InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Protector of Her Heart ❯ Beginning to Understand ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8: Beginning to Understand
It was a bright sunny day at the archery courts as a small crowd gathered around and watched as the princess held a bow in her hand, aiming at a target. Kagome hesitated for only a moment, before releasing the string. With a whirr through the air, the arrow flew before striking the target, hitting it dead center.
The nobles around her clapped, while Inuyasha looked at his charge with a small look of surprise on his face. She said she wanted to get some archery practice in today, but he didn't think that she would be that good. And…Kikyou was a good archer too…
No, no no! He would not compare them anymore! With what Kagome said to him the other day…it was clear that they were both different! Very different!
But whenever he was around her, he felt at ease…like he used to feel around Kikyou. Why was this happening again?
“Her Highness is quite good with a bow,” Miroku the monk commented.
“This is the first I've seen of it,” the hanyou replied, before pausing. “Wait…what are you doing out here?”
Grinning, the monk replied, “I came out to see the fun…and the ladies, of course.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes and turned away in disgust just as one of Kagome's friends, Lady Eri begged, “Please, Kagome, shoot a pink arrow!” A chorus of agreement roused around her.
The hanyou couldn't help but snort as he looked back at the princess. “A pink arrow? What the Hell is that?”
“You had better not underestimate it,” Countess Yuka warned, turning away in a huff. “It's a very powerful attack, and she is the only one who can do it.”
But that didn't change his mind. “Right. How powerful could something called a `pink arrow' be?”
“Just watch,” Kagome glared back at him, adjusting the tight sleeve of her fashionable blue gown as she raised the bow once more. She gave her knight protector one last piercing look before closing her eyes and focusing on the power within her. She then opened her eyes and fired—the arrow and the target both exploded in a boom and a flash of pink light.
While her friends clapped, Inuyasha was dumbstruck. She did that? One puny princess? So she wasn't one to be underestimated…
Looking at it more closely, he was sure it was some kind of purification power, but how would she get it? He thought again of the Shikon no Tama. Aha, so that was it. Since the royal family was entrusted to protecting the jewel, it would be obvious that some sacred powers would be passed down to protect it as well.
He found the arrow near the remains of the target, without a scratch on it. Inuyasha picked it up and studied it. So this is the power of the jewel…in addition to the power inherited by the royal family…it was be limitless!
His thoughts on the Shikon no Tama were silenced as he saw Kagome walking away, along with her friends, Lady Ayumi, Lady Eri, and Countess Yuka. Deciding that being her knight meant following her around whether she liked it or not, Inuyasha decided to catch up to them, not even realizing he still held the arrow in his hand. If they noticed he followed behind, they didn't say anything, as they continued their conversation.
Eri sighed, “Well, it seems that my Lord has taken to chasing the maids again…He'll never learn.”
“He's a man, Eri, it's what they do,” Ayumi explained.
Though the one man in the group had to speak his opinion, “That's not always true,” Inuyasha said at once, making the women turn. It seemed that they hadn't noticed him there at all.
Kagome's eyes narrowed, “Oh, Sir Inuyasha…you followed us?”
“Keh,” he muttered, going over to her side, but not too close. “I'm supposed to protect you, you know. I can't let you out of my sight.”
Admitting defeat, she answered, “Whatever. Just don't butt into our conversation again, Sir Inuyasha,” before turning back to her friends.
“Keh,” was his only reply.
Yuka, Ayumi, and Eri said nothing after their exchange. They all secretly had their skepticisms about a demon knight serving a human princess, but for the sake of Kagome, they spared her their thoughts. “Though, I'll have to agree with the knight, Ayumi, men aren't all bad, I suppose.”
“Kagome's right,” Yuka replied. “My husband has been perfectly devoted ever since the day we married.”
Eri rolled her eyes with mock annoyance. “That's because you have him wrapped around your finger, Yuka. We've seen how you play him—he wouldn't dare think of going to another woman with your charms around.”
