InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The End Beginning ❯ what happens at night... ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome ran through the hallway toward the schools green glowing exit sign her raven hair flew behind her Kagome's legs were strong from all the walking she had to do in the futal era with Inuyasha. she was sure to out run any boy in school…
` all I have to do is get out side before the last bell rings and Inuyaku finds me'
She was panicking now, as the loud bell rung and people started to fill up the halls around her. Hands on the straps of her bag Kagome ran faster. It had been three weeks since Inuyaku came to school and his reputation seemed to grow faster then Grandpa's American meat loaf (shudder) Inuyaku had become a school bully and the school girl killer every girl wanted him he was handsome and all Inuyaku wanted was to torture Kagome.
“Hey Wench.”
Kagome looked downward as a long foot fell in front of her. She was going to fast to stop she fell over his leg and landed in a bad position on the floor landing badly on her left wrist. Yelping out in pain Inuyaku started to laugh hysterically making the rest of the girls in the school laugh too. Aumi ran over to Kagome's side helping her up and walk toward the school exit sign.
“Inuyaku! your Sutch a pig”
Sticking her tongue out at him Kagome quickly walked through the doors Aumi following a step behind. Pushing the hair from her eyes Kagome stood next to her friend waiting for the train to show.
“Thanks Aumi for helping me off the floor..”
“ya well I would have been there earlier but someone left class early to `use the rest room'”
Aumi sent a glare toward Kagome as they stepped onto the train quickly heading toward the Shrine; Kagome's stop was before Aumi's and as soon as the doors flew open she jumped out running toward the familiar shrine steps toward the house. On the way Kagome slowed looking toward the well, stopping Kagome walked toward the well door knowing fully well Inuyasha wouldn't be there to tell her to go back with him to the futal era. Kagome's feet pulled her closer to the well house. Letting her soft fingers touch the door then force the wooden door to slide out of her way. Kagome's feet moved slowly toward the well looking down into the well she didn't find it as scary as she had the first time she looked down into it. The well told her it was home. Stepping away from the well and out into the yard, she ran past the sacred tree not wanting to look at the memories that would surly haunt her the next day.
Played around with what resembled cheese on her plate but Kagome couldn't be sure. The food Grandpa cooked when Kagome was at school. Her mother was in America on a vacation seeing her aunt and uncles that she had never met. Kagome almost screamed when the `cheese' started to move. biteing down on her bottom lip she looked over at her grandfather.
“um grand-“
“I don't want to hear it Kagome, My food is perfectly edible!”
With that Grandpa put a big forkful into his mouth and excused him self to run to the bath room. Kagome took the chance to throw the food away then run up to her bed room to hide for the rest of the night.
Closing the door behind her, Kagome fell onto her bed laying on her stomach head resting on her arms, she looked over at the Pictures of Sango Moroku Shippo and Inuyasha all together. her Gray eyes stared at a certain picture of Inuyasha and herself. Kagome was on Inuyasha's back waving over to Sango who was playing with Kagome's pink Camera Inuyasha had a dirty angry look on his face he didn't want his picture taken. that picture was taken the day Inuyasha died she wished that that face was the last she saw of Inuyasha instead of the fear in his eyes. the image was burned into her head for all time.
The clock on her dresser said it was 1:00am she didn't sleep at all and Kagome would have to `wake up' in four hours. Rolling onto her back Kagome stared at the glow in the dark stars above her head.
“Kagome are you sure you want to go?”
“yes Inu-ya-sha all you ever do is complain when im around when your human. so me and Sango are going for a nice bath!”
Kagome and Sango both grabbed there bath stuff and ran toward the woods. when they reached the hot springs Sango tested the water as Kagome was first to strip down and change into her bathing suit. Sango did the same and they both got into the water.
“oh wow Sango this is great, a warm bath!”
Sango laughed grabbing the strange lotion Kagome usually brought with her, Kagome sunk deeper into the warm beautiful clear water until it almost covered her nose.
the two girls giggled and laughed for what seemed like hours there was not a care in the world. Kagome laughed looking over at Sango whose face fell into a worried scowl.
“What is it Sango?”
“The monk hasn't come to spy on us yet…”
“He's probity on his way”
“ya your probably right-“
she was interrupted by a scream a deep blood turning scream. birds flew out of the trees in fear flying away from the sound, the trees shook almost like they were crying everything went quiet. that's when Kagome knew.
“oh my god, Inuyasha!”
she jumped out of the hot springs with a jolt grabbing her cloths she threw them on as she ran toward the sound. it was quiet then she heard a second scream this one lasted longer it was the sound of ultimate pain. Pushing through the trees and the bushes cuts formed on her cheeks and ripped the white shirt blood covered her white cloth and legs. Sango yelled out her name to slow down but Kagome didn't pushing through the bushes here eyes widened a bit as she saw the black haired Inuyasha a sword now pierced through his chest Inuyasha gasped and looked backward his violet eyes meting hers.
his eyes wear wide as a tall man with black hair walked up behind him the most gruesome smile Kagome had ever seen pulled another blade from what seemed mid air slicing into Inuyasha's neck just barley but blood sprayed every where the inu-hanyou fell to his knees hands flying up to his neck and Inuyasha fell backward.
Fear mixed with anger Kagome looked around spotting a pile of clay with Miko robes surrounding the broken clay ”Kikyou” Kagome reached down and took a hold of Kikyou's bow and a single arrow she felt a power that never took place in her entire being before and her arua turned a dark shade of crimson. the next thing anyone would remember was Kagome falling to the ground next to the dieing Inuyasha, she was screaming out his name repeating it shaking him.
Inuyasha!” gasping kagome sat up in her bed looking around frantically it was almost five in the morning sweat dripped down from her brow. Tears fell from her eyes. falling off her bed she lay there raven hair falling over her shoulders hiding her face knees to her chest Kagome rocked back and forth.
there was nothing left to do…Inuyasha was dead…and Kagome didn't want to live.
(A/N) hey guys just so we are clear this is not a Kagome Inuyaku paring and this is not a suicidal Fanfic either I guess you'll just have to review and read on to find out what happens next