InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Jewel of Four Souls ❯ Lives of the Fallen ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello to you all, and happy Spring! Lol, Ok, so I'm a few days off. To celebrate the end of the cold winter, at least in most places, I give you chapter 12!
Thanks to all of you who reviewed the last chapter. ^_^ And especially those of you who've been replying to most the other chapters as well!
Disclaimer: 12 Chapters down… still don't own much of anything.
Chapter 12 “Lives of the Fallen”
Nearly a month has past since Kagome left the Feudal era and returned home to her own time. Her mother, brother, and grandfather all cried with joy at her newfound life and safe return. Naturally, the three of them didn't let the poor girl out of their sight for long. Though it did get annoying, Kagome really didn't mind too much after her several year absence from being home. Sure, she did come and visit every now and then during her journeys, but this was the first time since her fifteenth birthday that she was able to be with her family and finally relax and get back to her normal life. Almost three years have passed since that time.
And getting back to normal life was indeed what Kagome did. Shortly after returning home, Kagome had gone back to school and caught back up in her studies. She wasn't acing anything, save for the Feudal Era part of history, nor was she failing. One could be proud of the efforts she made to make up in all her studies. Amazing how she even made it into high school in the first place.
For the first week after getting back, she didn't feel the least bit sorry for leaving everyone behind. And not once did her mind think of him. To her, it was almost as if it was all a fairy tale; a Feudal Fairytale. Her friends were naturally happy to see her back and frequently around. Of course they wondered about what she was up to as of late. Kagome refused to tell them anything. Not even anything made up.
One day, Kagome's world was nearly turned upside down thanks to her friends. For the former miko, it seemed like it would be a rather good day. No tests, no homework, no worries. A day to truly relax and spend some time with her friends…
“Isn't it nice to hang out a lot more?”
“Yeah. Kagome has been healthy a lot these past two weeks. I think she's setting a new record!”
“I bet it's all thanks to Hojo.” Eri said, making all but Kagome giggle for a brief moment.
“Or was it your boyfriend, InuYasha?”
“Yeah, how is he?”
Kagome paused and glanced downwards. Her friends paused a few steps ahead and looked back in question. Something about that just didn't seem right.
“InuYasha who?” Was Kagome's simple, yet fierce reply as she pushed past her friends without so much as another word. Her hair covering her face, hiding her emotions from the rest of the world.
The three girls were rather perplexed.
“Was it something I said?” Yuka wondered.
“I think something's going on between them.”
“Kagome! Come on, what's wrong?”
She didn't reply. Instead, she kept walking. Hastening her pace.
“He's two timing you isn't he?” Eri stated as she stood in front of Kagome. Trying to stop her and get her to talk. No reply came.
“Tell us what's going on.”
“Yeah, we want to help. I mean he didn't seem all that bad.”
“He was-“
“Never speak of him, got that?!” Kagome viciously said to her friends before again storming past them.
The three girls stood in a scared-shock. This wasn't the Kagome they knew. This just wasn't her. Something must have happened. What they didn't know. And apparently Kagome wasn't about to tell either.
Kagome's aggressiveness once again came out soon after that, when she almost literally pushed her friends out of her life. It was almost safe to say that her friendship with Eri, Aymui, and Yuka was damaged. Little by little, Kagome's social life was on the decline as her friends became both scared and upset with her. Others too began to stray from her as well.
Things did get a little better two-weeks after that when she went out on a small date with Hojo. In which of course she was forced into. Needless to say it wasn't super special or anything, but she did admit to having a rather good time. She even accepted another date for next weekend. Since their dating, Kagome's mood has been lifted slightly and her friends did begin to trust her and actually accept her once again. However, they are still weary.
Though she couldn't keep everything blocked up forever. Thoughts of the Feudal Era began to creep back into her mind once again after its long absence. Her friends there: Sango and Miroku, the little kitsune, Shippo, Kirara, and everyone else she's come to meet over the years. Even `he' came to mind once. But nothing in particular about him…not even any thoughts of `him' being a egomaniacal jerk. Just a quick image of him popped into her head… smiling as though he hadn't a care in the world.
