InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Only Way Out ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
If you refuse to talk to me, what am I suppose to do? How am I supposed to react, if you don’t care about me? You say I’m important to you, but am I? You’re never there for me… Why don’t you tell me how you really feel? Am I supposed to read on your face what you’re thinking?
I don’t know if I’ll like what I see there… I am…what am I exactly? Please tell me! Tell me before I lose my mind… Oh! God… I’m so tired… I’m tired of repeating the same thing… Day after day… When I see you running to her… Holding her, protecting her, caring for her in that way… Her… I think I’m going crazy… Even when I try my best, it’s never enough for you… I tried to be like her…
Act like her, talk like her, think like her… But I’m not her… I’ll never be… You don’t see me… You just see her, only her…
I’m only a replacement… A second choice… I deserve better than this, better than your damn lame excuses… I’m human… I’m no object… You can’t just use me and then throw me away because you’re done with me! I’ve got feelings too you know! Oh yes and what feelings! So strong they will be my end. I’ve tried to be patient… I gave you many chances…one after another… But you kept doing it, didn’t you? Over and over again… You let me act a fool because I’m still useful to you but… But it seems like you don’t care about me anymore… Even if you try to hid it from me… I know you’re cheating on me and it hurts…
Oh! God, it hurts so damn much!
They say love is the most beautiful feeling of all, but the only thing I see is how deeply it hurts, how it kills you from the inside.
I say love should be forbidden, for the sake of people. If only you returned the feelings…
I would never have suffered like that.
Oh how much I suffered! And I still do, because you can’t change. You say you want to, but I know better.
If people could change so easily, don’t you think they would look happier? I see them. I see how lonely they truly are. Loneliness… Yes, I feel that too. And it’s destroying me…. Everything, love, loneliness, selfishness, all of it is killing me. I’m dead and yet I’m alive. Ha! Funny how alike we are now. I wonder what you would do if you knew. No, I know there would be no difference. You only have eyes for her… But I’m tired… Tired of hurting, tired of forgiving, tired of waiting… Way too tired to continue like this… So tired… It better end… It has to end… It must end… Right now… Now…             Je vous laisse décider des personnages: Kikyo ou Kagome, la situation peu très bien s’appliquer aux deux à mon avis.