Giggling slightly, Yuka admitted, “Well, if it keeps him here, what else am I to do? Our only weapon is our feminine wiles, so we had all best learn how to use them to greatest advantage.”
All nodded and smiled in agreement. Inuyasha however, could scarcely believe what he was hearing. So this was how women operated? They were far more dangerous than he thought!
Her red dress flowing in the wind behind her, Ayumi spoke, “Though, husbands aren't all bad, I suppose. My husband, for all his drinking, still comes to kiss me goodnight each night, even if he is not wanted.”
“And my lord has never struck me,” Eri thought, counting her blessings. “I heard that's happening to one of the duchesses, poor lady.”
Yuka didn't speak, but just smiled and looked away, no doubt imagining all the good things given to her by her husband, whom she thought was the most perfect and devoted husband in the world, even if she had to work hard to keep it that way.
But as Kagome listened to all her friends look on the bright side of being married, having a man to care and hold you for the rest of your life, the one single woman in the group began to get melancholy. Even without all the whispers and taunts in the shadows, it was hard for a woman who was a romantic at heart to think of living out her days as a spinster.
“If you will excuse me,” she spoke up, alerting her friends' attention. “I would like a rest…Archery practice made me tired.”
“All right, I suppose we'll see you at dinner,” the replied, to which Kagome nodded and walked away, towards the back of the palace. As was expected, Inuyasha followed her, and knew all too well that she was lying.
“So, one puny arrow makes you tired? You must be a lot weaker than you look,” he muttered, to which she whirled around.
Glaring, she asked, “Why did you follow me?”
Sighing, he repeated what he had said dozens of times ever since he had been assigned to her. “I think you should know by now, princess. I protect you.”
She turned back and continued marching on, this time looking angrier. “You will protect me only until I am married,” Kagome reminded him harshly. “Once I'm good and in some man's bed—”
The arrow he had been holding in his fist suddenly snapped, making Kagome turn around in surprise at the sharp noise. Inuyasha was glaring at the broken pieces in his hand, looking like he was angry at something, but when he noticed she was watching, he threw them away quickly and pretended nothing had happened.
After the slight disturbance, Kagome continued, turning away once more, “Once I'm married, I'll have no need of you.”
“Oh, I see,” he piped up. “So you'll marry the first dope that comes along just so you can be rid of me, is that it?”
“That's not it!”
With one jump, Inuyasha landed in front of her, asking in a serious voice, “Then what is it?”
Sighing, she decided it would be all right if she told him. She sat down on the hill behind the palace, her large, petticoated blue gown billowing around her. Inuyasha plopped down next to her, making her giggle slightly as she saw him sit like a dog. “You see…my mother was married at fifteen. Yuka was married at fourteen, Ayumi fifteen, and Eri sixteen. Most women are married at those ages, and yet here I am, seventeen, without a husband, and have broken more betrothals than I can count.”
Inuyasha noticed how her fingers slightly clenched the velvet material of her gown. She was a little nervous in revealing all this to him. She even looked… a little embarrassed. “There's nothing wrong with that,” he said, trying to put her at ease.
“There is.” She turned back, her eyes meeting his again, to try to make him understand. “I am the princess…I am supposed to be married young to make sure an heir is provided to the country, yet I am the oldest unmarried woman in the palace. And after my most recent betrothal was broken, people are beginning to call me the `Spinster Princess'.” And almost ironic smirk came on her face. “That name makes me sound like an old crone, not a woman of my age, doesn't it?”
“`Spinster Princess' huh?” Inuyasha asked, looking back out to the horizon. “I don't understand why men aren't lining up to marry you…You're a princess, aren't you?”
A small gust of wind came by, making Kagome hug her knees to her chest to keep her gown down as she also looked out towards the city below. “I don't know…But,” she remembered her fight with Lord Renkotsu a few days ago. “Perhaps it is because I am too outspoken about some things.”
Inuyasha snorted and looked away. It's true. Kagome noticed his snicker, but said nothing. He answered her with, “Are you really so eager to get out of scorn that you'll marry the first idiot that comes along?”
