InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Teenage problems ❯ The dinner date ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Authors Note: I do not own the characters in this fic.
Kagome: *Calls Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: Hello?
Kagome: Hey Inuyasha, its Kagome.
Inuyasha: What are you doing?
Kagome: Nothing much I just wanted to tell you that I can go on the date with you on saterday.
Inuyasha: You can?
Kagome: Yep!
Inuyasha: Ok awesome! I will pick you up at 7:00pm?
Kagome: Sounds good to me!
Inuyasha: Ok I will talk to you later.
Kagome: ok bye.
Inuyasha: bye. *hangs up the phone.
Kagome: *hangs up the phone.
Inuyasha: Oh what a sweetie. Kagome is the nicest girl I have ever met, and did I mention that she is so HOT!!
Kagome: Oh Inuyasha. He is so funny and sweet. I can't wait until Saturday. I think it will be a blast.
Inuyasha: I hope that our relationship will last longer then mine and Kikyo's did!
***(A few days past. Saturday)
Kagome: Oh I have to wait for three more hours! I still have to figure out what I am going to wear though so that should blow a few hours! *Puts on makeup. *Sits down and watches tv.
***( An hour passes by.)
Kagome: *falls asleep.
Mom: Get up Kagome Inuyasha is here!
Kagome: Oh shit. Hi Inuyasha wait a minute?
Inuyasha: sure.
Kagome: Powders up and fixes her hair. Ok I am ready.
Inuyasha: Wow you look so nice.
Kagome: *smiles sweetly. Thank you!
Inuyasha: your welcome.
***(30 minutes later, Kagome and Inuyasha arrive at the resteraunt.)
Waitress: what would you like to order tonight?
Kagome: I would like a spegatti and meatballs.
Inuyasha: I will have the same.
Waitress: Ok, your food will be coming shortly.
Inuyasha: Ok thanks. So what did you do today before I picked you up?
Kagome: Well I got ready and sat down and well I fell asleep! *Blush.
Inuyasha: Starts to laugh.
***(Kagome and Inuyasha's food arrives.)
Kagome: Wow this is delicious!
Inuyasha: yea
***(Kagome and Inuyasha finish eating.)
Inuyasha: so how was the meal?
Kagome: Great thank you.
Inuyasha: Your welcome.
***(Kagome and Inuyasha leave the resturaunt.)
Kagome: *Arrives to her house.
Inuyasha: * takes Kagome up to her front door and kisses her goodbye.
Kagome: *Blushes.
Stay tune for the 8thchapter! Please R&R!