evil grin
to the guards.
The next thing the guards knew, two of Kouga's men had climbed the fortress wall
without them knowing. Kouga and the rest of the men had acted as a distraction. Now Kouga's
men had them by their throats, a second later, they snapped the guards neck. The general seeing
what is happening quickly ran to get her Mistress.
The men opened the door, and Kouga and the rest burst in. "Were in!" cheered Miroku.
"Now lets go find Mistress Kagome."

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The general quickly parted the beaded curtains and kneeled down. "Mistress, Kouga and
his men are back for revenge!" stated the general in an urgent tone. "They have already killed
two of our sisters when I left."
Kagome quickly got up and cloaked herself in a silky, yellow robe with beautiful designs
of phoenixes. Kagome quickly grabbed three, dangerously sharp, yellow, chopstick like jewelry
and started putting her hair into a half bun as she ran out of the room. The jewelry was sticking
out of the right side of her hair, glistening dangerously in the sunlight, while at the same time
keeping her half bun in place.
Kagome walked into the main room with Kouga in the middle, and her guards
surrounding him, weapons drawn. Kagome walked straight pass Kouga and his men and sat on
her throne. "What brings a weak, wimpy, wolf, like yourself here?" asked Kagome with a smirk
as she watched Kouga try to regain his composure.
"Give me back the chest you stole!" commanded Kouga raising his sword. Miroku
unsheathed his sword, and pointed it at Kagome.
Kagome waved her hand, her guards immediately understood to step back. "Go get the
chest." stated Kagome with a hidden smirk. 'I'll play your game.'
"But Mis..." started her general, but was silenced with a glance her way. Two guards
hauled out the chest they stole, and Kagome motioned for them to put it in front of Kouga.
Kouga opened the chest, and his mouth opened, seeing all the glistening diamonds, rubies,
sapphires, and gold.
"Since you acted like a nice girl and handed over the chest, we will spare your life."
stated Kouga as he motioned for two of his men to carry the chest.
Kagome's two generals looked like they could kill Kouga any moment for the disrespect
they showed to their Mistress. Kagome looked at her generals and shook her head. Just as Kouga
was going to leave with the chest, Kagome commanded, "Drop the chest."
"What? Do you really want me to kill you?" asked Kouga as he threw a small dagger at
Kagome. Kagome easily caught it between her fingers and smirked.
"Is this the best you can do? If these are suppose to be your secret weapons, you have got
to work on your speed and intelligence." stated Kagome, trying not to break into fits of laughter
at Kouga's face. 'His look is priceless.'
Kouga angrily threw another dagger, but Kagome spun away from it easily. At the same
time as Kagome was spinning, she let lose one of her sharp chopstick jewelry which went flying
at Kouga with lightning speed. Kouga's dagger was embedded into the wall behind Kagome,
while Kagome's jewelry went straight through Kouga's right shoulder and out the wall. The
jewel was embedded deeply in Kagome's fortress, half a mile away.
"You were lucky." stated Kagome. "Seems like my aim was a bit off, and my throw was a
bit weak. But you won't always be this lucky." Kouga grasping his wounded shoulder quickly
ran, followed by his men.
After a few minutes, Kagome had changed into a dark blue dress with little birds as
designs. Kagome also had a pair of matching sapphire earrings and a smooth sapphire necklace.
Then Kagome grabbed her sword, and went in pursuit of Kouga.

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"Kouga, stop right there!" yelled Kagome unsheathing her sword. Kouga and Miroku
tried to act brave, but their buckling knees gave them away.
Kagome slashed down on Kouga, but was blocked. Kagome jumped back to see a demon
in dark red stand in front of Kouga. "Master Manten, save us!" cried Miroku.
"Who are you?" asked Kagome with a small smile.
"I am their Master's friend, and I will not allow you to hurt them." replied Manten as he
directed a beam at Kagome.
Kagome dodged and attacked. 'How pathetic! He doesn't really think he can beat me with
this little power, does he?'

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'I have to see Kagome again.' thought Sesshoumaru to himself as walked through the
forest. 'I can't concentrate until I do.'
Clang, click, bam. Sesshoumaru quickly raced to the sound of fighting. There stood
Kagome with her sword aimed at a wounded Kouga. 'Manten? What is he doing here?' Kagome
once again brought her attention back to Manten. Finally, Kagome used her energy and sent huge
boulders flying at Manten, Kouga, Miroku, and all the men.
Manten was wounded, along with Kouga, who got hit in the leg. Miroku, being the only
one not wounded gathered up his courage and charged at Kagome with his sword. Kagome sent
another huge boulder at Miroku.
Sesshoumaru quickly took the blow for Miroku, not wanting to get Miroku hurt. Miroku
tried to stop his charge, but couldn't. It went straight through Sesshoumaru' stomach. Kagome
gasped, while Miroku broke into hysterical sobs.
Kagome grabbed Miroku and tossed him away. "No!" screamed Miroku. "Don't kill
Kagome pulled out the sword and threw it to a side and hauled Sesshoumaru up with all
her energy and leaped away. 'Sesshoumaru, don't you dare die on me!' thought Kagome sadly to
herself as she shed a tear, which she hadn't for eight years.

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DL: Please read and review!
Sango: Will Sesshoumaru live or die?
DL: You'll just have to find out next time.
Shippo: where's me?
DL: Uh, anyway, next time.

"Ayame you have to save him!"
"Why should I? I don't even know who he is."
"If you don't, I'll kill you!"
"I don't want your help."

DL: Wanna guess who said what? It will be more detailed next time. There will be a new
character, and will Sesshoumaru die or live?

Review Responses:

MysticalAngel: Thanx for once again, being the first to review this chapter.

CrissyKitty: Your poem was really good, but it just didn't fit the scene to well. Sorry!

KaJi No ToRi NaOsU: Hope you liked crimsonseer's poem. I think it was great. And I can't
write poems either. ^_~

chocolate: Too bad, you always did suck in English class. Just kidding. I'll miss you too! I
already do!

Jessica: Thanx for the offer, but it's not that big of a deal! Hope you liked this chapter!

Lurrain: I added more, and I'm glad you liked it.

Dandy: Don't sweat over a poem! I hate thinking about poems!

Kougasgrl: The poem was so sweet! Too bad I could only chose one! Maybe you can help with
the next one! Tell ya later if interested. ^_^

Mistress of time: I liked your poem a lot too! I had such a hard time picking!

Ladyofthedragons: Glad to hear that, which means nothings confusing! Yay! Don't worry, my
poetry is the worst, unless there is a grade! ^_^!


Cup Cakes: Thanx for telling me, I'll try! But I've never done it before, so I'm not really sure.

WishDragon: I tried to write as soon as I could! I loved your poem so much! But I already chose
so, you know!