InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Roommate ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time on The Roommate

"Maybe." I replied. But for some reason, it didn't sound right. Something was missing and I think it had to do with the new moon.

This time on The Roommate

"Would you give it a rest Inuyasha?" I asked tilting on my toes while taking a sharp munch of my granola bar. Inuyasha continued to rewind and fast-forward the credits. Guess he decided to ignore me. I hated when he had something on his mind and chose to ignore everything else I tried. I've lived with him for what, five days? I already had to abide by the book of Inuyasha-isms. The hanyou concentrated on the credits as they rolled back and forth while the ending song, playing Rainbow by Ayumi Hamasaki, was repeating over and over. I rolled my eyes, annoyed to death by the song playing umpteenth time. I didn't really understand the reason why I wasn't still mad at him. After all, he repeatedly attempted to pry into my past that I perfectly sculpted a wall around while I left his air bubble unharmed. I winced from my thoughts. It hurt when I tried to think about things like that. I think Inuyasha felt the shift in my aura because he paused the movie and turned towards me.

"Problem?" He grunted/asked. I shrugged. I didn't like when Inuyasha got worried about me because then he tended to be unable to resist the urge if annoyation. The hanyou rolled his eyes.

"Well if you don't want to tell me you don't have to." He said and unpaused the movie. 'How compassionate' I thought before he mumbled "Stupid wench". I inwardly grumbled.

"Egoistic fool" I countered.


"Kibbles!" I shouted. He gave me a questionable look.

"You know, Kibbles and Bits?" I replied. Inuyasha thought it over for a bit before his face hardened.

"Ugly!" He shouted back. We glared at each other, lightning flashing through the tension that was emitting around us.


"ORPHAN!" We released our final words in unison and then flinched back. I felt my jaw begin to shake and Inuyasha looked to the ground. I felt my ego grow small. A hand reached my shoulder but I flinched away from it. I didn't want to be touched. I began to flee to my room but Inuyasha was a step ahead. I felt a hand grasp mine.

"Oh no you don't. You called me a crack head as much as I called you a orphan so sit down." Inuyasha snapped. I could see pain in his eyes.

"You can't tell me what to do." I promptly spun back around and continued on my journey when I felt a tug. I turned to realize Inuyasha hadn't released me yet.

"Tough now sit." He replied. I obeyed and plopped on the couch armrest. I could tell I was in for a long talk. Inuyasha laid leisurely across the couch.

"So… what's your problem?" Inuyasha asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned. Inuyasha sighed, as if he was dealing with a two year old.

"I mean why did you react so violently when I called you an orphan?" I flinched as the word left his mouth. "Like that." He added as he witnessed the action. Looked past him towards the window, feeling the light illuminating my eyes.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I said lightly.

"Tough." Inuyasha countered. I looked down at him, fire burning brightly in my eyes.

"How about you? Why did you look so down in the desperados when I called you a crack head?" I shot.

"Desperados?" I guess he decided to feel stupid to try to ignore my question.

"Its Spanish genius." I replied dryly.

"I'm pretty sure it's from the Latin word desesperar." He danced around the main topic.

"Shut up. Now answer my question." A look of surprise crossed his face; I guess he thought I'd forget ever asking him.

"I asked you your question first!" He countered.

"I asked you second." I replied nonchalantly. I had no idea where this calm routine came from but I sure was enjoying it.

"What about Kouga?"

"What about Kikyou?"

"What about Sango?"

"What about Miroku?"

"What about your…parents?"


We were both flustered and silent after the array of questions being shot and countered and backfired. It was like a movie. We were both speechless so the only thing left was for us to answer the questions we asked.

"Kouga is just a friend." I mumbled quietly.

"Kikyou isn't." He replied.

"Sango is a gymnast."

"Miroku is a pervert."

"My parents are dead."

"My mom died because of my drugs."

The room was silent after our brief confessions. I looked up and Inuyasha and traced the contours of his face with my eyes. There was still so much I don't know about him, and in the five days we have been living with each other, I can already tell he is corrupted. So many thoughts have drifted through his small brain, probably at a young age, which made him mentally ice. I looked down at my hands. I myself am corrupted. I have bottled up way to many feelings. But I found a way to secure it, a way to keep those I love from being bothered by my problems.

I am so selfless.


I don't understand why Kagome and me were opening out to each other. Its just the fact that when I saw her stomping off to her room, and I smelt the salt of her tears, I immediately became my number one priority to grasp hold her and make sure everything was alright. I needed to know what happened to her. Whenever I brought up certain stuff it made her cry, so something must have happened around that topic when she was little. I shifted uncomfortably. The last word that battled its way out of my mouth was Drugs. And somehow my heart made its choice to tell Kagome about why my mother died. I felt my face grow white. The shame that held my heart and shattered it to pieces was released to a stranger who I had know for over a year or so and lived with for five days.

And I suddenly felt as if I was betraying the girl sitting across from me since the day I first kissed Kikyou.

I looked up into Kagome's sweet chocolate orbs and saw pain. I flinched. But it wasn't the pain her for what had happened to her, it was the sympathy I saw for my problems. No, it wasn't sympathy I saw, it was pity. I slammed my fist on the couch, which emitted a small squeak.

"Don't!" I growled. Kagome looked at me with startled eyes.

"Don't what?" She asked.

"Don't you dare pity me." I growled and bared my fangs. I hate pity. Kagome shrunk in my gaze.

