InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tale Of A Beautiful Demoness ❯ Sesshoumaru, dead? ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Sesshoumaru: She doesn't have a heart, so she won't feel sad.
DL: You should talk.
Shippo: Can we start?
filtered out by FF.Net.
Rin: Rin gets to do disclaimer! DL doesn't own us, or the movie plot!

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Sesshoumaru, dead?

"Sesshoumaru, stay here." stated Kagome, worry etched in her soft whisper. "Don't die.
I'll be back as soon as I can." and with that, Kagome leaped away to find a way to save
Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes in pain as he rested at the base of the tree. It was a
secluded area, where only the song of birds and crunching of small animal feet as they ran around
the forest could be heard.
"What should I do?" asked Kagome frantically. "I don't know any healers, and I have no
clue what to do. All I know is if Sesshoumaru dies, I will never forgive myself. I will also kill
Kouga and his men." Kagome zipped through the tree tops in a blur, until she finally reached a
small village.
Kagome scanned the area, looking for a village priestess or a healer. Too bad it was
Kagome's unlucky day, because none where available. Kagome clenched her fist in anger and
worry, when she caught sight of her dear disciple. (Wanna guess who? Whoever guesses right
gets a cookie!)
"Hey!" called Kagome, causing everyone in the restaurant to turn to her. The men, wether
human or demon, began to whistle and give lustful looks. The ones with wives glared at Kagome
and tried to distract their husband.
Said disciple turned around and felt the life drain from his body. "What have I done?"
asked the disciple to himself. "Is it because I forgot to feed my turtle? Or maybe, it is because I
didn't pay for my wine. Or, is it because I didn't enter the temple and pray to buddha when I
passed by today? It must be the last one."
Kagome glared at angrily at her disciple as he counted off what he didn't do to deserve
this. Finally, Kagome exploded. "Old disciple! I want you to save one of my friends."
"Don't say it this loud!" whispered Ronoko while looking around. When he noticed
everyone was watching him and had a curious look, Ronoko ducked under the table and tried to
"I don't care." grounded out Kagome as her eyes tinged red. "All I want you to know is if
Sesshoumaru dies, you'll be buried alive with him."
Ronoko crawled out from underneath the table and followed Kagome as she zipped away.
When Ronoko saw Sesshoumaru's state, he quickly payed two men and had them carry
Sesshoumaru on a stretcher. (I'm not sure what you would call it in ancient times.)

