InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Dark Side of the Sun ❯ Intermission One ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sesshomaru ran as fast as his legs would carry him and as fast as he dared. He detected his father's scent. InuTaisho wasn't too far away but his brother's blood had begun to overpower his senses. In his arms, Inuyasha whimpered and moaned softly, his body curling around the blade wound. He knew that jostling his brother wasn't helping the bleeding but he had no choice. That girl, the monk, and the demon exterminators could be following him, and he had to get his brother to their father. For a moment, with the way his brother moaned, Sesshomaru feared that the exterminator's katana had been dipped in poison.

`But I would have detected it,' he reasoned. `The exterminators always use the same kind of poison. Something strong in scent so as to confuse or chase out a demon.'

"Please hold on, Inuyasha . . . I'll find Father . . . He'll know what to do."

"I know you will," Inuyasha croaked out. "I . . ."

"Shhh . . . don't talk . . . Save your strength, little brother. You're going to need it."

Sesshomaru ran on.

* * *

InuTaisho paced impatiently. He had detected the scent of blood on the wind. Inuyasha's blood. He had also detected his oldest son's and his captain's scents; they were rushing towards the clearing where he and his small group of warriors had fallen back to.

It had been strategic, his retreat. They weren't even out to attack. He had only came here because Inuyasha had insisted, stating that it would be possible to revive Sesshomaru. And the hanyou had not given up in trying to persuade him. His son kept telling him about the dreams he'd been having, about a strange girl from another world with the same powers as the priestess who had pinned Sesshomaru. Finally, he had relented, selecting only the most trustworthy of his guards to accompany him and his son. Now he wondered if it had been wise to bring his hanyou son with him. Dread had begun to work its way into his heart, and it continued to grow as the scent of Inuyasha's blood came closer.

`Kami, please let both of my boys be all right,' he prayed. `Please.'

Fifty years before, his oldest son had been pinned to a tree by a priestess and a powerful one at that. The priestess had been guarding a jewel called the Shikon no Tama. It had been said over many centuries that the Shikon no Tama possessed incredible powers. Many sought after it. Demons could increase their strength a hundred fold and more. Hanyous could either become human or demon, depending on their desires. Humans could make a simple wish and have it be granted. For the longest time, though, InuTaisho had ignored the jewel - he had always believed that the longer he lived, the more powerful he became, and it had proven true. He'd even taught his children that the jewel would not serve them well, and that they had to accept their strengths and weaknesses for what they were worth. Only by accepting them could they make themselves stronger. InuTaisho had especially pressed the issue with Inuyasha, making sure that his hanyou son knew that his father did not want him any other way and how proud he was to have him. Then one of his advisors had reminded him that the Shikon no Tama could grant humans wishes at the same time a rumour that Izayoi sought the jewel had reached him. Fear had gripped him then as it did now. Izayoi had made it known that she wanted Inuyash dead and she'd do whatever it would take to make it happen. So InuTaisho had done the only thing he could think - he sent Sesshomaru after the jewel with the order to destroy it.

`I should have done it myself,' he told himself for the millionth time. `This wouldn't be happening. Sesshomaru wouldn't have been pinned to that tree and Inuyasha wouldn't have had to live with the belief that he'd gone after it so he could become a full youkai. Damn Izayou. Damn her for hurting Inuyasha like this.'

Sesshomaru and NatsuMaru crashing into the clearing brought him out of his musings, Inuyasha, he saw, being cradled in his older brother's arms. Blood dripped from the hanyou to the ground, and it had soaked the once white kimono. They came to a halt before him.

`No . . . this can't be happening . . . My child . . . Kami, no . . . please . . .'

"Father . . . Inuyasha's hurt . . . He needs help," Sesshomaru panted. He handed the hanyou over. "Please . . . help him."

InuTaisho took his youngest son into his arms, remembering a time when the hanyou had looked just as pale as he did at that moment, the time he had come to live with his demon family . . .