InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Jewel of Four Souls ❯ Startling Failure ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's Chapter 10, enjoy and review!
Disclaimer: Let's see…10 chapters down… nope still don't own anything other than this plot.
Chapter 10 “Startling Failure”
“Is everyone ready?”
Sango and Shippo nodded. InuYasha didn't move in the slightest way. A tense moment passed as Miroku gave the nod to proceed…
Silently, the group stared on. Second by second slips away as the room remained dead silent. The torches on the wall glowing brightly as the flames danced wildly. A soft sigh was heard just as the torches started to burn blue in color. Very startled, everyone held their ground as the Sacred Jewel began to glow brightly in Kagome's hands. Beneath their feet each of the symbols lit up in a respective color for their sign. The red of Ai, the blue of Chi, the yellow of Shin, and the Green of Yuu all shone vibrantly. The jewel rose from Kagome's hands and floated above her as the light from the circles began to radiate up and out in a cone like state. From the jewel, 4 beams of intense white light struck the center of each circle as a small colored orb began to burrow out of the ground. The small glittering orb from each circle spun around their respective occupant's body before erupting in a shower of sparks over their heads.
Stunned, Miroku watched on intently as the fascination began to run rampant. Sango was in a near trance like state while Shippo cowered slightly from the unexpected happenings. The sparks coating each occupant as they glowed vibrantly in color. Slowly, the color from three of the circles faded and soon became dark as they once were. Sango shook off the trance-like state and noticed that only Miroku's circle was still lit. The Sacred Jewel too only projected one beam of light as it floated above Kagome.
“What happened?”
“Apparently we only have one of the spirits.” Miroku said. “And I'm also stuck.”
“Awww! We're gonna die!” Shippo shouted in a panic.
“…Wait, what am I thinking? We're not trying to create a new sacred jewel like Izumo! We're trying to revive someone!” Miroku said, wanting to smack himself in the head for being rather dense on not realizing it sooner.
Sango quirked an eyebrow, “So?”
“So, maybe the ritual will only work if we stand according to how the deceased person views us as!”
“Look, Kagome is the said deceased person right?”
“Then obviously we weren't arranged on how She views us.”
“Oh I get it!” Shippo realized. “So Kagome doesn't consider me a friend?” He instantly frowned from hurt.
“Perhaps maybe she loves you more than a friend.”
“Hey yeah!” Shippo smiled and bounded over to the Ai symbol where Sango was. Kagome had to have loved him like a cute fuzzy son.
“What about me and InuYasha?”
“Since InuYasha isn't the brave one, he must be the Nigemitama spirit. And you, Sango, the Aramitama spirit; the sprit of bravery.”
Sango re-positioned herself in the Yuu circle while InuYasha quietly moved to the Shin circle. He did seem slightly annoyed but hid it well. Miroku internally gleamed with joy upon seeing that the ritual was indeed working. Now all they had to do was position their selves' right. That, or hope they possess all four of the spirits. If they didn't, doom was sure to follow. He hoped too that they didn't have a limited number of chances at trying this too. But there was no time to dwindle on that fact.
“Is everyone ready?” Miroku asked from within the shimmering blue light that surrounded him.
Sango gave a nod to confirm that.
“Shin.” InuYasha meekly said.
The three circles lit back up once again as the Sacred Jewel replaced the light at their feet. Sango prayed, hoping that this would finally work as the small colored orb floated upwards and over her head once again. Raining down sparks, the lights and colors remained active. Miroku gave a nod of approval seeing as they got it right. However that realization quickly faded as one by one the lights of the same three circles dimmed and faded completely again.
“What?!” Sango said in shock.
“Aw, Kagome doesn't love me…” Shippo said with a sad tone. Slumping down the kitsune pouted slightly. Almost appearing teary eyed.
“Hmm, there's still one more place each of you haven't been. If that doesn't work…we're doomed.” Miroku stated from his place inside the blue Chi circle.
“So then I should be Shin then, right?” Sango asked.
“Yes, apparently Kagome views you as a dear friend. You two are quite close aren't you?”
“Yeah, we were.” She smiled, remembering the special bond they shared.
“Then it should work.”
“Kagome thinks I'm brave?” Shippo asked in a puzzled fashion.
“Indeed so. You've been very brave in our travels Shippo.” Miroku realized.
“Yeah. How many times did you help us while in danger?” Sango questioned supportively.
“Uhh…lots of times I guess.”
“Now I see why Kagome may think the same way. Plus, you were even brave enough to face Naraku too.”
“But Kagome didn't let me fight.”
“She was looking out for you. But you still wanted to face off against Naraku. Despite how dangerous it would be. That sounds brave to me.”
Shippo pondered his said bravery as he quietly moved to his respective place, as did Sango.
“Then that means…”
Everyone turned and stared directly at InuYasha. His face said it all. The complete and utter shock and devastation was written plainly on his face. He backed up against the wall and clutched it for dear life as his breathing rate increased.
“…No…” He shook his head slowly as though he was in a frantic panic. Like a dear caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck.
“She…she…” Sango stammered on.
Miroku and Shippo remained quiet. Too stunned to even comprehend the gravity of the situation. That InuYasha was the Sakimitana spirit, the spirit of love. Though there still was that chance that one if not all three could still be wrong. And if so, their lives would be forfeit. In any case, InuYasha remained with his back pressed against the wall as he breathed heavily and stared with the same shocked expression directly at where Kagome laid.