Shortly after, Kagome began remembering InuYasha's face before dropping into the well. The devastated look. It didn't take her long to start admitting to herself that she made a terrible mistake. The mistake of acting no better he does. By letting her anger overwhelm her. When one thinks about it, it was almost as though she transformed into a demon: a demon that couldn't control their actions. Much like InuYasha when he transformed.
Despite that, Kagome tried to remain strong. Her time traveling days were over. She had to let them go. No matter what happened…
-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Back in the Feudal era, Sango and Miroku were hard at work rebuilding the demon slayer's village. Kohaku was around too every now and then when not attending to certain needs elsewhere. Currently, the couple was just that. Still trying to adjust to each other's presence and affections. Much progress has been made in their relationship status during the past month's time.
For instance, Miroku has learned not to fondle Sango every chance he gets. And at times, Sango actually allows him to touch her. It took Miroku a while to actually even accept that invitation. It's as thought that “forbidden fruit” no longer existed. The thrill of doing something he knew he shouldn't didn't exist when she gave him an invite to touch her. Miroku had a bit of a time trying to adjust to that.
Sango one day even got up the nerve to kiss her future lover. Miroku accepted that one with glee and a good fondle to her rear. Of course, like a good majority of the couples, they did have some squabbles and tiffs. All of which were resolved in a somewhat peaceful manner. Save for a stray Hiraikotsu attack or two, and one long night outside. The Feudal version of sleeping on the couch…
Shippo began tending to Kaede and helping around her village not too long after Miroku and Sango had left. Being old and often sickly has left the old miko in a state of unrest. She greatly appreciated the help of the young kitsune. The villagers even didn't mind having him around either. Especially after he bravely fought off several demon attacks upon the village and/or its people. Shippo was hard working and a good leader amongst the town. Life seemed pretty good.
Kouga, the fearless leader of the wolf-demon tribe, remained at the head of command. What was left of the other packs after Naraku's attacks have long since merged in with what remained of his own pack. A scant two hundred ten of the formerly tens-of-thousands remained. After the news of Naraku's defeat, much of the wolf-demon tribe went back to trying to rebuild and continue on with their lives.
But all hell nearly broke loose over a month ago when Kouga got news of Kagome's death. Not quite one-hundred percent, he charged off looking for the `stupid-mutt' that was supposed to protect her. What he found first however, was even better. Catching onto Kagome's faint scent, he went to see her. Only to be confirmed that she was indeed gone from the world. His senses then caught on to two of the jewel-shards that still bore his own scent. And thus, he had recovered the two shards that Naraku took from him. Ignoring the rest of the jewel and other shards that he didn't seem to sense. Determined and now back to his old self, his journey went on to find InuYasha. Much to his delight, his `repulsing' scent came quickly. And sure enough, he found him. Though he was disappointed that the hanyou was already wounded badly, but he didn't care. InuYasha was always stubborn and willing to fight.
And so on that day, Kouga squared off against his rival for Kagome's affections. At least, that's how he viewed it as. It almost sickened him that InuYasha refused to fight back. Normally, that'd kick in something from his instincts, but being too bent on revenge, ignored it.
At long last, Kouga had finally gotten some sort of reaction out of InuYasha. Finally, he was fighting back. Almost, too well really despite it only being a sucker punch. Kouga decided to quickly end it all with a final attack. The hanyou appeared dead and him victorious. But his victory was short lived when InuYasha somehow managed to suddenly attack with much ferocity.
Upon sensing his demon blood, his full-demon blood, Kouga was literally shaken to the bone with fear. Never before had the hanyou scared him this badly. He could almost feel and sense the intentions of InuYasha: Kill. Not wanting to give up, and finally getting the fight he wanted, Kouga fool-heartedly rushed into battle. Completely ignoring the monk's plea for him to run.
Looking back at it, Kouga often wondered if he should have. InuYasha was indeed quite formidable in his demonic state, perhaps even nearly unstoppable. He was just thankful to be alive.
While hurt and still recovering, he heard news of Kagome's revival. And her sudden departure. Though much of the details were unknown, and Miroku and Sango never discussed what took place on that day with him. He knew however, InuYasha was at fault once again. And a part of him just itched to fight with the hanyou again. However, not a trace has been found of InuYasha since Kagome's departure. Thinking he's as good as dead, Kouga went back to leading his comrades and trying to move on.
