InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tears of Blood ❯ She Loves Me, I Hate Her ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tears of Blood
By. DemonGirl-Setsuna
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DemonGirl-Setsuna: Hi there! Setsuna here!
Please don’t kill me, I didn’t want to kill InuYasha, but my evil demon-side made me do it!
Um…well… Here is Chapter 2!
Please Enjoy!
Once again, Please don’t kill me!
Disclaimer: I don’t own InuYasha or anything belonging to Rumiko Takahashi.
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Ch. 2
She Loves Me, I Hate Her
InuYasha slowly comes to with a pounding headache. He tries to move, but the arrow still in his back causes him discomfort, then as his mind clears, he notices that Kikyo’s soul collectors have used their bodies to tie him to a tree.
“I see you’ve awakened”, Kikyo says, “I guess I’m losing my touch, the arrow didn’t pierce your heart”, she adds.
InuYasha just glares at her.
“I’ve never seen you as a human before”, she grabs hold of his chin, looking over his features, “I can tell you didn’t use the jewel to wish yourself human, because I can sense the sacred jewel in Kagome’s hands, which means it is true that hanyous have a time when their demon blood wanes”, she says, still holding his chin, “I always wondered what it would be like to kiss you as a mortal”, after she says that, she kisses him fully on the lips.
InuYasha quickly breaks the kiss, by turning his head, then he spits in disgust.
“You don’t love me anymore, do you?”, Kikyo asks, releasing his chin.
“The day you shot that arrow into my chest, was the day my love for you died. Plus even when I loved you, I never trusted you with the secret of when I turn mortal”, he retorts.
Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, InuYasha can feel unbearable pain from the slits Kikyo sliced into his wrists. Tears well up in his eyes.
“You have changed InuYasha, you would never cry no matter how much pain you were in. Kagome has made you soft”, she sneers, still holding her dagger.
“Kagome hasn’t made me soft, she is the first person to love me as a hanyou after my mother died. Also you have become cold and heartless, you are no longer the woman you were fifty years ago”, InuYasha retorts.
“Cold and heartless, huh?”, Kikyo shouts, “I’ll show you cold and heartless!”, she slams the dagger into InuYasha’s chest.
After a few minutes, InuYasha breaths start getting short, and he can barely keep his head up, he could only stare at the dagger still in his chest and the small pool of blood at his feet.
“Your strength is fading fast, it won’t be long before you’re dead”, she laughs.
“What are you…planning to do after…I’m dead…?”, he pants, weakly lifting his head.
“After you’re dead, I’m going to kill Kagome to retrieve the remainder of my soul and use the sacred jewel to wish myself alive again and for you to be alive and human”, Kikyo replies.
Suddenly, just as Kikyo stops talking, InuYasha musters the remainder of his strength to break free of the soul collectors and wretches the dagger from his chest, then stabs Kikyo in the abdomen with it.
“I would never let you kill Kagome!”, he angrily growls.
“You can’t kill me with such a meager attack”, she laughs, disappearing into thin air.
InuYasha collapses to his knees gasping for air as the pain from his wounds returned and his rage fades.
I have to get back to the village’, InuYasha says in his head as he takes out the two white handkerchiefs Kagome gave him three weeks ago and starts bandaging his wrists with them, then tying them tightly, ‘That should do it until I get to Kaede’s hut’, he weakly gets back in his feet and braces himself against a tree to steady his footing, then slowly makes his way towards the village using the trees as supports, with the arrow; broken in his attack, still in his back.
Thirty Minutes Later…
I’m almost there’, he thinks, a trail of blood stretched behind him, ‘Just a few more…’, his vision blurs as he collapses ten feet from Kaede’s hut then blacks out.
Inside Kaede’s Hut…
“Where is InuYasha?”, Kagome says, worry in her voice.
“Kagome, we’re worried as well, he should have been back by now”, Sango agrees.
“What if something happened to him”, Kagome fearfully says.
“He is too suborned for anything really bad to happen to him”, Miroku replies.
(A/N: You don’t know how wrong you are, Miroku.)
Kirara’s head perks up as she sniffs the air, then she heads towards the doorway of the hut.
“Kirara, what’s wrong?”, Sango asks, following the two-tailed cat demon outside. Kagome and Miroku follow suit.
“It’s InuYasha!”, Kagome screams, when she sees him laying facedown in a puddle of his own blood and runs to his side, “InuYasha!”, tears streaming from her eyes.
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DemonGirl-Setsuna: Well? What did you think? Please review!
InuYasha still isn’t dead…yet!
Um… The next chapter is called; ‘I Love Kagome’.
Uh… Catch you readers next time!