InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Dark Side of the Sun ❯ Intermission Two ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

`Can't think about that now,' he told himself, stretching Inuyasha out on the ground before him. `He's injured. I can't let him die. Not now. Not ever. Izayoi cannot be allowed to prevail over him.'

"NatsuMaru, there's a small stream not far from here. Bring me some water. We'll need to boil it to make him some tea. And I'll need the herbal satchel that Shinsei gave you."

"Right away, my Lord."

The guard tossed the satchel towards him then took off in the direction of the stream. Sesshomaru knelt next to them as Inuyasha's eyes fluttered open.

"F-father?" he croaked, trying to raise his head some.

"I'm right here, my son," InuTaisho soothed, brushing his hair back. "Everything's going to be all right now. I just need to check your wound then dress it. Okay?" At the hanyou's nod, he quickly removed Inuyasha's kimono and yukata, fingers probing the edges of the wound gently. "Sesshomaru, who did this?"

"A female demon exterminator . . . NatsuMaru had taken the leader of the group hostage and demanded that the strange miko release me. I had just stepped down when Inuyasha's scent came to us . . . The female exterminator had her blade drawn and she turned as Inuyasha ran blindly into the small clearing where we were at. They were too close and he was going too fast to stop. He . . . he ran directly into the blade itself . . ."

"I see . . ." He sniffed tentatively at the wound. "No poison on the blade . . . none in the wound so that's a relief . . . It's starting to heal but the blade went too deep . . . He's lost too much blood. We need to bind it and quickly before he loses anymore."

Bandages were brought forth as well as some sake. While he didn't like the smell or the taste of it, the drink itself cleansed wounds rather well. InuTaisho began to tend his son's injury. How his life, and the lives of his family, had changed with this child . . .