InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Giver is the Gift ❯ Feathers on a Cat ( Chapter 7 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters contained herein. They are the exclusive property of their original copyright holders. I just play with them for my own amusement.
The Giver is the Gift
Feathers on a Cat
It seemed that, while Kirara was extremely helpful, her intervention hadn't been as secretive as he had hoped. As they continued their journey and just before she disappeared down the well to go take a few much-dreaded tests, Kagome had been casting inquisitive and speculative glances in his direction. Contriving to look innocent, he had pretended not to see her thoughtful looks; but he was pretty sure he had come off as guilty more than anything.
It was Kirara that gave him the idea for his next gift. He found her in a small clearing one afternoon crouched over a fresh-killed pheasant. He chuckled as he watched her try to eat it without getting feathers in her mouth. As he helped her pluck her soon-to-be dinner, he noticed that these feathers were the perfect type for arrow fletchings. He knew that Kagome had been complaining lately that she didn't have enough arrows -- she kept breaking them -- and that she didn't have time to make the shafts for more.
"Perfect," he breathed. Turning to his companion and asking her for help, they set out to gather the rest of their supplies. They made short work of finding straight, flexible branches high in the trees. He found some leather and a sharp knife in Kaede's hut and returned to the clearing to start putting them together. Knowing that Kagome had been saving her broken off arrowheads, he grinned in anticipation. She was going to love these!
Word Count: 246