InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Giver is the Gift ❯ What Speaks Loudest ( Chapter 8 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters contained herein. They are the exclusive property of their original copyright holders. I just play with them for my own amusement.
The Giver is the Gift
What Speaks Loudest
She was very surprised when she came through the well after her math test to find a set of beautifully fletched arrow shafts leaning up against it, obviously waiting for her return. It seemed that her "Secret Santa" was at it again. Kagome had to admit that she had been a little unsure who might have been leaving things for her. She dismissed Miroku and Sango immediately -- they would surely leave things for each other. She had a pretty good guess after the old woman and the rat demon, but she wasn't entirely sure. After seeing who was in camp with Kirara, however, she was almost positive which of the others it was.
Today she kept an unobtrusive eye on him. It really was very nice that he would do this for her, but what touched her more was that he was helping others in the process. She watched him as he spoke to the woodcutter and then disappeared into the forest with Kirara in tow, only to return shortly thereafter with a brace of rabbits. A bit later, as she gathered a few roots for Kaede, she heard him return to the hut and grinned when she heard the inevitable argument when he refused to answer the loud demand to know what he was up to.
That evening after dinner she found a running fox and a protective dog of finely-carved wood nestled on her pillow. She didn't miss his contented smile as she delightedly examined them.
Word Count: 249