“I have a duty to my country to marry, Sir Inuyasha,” she reminded him sharply, her black hair being blown in front of her eyes. “I would go against everything, even if I ended up loving someone else, just to marry that `idiot', as you call it, and complete my duty.”
He couldn't disagree with her more. “So you'll even go against love?”
“Love has nothing to do with marriage, at least with betrothals,” Kagome retorted at once.
Amber eyes narrowing at her, the hanyou mused, “I forgot how they do it with nobles; marry someone to wealth or prestige, and keep a hidden lover or two for pleasure.”
“I'm not that type of woman!” she spat, her chocolate brown eyes so fierce that he regretted his comment for a moment. “I believe in wedding and betrothal vows. I would never betray anyone I was bound to in that way.”
As Inuyasha watched her, her brown eyes wild with determination, while her freely flying hair blew all around her, he couldn't help but feel a small pang in his chest. How could her views be so twisted? She actually believed she could live with a man she did not love for the rest of her life without pain, as long as it kept her from being called a bad name? She's going to be hurt badly when the time comes… And why did he suddenly wish he could come to her aid and protect her from that as well?
Maybe he was spending too much time with her… “Keh,” he muttered, turning away and looking back at the setting sun.
* * * * * * * *
Far away, in a dark forest, a cloaked man kneeled by a river, looking down into the deep water. His eyes focused upon the image that was presented to him; Princess Kagome, looking melancholy, looking out at the capitol of the human lands, with her knight protector at her side.
Kagura leaned against a tree next to her master, lazily calling up wind to blow dead leaves in boredom. Glaring back at him with her red eyes, she asked, “Are you finished yet?”
Her master smirked for a moment, looking back at the princess. “Look at that face,” he grinned. “She really is the spitting image of her cousin Kikyou.” He chuckled for a moment as the image dissolved away into the water, leaving no remnants in its wake.
“It seems your plan isn't going as well as we would have hoped,” she commented, making sure to hide her smirk at his shortcoming. “Inuyasha hasn't tried at all to steal the Shikon no Tama at all, when you specifically said he would go after it within days.”
Standing up, her master glared at her from under the cloak. “It is true, the bastard son of the Inu no Taishou that I knew would have gone after the jewel sooner, to turn himself into a full demon and no longer face the hardships of living as a half-breed.”
“Then you admit your plan was a failure from the start, and will have to try another tactic?” asked Kagura, looking more interested.
“All is not lost yet,” he reminded her sternly. “More is coming from this loss than I anticipated.”
He grinned to himself, and she could only glance back, puzzled. “Why, what are you planning on doing?”
Glancing high up at the grey clouds above as he mused on his plan, the master explained, “Perhaps it is time we learned just how much Inuyasha cares for her.”
His foreboding statement left a bad taste in her mouth. “You think he cares for her? I admit, I saw nothing that could claim that.”
“It was what wasn't seen that made all the difference,” he explained, a sinister chuckle coming from him. “The time has come, Kagura…for that other plan we talked about.”
Red eyes widened as she understood. “Wait…” she whispered in shock. “You won't…you won't think of falling back on that, would you?”
Sighing, her master explained, “When it comes to the Shikon no Tama, I must risk it.”
“You are insane!” she yelled, brandishing her fan dangerously. “I know this is about the Shikon no Tama, but if it gets out of hand, do you realize what you could do? Everything could be ruined if you don't—”
She was cut off as the cloaked man suddenly leapt forward, grabbing her hand that held her fan, while the other gripped her chin, forcing her to look up into his piercing eyes in submission. Kagura gasped for a moment as he caught her, before she released her weapon, his maroon eyes bearing into her very soul. He could kill her right now, and there would be nothing she could do about it.
“You forget, Kagura.” His voice became lower, and more dangerous. “I am the master, and you are the slave…A slave who sold herself to be free from that low life brothel in the Demon Lands.”