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"Are you sure you friend can heal Sesshoumaru?" asked Kagome with a tinge of relief.
"Yeah, as long as that person hasn't died past fifteen minutes. Also, the person can't have
died from poison, messed up internal organs, strong attacks, and chopped off heads."
"Which, basically means your friend is useless." stated Kagome bluntly. Kagome rolled
her eyes and prayed to the gods that Sesshoumaru is alright.
"Don't worry, you told me Sesshoumaru was injured by a sword, wielded by a weak
demon. Also, Sesshoumaru isn't dead yet, well, sort of." stated Ronoko sheepishly. "We're
here!" announced Ronoko before Kagome add another angry comment.
"Well?" asked Kagome angrily. "Aren't you going to call him out?"
"Oh, yeah, Old Hag!" yelled Ronoko as he pounded on his friends gate. No answer.
Kagome glared at Ronoko. Ronoko gulped and frantically pounded on the door with all his
All of a sudden, the gates flung open, and two snakes shot out. Kagome whirled around,
dodging the snakes and sliced them to bits. "Quite impressive." stated a voice as it moved out
into the light. "Your speed is really something."
"Hey Old Hag." stated Ronoko as he grinned at his friend.
"Old Geezer, seems like your still alive. Congratulations." applauded Ronoko's friend.
"Can you skip the warm welcomes?" asked Kagome pissed off. "We're here for a reason
other than for you to reunite."
"Oh, yeah!" Ronoko exclaimed as Kagome got ready to punch him. "Ayame, this is my
master." introduced Ronoko. "Master, this is Ayame."
"Ronoko, your Master sure has a temper ... Wait!" Ayame screamed the last part. "Your
Master was thirty years older than you!"
"Yeah, he is." replied Ronoko sheepishly.
"Then what happened? Wait just a second, your Master died twenty years ago. Not to
mention the fact that your Master is a man. When did your Master, an old geezer like you, turn
into a beautiful young demoness? Did he crawl out of his grave and morphed himself?"
"NO!" screamed Ronoko annoyed, cutting Ayame off before she could ask another
question. "This is my new Master, because I lost a bet. Now shut up Old Hag."
Slap. "Hahaha, that was great." laughed Ayame as she slapped Ronoko hard across the
face again. Slap. "And, don't call me hag. I'm a beautiful, young, healer, and demoness."
"Who cares!" screamed Kagome. "I am not here to listen to your bickering. Someone
save Sesshoumaru."
"Shut up, girl." snarled Ayame. "Even if he dies, I can save him. Though, I won't,
because I don't like you or him." pointing at Sesshoumaru.
"Please, Old H.." Slap. Pleaded Ronoko. "Ayame, you have to save him!"
"No, I don't even know who he is." stated Ayame with the tone of voice that said, end-of-
"If you don't save Sesshoumaru, I'll kill you." threatened Kagome as she clenched her
fists, drawing blood again.
"I don't want your help." growled out Sesshoumaru as he glared at Ayame from the
stretcher. "I don't want some old demoness to touch me, when I know she is incapable of healing
"Sesshoumaru." whispered Kagome as she rushed to his side, making Sesshoumaru lie
down again.
"What is that suppose to mean?" asked Ayame angrily. "I'll show you." Ayame stomped
up to Sesshoumaru and swiftly killed him before Kagome even knew what had happened. "Not
only can I heal you, I can kill you and bring you back to life."
Kagome's eyes turned a deep crimson, and lunged for Ayame. Ronoko quickly held
Kagome down as Ayame motioned for the men to bring Sesshoumaru inside. Ronoko struggled
for hours with Kagome outside as Ayame worked on Sesshoumaru. Ronoko finally found
Kagome's open pressure points, and knocked her out of conscience.

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Kagome awoke to a throbbing pain, but ignored it and sniffed out Ayame. Kagome burst
into the room, ready to kill Ayame, when he noticed Sesshoumaru heartbeat and soft breathing.
Kagome quickly ran to Sesshoumaru's side to check his heartbeat. Kagome smiled and her eyes
twinkled with unshed tears at the happy moment.
Ronoko quickly noticed Kagome had awoken and was spending time with Sesshoumaru.
Ronoko noticed Ayame and pushed her outside, and closed the door. "What are you doing in
there?" asked Ronoko suspiciously. "Don't tell me, you also fell for Sesshoumaru. You better
throw your love out the window, because my young Master has taken a fancy to Sesshoumaru."
Slap. "Why would I fall in love with that rude, obnoxious guy?" asked Ayame fuming
with anger.
"So, you like guys like me?" asked Ronoko with a smirk.
Slap. "In your dreams. Old toad trying to seduce a beautiful swan. (Roughly translated
from a Chinese saying.) Yelled Ayame as she stomped away to gather more herbs.

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Sesshoumaru slowly opened his eyes when he felt water splash on his face. He watched
as Kagome tried to wipe away the tears that continued to fall. "Please, don't cry." pleaded
Kagome smiled and nodded. "I thought you died. I would never forgive myself if you
did." Kagome hugged Sesshoumaru tightly and tangled her hand into his silver locks.
"I wanted Ayame to kill me. I angered her, so she would save me because of her pride.
Every demon has their own pride." stated Sesshoumaru as he hugged Kagome tightly and
breathed in her beautiful scent.

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DL: Is it boring?
Sesshoumaru: Why didn't I get to kiss Kagome?
Shippo: Eww, grownups are gross!
Kagome: I'm not exactly a grown-up, I'm only fifteen.
DL: Anyway, please read and review!