He didn't respond as his breathing rate increased further.
“After everything that's happened… Kagome…” Sango turned her head slightly, finally piecing together everything. It all made sense now as to why Kagome was so troubled and so hurt before the battle that ended up taking her life. She had seen Kikyo and InuYasha together. And something they did devastated her heart. Her love. Sango couldn't understand why Kagome kept it secret, even from her. However, realizing that InuYasha probably still loved Kikyo would ultimately defeat Kagome's feelings. And thus, she hid them in order to hold onto her heart. …or what remained of it.
“She still loves him.” Sango said quietly to herself, wondering if it was indeed true or not. InuYasha heard what she said and froze in his panicked state. He didn't move, but still had the shocked look on his face.
“InuYasha, it doesn't matter how you feel about Kagome. But for the sake of her life, please…”
InuYasha eased himself off the wall and nearly fell over in exhaustion from his panicked state. Looking like a death-row inmate about to be executed, he slowly and hesitantly made his way to the Ai circle. He wanted to run. He wanted to hide. He wanted to die. Miroku still felt that chance of this not working still existed. Sango was even more worried. If InuYasha caused enough damage, Kagome might have actually lost her love for him. And though InuYasha didn't realize it, he just very well might have.
“This is it… if this doesn't work…”
“We're all doomed.” Sango finished for him.
“…A…A-a…Ai.” InuYasha stammered, unable to piece together any other coherent words.
Once again all four circles were lit. The three others back bright once again. From the Sacred Jewel the intense white light shone to the center of the symbols for a third time. And out from the ground came the mystical shimmering orb that spiraled around the respective person's body. Exploding into a shower of sparks that rained down upon their occupants. Miroku watched each circle intently, seeing if any would go out. So far, each one remained lit.
Sango too was looking for signs of fading. She particularly looked at InuYasha's circle. The red light from it seemed to dim slowly. Miroku panicked seeing the red light began to fade knowing if it goes out everyone would join Kagome in eternal sleep. InuYasha didn't even seem concerned or to even notice as his gaze remained affixed on Kagome. He just simply couldn't believe it. Whether or not his light fades, Kagome still had loved him as Sango had said.
`She…she loved me?'
Bracing their selves, Miroku awaited their Judgment Day. Taking a peek, he noticed the red light growing all the more dimmer. As though there was uncertainty. It was only a matter of time anyway before that uncertainty was cleared. Sango looked to InuYasha with a hurtful expression. She couldn't bring herself to blame the hanyou for anything. He didn't know of Kagome's feelings, nor did he know she was going to die in the battle. She noticed his head slowly descend as he stared at the ground and into the faint red light.
`Forgive me Kagome…'
InuYasha silently apologized again for his failure in protecting the young miko. And for hurting her in ways that he didn't know he was till now. Miroku seemed puzzled as the red light suddenly took a turn and began glowing brighter. Sango saw it too as she gasped as InuYasha's circle was back at it's full gleaming glory. The shimmering colors around the each of them flared to a white and yellow color before swirling around each person in the circles. The uncertainty was cleared.
Everyone braced their selves as a strong gust of wind was felt from within the vortexes that were each spirit-circle. Dieing down, the white sparks floated in a gravity-less orbit around each circle. Many lost its light and disappeared from sight but thousands still remained. The Sacred Jewel rose slightly higher over Kagome before firing a large shaft of yellow, green, blue, and red light at each of the pedestals that stood just outside of each circle. A colored symbol appeared from each pedestal that represented one of the four spirits. Four symbols in all. Sango could only stare in awe as each symbol then shot forth its respective colored light energies directly at Kagome. Her body lifted from the alter a few centimeters as pulses were heard throughout the room.
Slowly, the sparks that floated about faded as Kagome's body was gently lowered back onto the alter. The lights all slowly fading from each of the pedestals. Soon after the jewel's light dimmed as well. Before long, the only light left was from the torches. The jewel shimmered and gleamed brightly a pink hue as it floated, providing another small source of light. An intense flash shone, making everyone shield his or her eyes.
Miroku was the first to notice a moment later that the jewel had disappeared. Possibly for good…
Sango gasped as she saw a slight movement come from the alter. Able to move now, she was the first to rush to Kagome's side. Miroku and Shippo joined quickly after. Staring down at their friend, her eyes fluttered open slowly as she gave a weak smile.
“Kagome!” Everyone said in unison, save for InuYasha who was oddly quiet.
“…In…InuYasha…” came a meek and quiet sound from Kagome.
Sango turned but saw no hanyou. Miroku looked up briefly as well. InuYasha had disappeared! Kagome weakly looked around, wanting to see all her friends but only able to see three. She tried to reach out and speak again, but her body was still too weak to do so and in turn her hand flopped down upon her chest.
“You should rest.” Miroku consoled her.
He didn't even finish that statement when Kagome was already fast asleep. They could tell she was indeed alive due to her breathing. Sighing in complete relief and happiness, the group remained gathered around Kagome. InuYasha however had left. Through no one knew exactly why. For now however, they weren't concerned about his whereabouts. Each one of them was too glad to let him spoil the moment.
For they finally had Kagome back…
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Wow…what a roller coaster ride that was! But is the ride over yet? Looks like we'll have to find out next time!
-King RTS - I'm the King of My World!