She kept the fierce look in her eyes, but trembled as he spoke the truth. “You have been nothing more than a slave all your life, and you had best learn to listen to your masters. Remember this well…you are merely a pawn in this plan. And a pawn that moves out of line will be killed instantly. Do I make myself clear, Kagura?”
For a moment, she thought about retaliating, but for the sake of being alive with the hope of being free one day, she turned away, and replied, “Yes, master…” before he let her go.
While she collected her weapon after being chastised, he told her, “You will go to the Human Lands tonight, and we will begin the second phase of our plan. I will accept no mistakes from you, Kagura.”
“I understand,” she muttered, cursing him under her breath as she drew the feather from her hair and flew away. But you just wait…she added silently. Someday, you will be dead, and I will finally be free!
* * * * * * * *
Dear Kagome,
It seems that you are doing well. I got your last letter, filled with curses against your knight protector. I have to say, Kagome, I never expected to hear half those words written from you…is he really such an arrogant imbecile? I would trust your judgment, even if it was said in a rage, but given the state of the letter, I suppose I will have to see for myself.
Kohaku is doing much better now. The fever that called me away two months ago is finally gone, and he is brightening up quite a bit. I don't ever expect him to fully recover, but pushing him along the grounds has been good for him…he looks a lot more colorful. And so, Kagome, I might be coming back to court soon, if he does not send me away tomorrow. He thinks it is such a burden for me to rush home every once in a while for him, but he really doesn't know how much I enjoy it…Now with all this talk of murders, I count myself lucky that I have such and escape.
Really, Kagome, I think you should give your knight a chance. He may be `stubborn, arrogant, jealous, insufferable' and many more things I have surely forgotten, but you know you could not stay angry at him for long. I hope that you two are on better terms when I get back, because I would like to meet him, and watching you fight with him isn't exactly what I would have in mind.
Anyway, think about what I said. You always believe in the good in people, don't you? Perhaps you shall find it in him.
P.S. I'm sorry to hear about your broken betrothal. I forgot to mention it since your last letter seemed to be particularly focused on something else. I'll pray that another one can be found, and soon…and that whoever it is, you shall be happy.
Kagome smiled as she finished reading the letter from Sango. She hadn't heard from her dear friend since before Lord Onigumo was murdered. But she had sent a letter back, written only after Inuyasha had been assigned her knight, and it was indeed filled with anger driven words against him.
Glancing at the knight who was in the room with her, his eyes looking away and musing on deep thoughts, she supposed that perhaps her first impression of him was a bit unfair. Even though he had fought with her a lot at first, he was very devoted to his duty as her protector, or so it seemed.
Slowly, Kagome was beginning to understand him, and why he had judged her the way he had the first day he met. As a hanyou, she knew he had to have had a hard life, and he looked as if he trusted no one. Would he really never let anyone into his heart?
Thinking about Inuyasha as lonely made her sad for some reason, wondering what his life must have been like. The way he had spoken the other day…there was no mistake that he could have had a happier life than the one he was given. Was that why he was so bitter all the time?
Maybe someday, he can be happy, she thought, before adding. I want to see him happy, smiling…
“She seems like a nice lady,” Shippou, who was sitting in Kagome's lap said, looking at the letter.
Kagome smiled at the small boy. “Yes, Sango is one of my dearest friends…it's a pity she can't be here now.”
While Kagome looked at the child with kindness in her eyes, Inuyasha watched them. He had seen her with the fox demon before, since she told him early on she didn't want to see him killed by those with a grudge against demons. But seeing her be so motherly and tender to him added a new side to her personality that he had never seen. It made him remember his own mother, and how kind she was to him, so loving…before…
Kagome wiped her forehead, pushing her bangs out of the way. It was only spring, and yet it seemed so hot. It must be warming up faster than I thought this year…
“Is her brother really that ill?” Shippou asked, diverting her attention once again.
“Yes,” she sighed sadly, thinking about Kohaku. “Their village was attacked by demons years ago. Because the village had been attacked many times before because of how close it is to the border, the villagers knew how to fight, and the casualties weren't bad, but Sango's parents were killed, and her brother was so badly poisoned that he is still paralyzed, and sometimes the poison affects him badly. There is always a hope that he will walk again, but it is a small hope. So Sango says she will never marry and goes to take care of him whenever she can.”