"W-wha?" I could see her terror-stricken face.

"I don't want your damn sympathy. It's my fault she died. I can handle it." I snapped up and began to leave for Kikyou's when a small, soft hand grasped mine.

"Tough now sit." I could here the edge in her voice. I turned around and decided to test her power.

"Make me." I said slowly. She glared daggers at me. And suddenly,

A slap rang like a bell through the apartment.

I felt my body fall onto the couch by the force inserted into the assault.

"What the hell WOMAN!" I snapped as I rubbed my bruised cheek tenderly.

"SHUT UP! First when I come home you question me like a father from hell. Then you dare call me a slut. And you don't stop there; you go and eavesdrop through my door. AS IF YOU MAKING ME CRY ISNT ENOUGH!" She took in ragged breaths before she seethed through her teeth the rest. "You claim to know every damn thing that happens in every persons life! YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ME! Now when I ask you a question about your past you sure as hell better answer me or I'll make sure you'll never have kids with your damnable girlfriend Kikyou. Ever."

"Are you done yet?" I asked lazily in order to attempt to cover the sting her words released on me.


"Good. Now you want to know the answer to your question?" I asked, taking the dominant form again. She, once again, shrunk under my gaze.

"Yes." She replied in a small and frail voice. I brought my face closer until we were only inches apart.

"No." I said shortly and it looked as if she popped a vein. The girl brushed past me and headed to the kitchen.

"Well then." She said as she opened my Ramen cabinet. She grabbed the packet and threw it to the floor. I watched as her slipper clad foot came crashing down on the bag, causing Ramen pellets to scatter throughout the room, some pieces flying into oblivion and others flying into the air.


I looked on at the display before me.

"Are you done yet?" I asked with scalding eyes. She smirked.

"Yes your majesty." She spat doing a little curtsey.

"Good. Now would you answer me? Was the beef or Chicken?" I asked. She read the bag and smirked.

"It was beef. B-E-E-F." The girl drawled, amusement dancing through her eyes.

"YOUR DEAD STUPID WENCH!" I dashed into the kitchen after Kagome and the race was on.


I lay on the couch panting whilst Inuyasha watched me.

"So wench. Where did you learn to run so fast?" Inuyasha asked. I shrugged.

"Was the captain of the Track team before I dropped out of my old school." I replied taking a sip of my milk. Inuyasha lapped some up also.

"Dropped out?" He asked.

"Yeah. Had to move." She said curtly. Inuyasha licked his lips free of the milk.

"Oh. I dropped out of school for a while during my rebellion years." He said as he took in more milk.

"Didn't everybody have one." I commented as I took another sip. Inuyasha smiled on of his once-in-a-lifetime-amusement ones.

"Really now. What did you do?" Inuyasha scratched his neck. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and allowed him to examine all five holes.

"Damn. What else?" He asked.

"Had purple streaks in my hair for three years." I showed him a strand of fading purple hair. "What about you?" He shrugged and lapped up some more milk.

"Did some different stuff here and there." He shrugged. "Nothing permanent." I couldn't help but feel that that was only half the truth.

"Got any examples?" I asked, enjoying the bit of quality time we were spending. He shrugged.

"You know, w-" He stopped abruptly. Damn, I thought. As soon as he was getting comfortable talking, he catches his slip up.

"Nothing." The hanyou struggled a bit to turn towards the Television. W? I know I'm not that good with street talk. I only know one type of smoke and that is…well…cigarettes. But something in the back of my mind was telling me that he told me this information before. But it must have been late because it comes up blank whenever I think about it. I shrugged it off and changed the television to the astrology channel.

`and tonight you will be able to see that star brightly because tonight is the night of the new moon. So go out on your blankets families! This is a once in a century event!'

Inuyasha visibly tensed.

"N-New moon!" Inuyasha stammered.

"Yeah. N-New moon!" I mimicked.

"Not funny." Inuyasha tipped over bowl he was lapping out of and began to chew at the chain that the constricting him.

"Kagome please. You have to release me from stupid cage! I have to go!" Inuyasha pled.

"But the gray of the cage suits you. And I won the game anyway" I commented jokingly. Inuyasha replied with a dry look.

"I'm serious. Please." Inuyasha begged.

"That's okay." I said and turned up the volume of the Television.

`The moon isn't appearing. The comet is coming in ten!

"Please Kagome! You have to let me out!"




Inuyasha began to slam against the cage, causing the milk to slosh out of the cage.


"I'm not fucking kidding. Let me out for your own good." I continued to ignore him, enjoying the discomfort he was going through. But a part of me was screaming for me to release him.


I finally agreed and searched for the key.


I rescued the key and began trekking towards the hanyou.


I slipped the key into the lock


Turned once.


Turned twice.


Released the angry hanyou. But it was too late. Before my eyes was a man. An actual man. He had long black tresses that had a bit of a curl at the bottom and deep violet eyes. He wore a deep smirk.

"And just who are you?"

Sara: Told you it was a short chapter. This was just pretty much a filler and just put for the ending and the fact that they are getting closer, as friends. And it shows you that Inuyasha is starting to get more comfortable with Kagome around. The cage was just for laughs. And I worked on this instead of my literacy homework ^_^;;


Next Chapter Preview:

"So you have no idea who you are?" I asked questionably. I was starting to get worried. What's happening?

"Nope but I don't know that you are cute."

"Shut it."