InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Giver is the Gift ❯ Helping You to Help Her ( Chapter 3 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters contained herein. They are the exclusive property of their original copyright holders. I just play with them for my own amusement.
The Giver is the Gift
Helping You to Help Her
The next day dawned just as chilly as the first and Kagome made very sure to bundle herself up. It did not escape his notice that she wrapped herself in a scarf and sweater and took several minutes digging through that seemingly bottomless backpack for the mate to her cheerfully green mittens. As they made their way once again, he wondered if he would be able to find a hot spring or if, since the anemone flower went over so well, he could find any other winter flowers that she might like nearby.
When Kagome managed to lose one of her mittens in the stream as she was getting water, he knew he had his next gift. Now, his only problem was how to replace it when he couldn't knit and didn't have anything to barter.
Luckily, at the next village, he discovered an old woman happily spinning yarn outside her hut. Explaining his plight, she readily agreed to help him; but he found her price discouraging. In exchange for the mittens, he would need to help rid her of a rat demon that had taken residence in her spinning room. For this, he knew, he would need some help.
It took some doing -- and a lot of yelling -- but he managed to enlist the baka's help, and they banished the demon in record time. The old woman was so pleased with them that she added a matching scarf to his gift. He just knew that Kagome would be thrilled.
Word Count: 250
Originally posted to LJ 12/5/06