InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Giver is the Gift ❯ From Whence They Come ( Chapter 4 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters contained herein. They are the exclusive property of their original copyright holders. I just play with them for my own amusement.
The Giver is the Gift
From Whence They Come
Kagome sighed contentedly as she and her companions trekked through the winter countryside. She had slept very well the night before thanks to the fire-warmed rocks at the foot of her bedroll. Her companions had all claimed ignorance, but she was very grateful nonetheless. It had been almost as nice of a surprise as the pretty anemone flower that she had awaken to that morning, especially considering how cold it had gotten overnight. It made her very glad that she had packed her scarf and mittens.
Lunch was a pleasant affair -- if you discounted the ever-present argument between Inuyasha and Shippo, but that had become so commonplace that it hardly fazed any of them anymore -- until she lost her mitten in the stream as she filled the water bottles. She had watched in despondent frustration as the current carried it away. That had been her favorite pair, too!
Her gloom had lifted when they came to the next village. Noticing that Shippo and Inuyasha had disappeared not long after they arrived, she found them helping an old woman in the removal of a rat demon. Kagome smiled as she listened to them argue and heard one admonish the other "She's just a baba. She's too old to do it herself."
She remembered that her boys had been very interested when she described what some people called "the Christmas spirit," even though one of them had tried his utmost to pretend otherwise. Suddenly, losing her mitten wasn't so disappointing.
Word Count: 250