InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The 'in' crowd ❯ Late?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Um, I’m new! I hope y’all enjoy my first fic. I don’t have a country accent, I just like y’all Um, please review. Oh and some writers have little ~!~! Or ^*^*^*^* to separate there paragraphs mine is ~Ayu Dear~ just so u know.

“Kagome!” he mother called. She groaned and pulled the cover over her head.

“Kagome, your late! Yes I’m yelling at you! Get up, god we’re so lazy. Oh no, Hojo’s about to be here!” Kagome jump out of bed. Maybe she needed to change her alarm, that voice recording was to scary…. She was going to be late if she didn’t hurry. Time for another year of school…she thought.

“Kagome you should bee leaving soon!” her mother called. Kagome sighed, what a way to start off the school year, late.

~Ayu Dear~

“Welcome! I know you all are freshmen, but I can see you guys are much more mature then the seniors…” Kagome sighed, it was like the start of Junior high all over again. Will now she liked boys and the kids in the grade above you shared classes with you… “So with that, let the school year begin!” Kagome sighed as all the freshmen girls and boys joined off in there cliques. “Kagome don’t worry,” her mother had said, “Everyone’s new here, you’ll have no problem making friends.” She scuffed, yeah, no problem at all mom. The bell was about to ring and she still didn’t know where she was.

“Priestess!” Kagome heard a girl call out.

“Shhhh!” Kagome pressed herself against and peek around the corner. A younger girl, maybe elementary or first year junior high, was desperately clinging to a girl who…actually she look like Kagome. Except older, colder, and Kagome hated to admit it, prettier Sorry for all you Kikyo basher. I don’t hate her or like her.. . “Kana what are you doing here?” Priestess? Kagome wondered. She’s to young to be a priestess, I remember when I wanted to be one when I was young. She would have to train extremely hard if she was one at this age!

“He’s…” the little girl broke out into tears “ He’s dead!” Kagome eyes widened, who was dead? The older girl put her hand over the younger one mouth. “Follow me, this is not the place to talk.” the girl nodded and trailed after the older girl. Kagome stared after them, half of her wanting to follow them. Briiiiinnnnnniiinnnnngggggg Kagome gulp, oh no! I’m late to class. She rushed down the hall, totally forgetting what she had just saw.

~Ayu Dear~

The class was silent, the teacher had walk in and immediately started writing on the bored. Not once had he stop to take a look at the class. Kagome sat in the middle of the class, she could see half of her classmates, but the other half were a mystery behind her. The teacher finally turned around, when he did he froze.

“No you again! You did this on purpose didn’t you!” he shouted. Kagome, like the rest of the class, turned to see who he was talking about.

“Of course, I didn’t want you to be lonely,” he replied. Kagome gaped at the boy. He had on a red baseball cap that was pulled down on escaping silver locks. He had shiny amber…no golden eyes that seemed playful and mischievous. Saw him ginning past her to the teacher. But for a quick second his eyes landed on her, a mix of confusion and anger flash across his face before he return his glare to the teacher. She look around to see if anyone else had noticed. But no! Only her, the glare must have been directed at her.

“Inuyasha! I swear if you don’t pass this year, I’m quitting!” the teacher seemed to know this ‘inuyasha’ boy quite well, and seemed to dislike him.

“Promise? If you do I’ll do my best.” The teacher face soften.

“That’s very kind of you to be so concerned about my job Inu--”

“To fail,” he finished. The teacher face harden and the door opened. Everything froze. Kagome was now looking at the door, the girl from before…. she though. There was a deep silence, Inu--- what’s his name glared at the priestess girl.

“Mr. Jin,” the girl spoke, soft and cool. Mr. Jin All those Gakuen Alice fans should know him

“Oh, yes Kikyo?” he straighten up as if she were the principle.

“I request Inuyasha presence.” Her voice was like air, impossible to notice it was there, yet impossible to notice its not. The teacher shook his head and motion for Inuyasha to go.

“And what if I don’t want to go?” he sneered at her. She shot him icicles.

“Then don’t come, but if you feel regretful later, do not complain to me…” he got up and shot right past her.

“I’m sorry Kikyo,” Mr. Jin apologize to her. She nodded and shut the door. Leaving a hushed whisper behind. Kagome look around the class, will she knew who the popular kids were.

~Ayu Dear~

By lunch Kagome had learned about Shikon High ‘in’ clique. They were mysterious, beautiful, and to be honest…scary……There were eight people in the clique.

Inuyasha: he’s the school all around loveable bad boy. He’s rumored to have quite a temper though……

Kikyo: Beautiful and silent, she’s more mature and feared then any body around. Including teachers!

Miroku: the school flirt. Even though he part of the clique he flirts and talk with every girl in sight…though they don’t mind it seems Sango does.

Sango: Tough yet Soft , tomboy/ girly girl. She’s your best friend, mother and worst enemy if you piss her off. She seems to have a crush on Miroku though many dismiss this thought since he has ask her out many a time only for her to say no.

Kouga- Another playboy but with an attitude problem, he seems to be a rival with Inuyasha…

Ayame: Fiery, scary, and In love! Is there anything more scarier..

Sessharmou: Silent, scary, Kawaii!

Rin: Adorable, has a child like innocence and personality!

God…..people sure did gossip at this school. Apparently there was a fan club devoted to each one in the clique. Kagome sighed, how cliché, shallow beautiful people while the good people go unnoticed.

“OH MY GOD! Did you see how Inuyasha and Kikyo spoke? Maybe there secret relation ship secretly broke up!” Kagome sighed. Even if she was the type of girl to just go up and talk t people, she wouldn’t to anyone at this school. It was like star crazy paparazzi wanting a glimpse of the stars, see how they live, talk, eat, and breath. She sighed maybe Hojo wasn’t so bad, he was always there when she had no one to talk to……Oh god, I’m missing Hojo. Ho more pathetic can I----

Watch it wench!” a blurry of silver push past her.

“Hey! Who do you think your calling a wench you…….INU!” they quart yard fell silent and the sliver victor turned around…

“Do you know who I am?” he hissed.

“ Do you think I care?” she hissed back. He lunged forward. She dodge and stared him down.

“INUYASHA!” a old woman hobbled towards them. He cursed onder his breath.

“What, old hag?” the woman hissed and tugged on his sleeve.

“Your coming with me….” she pulled him off he shouted threats at her the whole way. But right before he got out of ear shot he yelled.

“I’ll gt you…my ugly!” then he disappeared. Kagome sighed, great now she had the plague. The people around her were trying to get away from her as fast as possible…..ok so maybe pissing him off wasn’t the greatest idea. And in those movies don’t the principles usually pull on people ears? WAIT! Did he even have ears?