InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Path of Jealousy and Fate ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sesshoumaru's golden hues followed her slowly. How could she, a simple human, pull his heart so? It sickened himself to think about it.
Kagome turned her head, her loose ebony hair blowing behind her on the late Summer breeze. Something was nagging at her, a feeling. For the past three days, she hadn't seen a single demon. Yet, she could feel one. Always following her. The faster she could get to the well, and back to her own time, the better.
Raising his head to the wind, Sesshoumaru pulled Toukijin from its sheath. The scent of another Demon was on the wind, tainting the air. Taking one last glance in Kagome's direction, he set off to find and kill the other.
Kagome stretched herself out in her sleeping bag. She kept the fire small, not really needing it on the warm night.
“Sutpid Inuyasha...” she muttered, tugging at a glossy lock of hair. “I'll just go home and forget about him -” she lowered her voice, “Like he did me.”
Narrowing his golden eyes, Sesshoumaru growled quietly. In the light of her fire, he could see a tear fall down her face. His half-breed of a brother was the cause of her pain.
“I hate you Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed to the Moon above her. Shoulders heaving, she began to sob.
Hearing her curse his brother she had once loved, lightened his heart. Yet, seeing her cry, made him angry. It was all so confusing. But he knew one thing for sure, he wanted Kagome. And Sesshoumaru always got what he wanted.
Kagome wiped at her eyes with a trembling hand and sniffed. How could Inuyasha be so cruel? How could he love Kikyo, and not know if would hurt her? Snuggling her face into her sleeping bag, she slowed her breathing and felt her self drift off.
Sesshoumaru walked up to Kagome steps silent, careful not to wake her. He gazed up at the Moon, the comforting light illuminating his pale face. Folding himself on the ground beside her, he reached towards Kagome's face. He brushed his claws over her cheek, and she tensed slightly.
“Inuyasha?” she whispered. Blinking her eyes, she moved her head. Catching a glimpse of silver, she raised her head.
“Hello?” She stood and looked about her. “Is anyone there?” she said, her voice just above a whisper. She stumbled, barefoot, away from her camp.
“Please? Someone?” she whispered beneath her breath.
Sesshoumaru watched her from a distance, his keen ears hanging on to every word she spoke.
Kagome felt tears well up behind her auburn eyes. She dropped to the ground and covered her face with her hands.
“Just a dream… but I saw him. I saw him.”
Narrowing his golden hues, Sesshoumaru clenched his teeth. He could smell her tears, and it made him anxious. He didn't want to be anxious, he didn't want her to cry. How could Inuyasha cause this girl so much pain? At the sound of snapping twigs, he jerked his head around.
Kagome stood from the ground and ran through the forest, away from her camp. She just needed to go - to get away. Tears blurring her vision, she stumbled and tripped.
Sesshoumaru followed her fleeting figure. Where was she going? His eyes widened when he saw her bare foot snag on a renegade tree root. Jumping forward, he caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.
White clothed strong arms caught Kagome just inches above the ground. Golden eyes, shielded beneath platinum bangs, gazed at her. He turned his head to the star struck sky, and she caught sight of his face. Red stripes accented a navy crescent moon.
“Sesshoumaru?” her eyes widened and she yanked at her foot still caught. “Please, I -”
“Do not fret Kagome.” He said quietly. Kagome blinked her eyes slowly, and closed them completely. Sesshoumaru felt her body relax in his arms. “You are safe now.”