InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Journey of the Half-Immortal ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eight
Sesshoumaru stopped running. No one was after him and Jaken and Rin were ok for a little while longer. He had to make sure Aniu was ok. He looked around and saw a small pile of leaves at the base of a wide oak tree. The leaves were still green so they would be comfortable. He laid her down carefully, propping her head against the trunk of the tree. Her head turned away from him limply, not like she did it herself. He put his fingers to her pulse and felt that it was thready and fading. He actually looked at her now and noticed she was barely breathing.
Rain clouds come to play, again. Has no one told you she's not breathing…
Sesshoumaru pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her waist almost like he did in the cave. He kissed the top of her head and then leaned his cheek on her head.
“Don't leave me, Aniu. Don't go. You can make it, I know you can. Come back to us, to me.” His voice almost sounded like it was choked by tears.
Well, can you feel those arms around you? Well, can you see this place surround you? Well, can you hear the people calling…
Aniu didn't respond and he felt her fading faster.
“Please Aniu. Stay with me.”
Come On Now, Stay Right here in the light, So that you won't walk away, away…
He felt her pulse skip a beat then come back a little stronger. With every beat it grew a little stronger and so did her breathing. His arms tightened around her. “Come on you can do it just stay here. Stay with me.”
How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb... Without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold. Until you find it there and lead it back home…
Aniu whimpered. A small, quiet sound but he heard it. He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
I've been sleeping a thousand years, it seems. Got to open my eyes to everything…
Aniu slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and wondered where she was and who was pressed against her back. She suddenly remembered Naraku and him trying to take over her mind then the power. That power, so much of it, then nothing. So who was she lying against? Fear overwhelmed her. She struggled little because she was so weak.
“Sshh, it's ok.”
Aniu relaxed knowing that she was with Sesshoumaru.
Closing your eyes to disappear, you pray your dreams will leave you here. But still you wake and know the truth, No one's there…
Sesshoumaru moved his hand to her head and stroked her hair. Aniu closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Her pulse and breathing were getting stronger every second. How come? Sesshoumaru was just as baffled as Aniu but he didn't complain. He just wanted her alive and well.
* * * * *
It was close to noon when Aniu woke again. She felt better than she had before, snuggled up against Sesshoumaru helped too. Why was she feeling this way about him?
Aniu turned her head so she could see his face. He was leaning up against a tree; his eyes were closed hiding the amazing amber of them. She smiled and studied his face for a few moments. She licked her lips then sat up in his lap. She put one hand on his shoulder and the other cradling one side of his face. She leaned into him and laid a gentle kiss on his lips. She tasted salt on his lips. It confused her for a minute and she pulled back. Then she really looked at him and saw tear streaks that lined his face. Sesshoumaru never cried. So why did he cry this time? She didn't want him to cry. She leaned in again and laid another gentle kiss on his lips. This time he stirred.
Sesshoumaru felt her lips on his and he kissed her back, tasting her and the salt from his lips. He moved his hand to the back of her neck and pushed her against his mouth a little harder as he reacted to the kiss. He wondered what the salt taste was from and then remembered he had been crying when he thought he would lose Aniu. Why? He had only been with her for a few weeks. He pulled back from the kiss and looked into those dark green eyes of hers. They weren't blank like when Naraku tried to take her over, they were filled with happiness but behind that was sadness. Her eyes glittered with unshed tears as she realized that Sesshoumaru had shed tears for her. He pushed her back to him and kissed her. Was he in love? Did he really care for Aniu?
Without the mask, where will you hide? Can't find yourself, Lost in your lies. I know the truth now, I know who you are. And I don't love you anymore. It never was and never will be, you don't know how you betrayed me. And somehow you've got everybody fooled...
* * * * *