Much to his dismay however, Ayame was now around after the merging of what remained of the northern pack. He was a little thankful that she didn't bother him much. Yet, something about her kept intriguing him. During the past few weeks, he noted how much of a leader she had become in his absence and recovery state. Which of course tended to remind him of Kagome. He hated to admit it, but the wolf-demon-woman, Ayame, was starting to grow on him. But for now, his fascination remained with the human miko.
But the question had come up between Miroku and Sango as to why Tetsusaiga didn't reject InuYasha in his full demon state. Totosai explained to Myoga that InuYasha's intentions were merely to protect his very life. Not recklessly kill. And being a sword of protection, allowed him to wield it. Though both demons did find it odd as to why the demon blood of InuYasha would even consider using the sword opposed to his own claws and fangs. Perhaps he did indeed sense the power the Tetsusaiga held and thus in turn used it. Yet there was another possible reason as well. Now that the sword was forged from both his father's and InuYasha's own fang, it would allow him to wield it so long as some demon blood was flowing through him. Whether it'd be very minimal or complete. Myoga did recall the hearing of InuYasha's demon form wielding the sword once before not too long ago. Perhaps the hanyou was indeed stronger than they first thought.
“It's such a nice morning.”
“Ahye, indeed it is.”
“How are you feeling Kaede?”
“I am feeling fine my dear boy.”
“That's good.”
“I must say, I am grateful at your generosity.”
“Really? I mean… I'm doing a good job?”
“Shippo, ye are doing a wonderful job.”
The small kitsune beamed excitedly as he strode out of the hut he called home. The one he shared with Kaede. Glancing about he noticed many of the villagers were already out and about tending to the fields or their families. He felt proud to be the one to watch over and protect them from any threat. Bravely he stands up to any and all whom intend to do harm. And on more than one occasion, he has fought off such threats. He was a hero, a leader in the eyes of the inhabitants of the town.
“Morn' Master Shippo.” One person walking by greeted him.
“It's been a month now, hasn't it?” Kaede's voice called out from behind him shortly after the man disappeared from sight.
“Yeah.” Shippo half-sighed. There wasn't a day when he wouldn't forget his long-lost stepmother. Sure, he did miss the treats and presents, but most of all he missed the affections Kagome would bring him. Her care and concern, her love, everything. `Stupid InuYasha had to go and ruin it!' He scoffed.
“Though everything is as it should be.” She half-lied. Truth be told something felt off. Something felt missing. It didn't take much thought to know what, or whom, still there was nothing that could be done about it.
“Is InuYasha still missing?” Shippo asked, feeling the urge to give him a good swift kick in the face to perhaps knock some sense into the hanyou. It was clear that the kitsune was upset at the half-demon. Although Kaede felt that he wasn't entirely to blame.
“I'm afraid no one has seen him in quite some time.”
“Stupid InuYasha.” `Always running off…'
“By now, I'd say he's taken the journey with my sister to the underworld. He may vary well be dead.”
“Good…who needs him anyway?”
Kaede moved her gaze skywards while Shippo pouted in a huff. “We all miss him…”
Shippo eased up a bit but still seemed hostile. Grumping, he went back into the hut leaving Kaede outside. It seemed the little kitsune missed his adopted family dearly. More than he was letting on. InuYasha wasn't just a companion. No, he was much more. The old miko felt that Shippo looked up to the hanyou as more of a fatherly figure. Although InuYasha was young himself and does act childish at times, he's still strong and courageous. And is always around when danger is near. Protecting everyone. Where his lack of knowledge lays, it is filled by his strength and fighting ability. She knew InuYasha was tough on Shippo, and that's in order to prepare him for the real world. Where nothing is easy. Nothing is just given to you. He was inadvertently teaching the young kitsune how to fend for himself. Make something out of nothing. Perhaps even be someone. Be a strong demon and be looked up to as one. Something that InuYasha felt that he never would achieve. And something InuYasha had to teach himself.
`Are ye still alive somewhere InuYasha?' Kaede could only wonder.
-King RTS- “I'm the King of My World!”