“But won't it be lonely for her, if she never comes to court and she says she will never marry?”
“It's how Sango wants to live her life,” explained Kagome softly. “Perhaps she will be lonely, but she will sacrifice everything for her brother, so I guess it does not bother her.”
Inuyasha snorted, making Kagome turn around. She did not know he was in on the conversation. “You women are always so self sacrificing.”
She rolled her eyes in return. “We cannot all be like you, Sir Inuyasha. Some people have things they would sacrifice themselves for.”
That set him off. He seemed to be stopping himself short of saying something else, but after a moment, he growled, “I protect you!”
Instead of arguing with him, Kagome merely looked back him, her eyes shining softly, and smiling, “Yes…I suppose you have.”
Her words and voice alone were enough to make his eyes widen in surprise for a moment, and a small blush to break out on his face. He turned around sharply with a “Keh,” but secretly wondered why her smile made his heart thump a little too loudly in his chest…
Kagome took a deep breath and wiped her forehead again. Why was it so hot? Her sleeves felt too tight, and her skirt too heavy. Was it the heat that made it feel as if her bodice was squeezing her? Perhaps she should change into something a bit lighter later...And with the fire burning in the room, it felt stifling; it might feel better outdoors.
She stood up, letting Shippou jump off her lap. “I'm sorry Shippou, but I think I might get a little bit of fresh air for a moment…it feels too stuffy in here.”
“But Kagome,” he begged, “Can't I come with you?”
Giving him a sympathetic smile, she replied, “I'm sorry Shippou, but I can't let anyone else know about you yet. Just wait a little bit longer, and then I'll tell everyone and you'll have no problem going around this castle with me. I'm trying to keep you safe.”
He looked a little disappointed, but nodded, knowing she was only looking out for his safety. And he already knew what danger humans with a grudge and swords could do, so the little fox would bear it for as long as he could.
As she stepped out, Inuyasha followed her, as he was supposed to, but as they walked towards the grounds, she was much quieter than usual. “Sir Inuyasha,” she began, acting a little bit nervous. “You know…you were right, you have protected me, even though I suppose there is nothing too dangerous to protect me against now.”
He raised one eyebrow at her speech. He could smell the sweat on her, she was nervous about something. What was she getting at? “Yes?”
She turned away for a moment, “Well…I…I want to thank you.” Turning back, she spoke easier. “I want to thank you for it, even if we both did not like the situation in the beginning.”
“You don't need to thank me. All I did was follow you around and—”
“But I want to,” she cut in, her brown eyes pleading. “You…you've talked to me…and spoken to me unlike anyone has ever done before. It feels…I don't know, it feels like you know me better than anyone else because of what we have spoken of…Perhaps you know the real me better than Sango.”
Maybe that was true…after their realization a few days ago, he had tried to understand the princess as much as he could; what she thought about, her view of the world. And now, at least, he had a grasp of the Princess Kagome that the world never saw…the passions she cared about, and her secret desire to have the right to choose. “What of it?”
Kagome took a deep breath again. They weren't walking anymore, and it was still so hot. She could feel the sweat building up again, so much that it almost made her dizzy…Maybe a cold bath after this was called for too…to clear her head…Oh, what were they speaking about?
She turned away once more, and so did Inuyasha, as this awkward moment of silence came upon them. So, they knew each other better than most princesses and loyal knights, now what? “Sir Inuyasha…I think that maybe…maybe it's possible…that instead of just a princess and knight…we could be…be..frie…”
But she never finished her sentence as the heat and dizziness got to her, and Inuyasha turned around just in time to see the princess faint to the ground, covered in sweat. He didn't even think about formality as he yelled her true name for the first time, “Kagome!”
As he called her name and yelled at her to wake up, he didn't notice the woman seated upon a feather watching through the window close by, and then float back towards the Demon Lands.